July 2009 Mystery Socks Knitting Pattern: Cherry Motif with Optional Embellishments

Pattern illustration

You now need to chooe which motif cat you wil knit Thereae two options: 2 Strad Motifor 3Strand Motif. The2 Strand Mo tif is significantlyeasier, as you only need to work with two colors a atime. It is the best choice for those who are new to colorwork. You knit the toe accent motif with only strands at atime. The 3Strand Motif is more challnging, as 1/3 of the chart is knit with 3 colors carried at one time. Choose this motifif you are experienced with colorwork and are able to work stranded knitting with even tension and no puckering.


Work the egMotif chart of yourchoiceregular and wide widthoptions are givenforboth the easierand more challening leg motifs. The charts ae lrge and given on the last two pages. It may look awkward in the patern, but they are easiest to knit from this way.


Work corrugated ribbing in off white and charcoal for 2” or until desired height is reached. (Chart at left orwritten instructions below. Iftheribingistoolooe, consider dcrasing 2 or s inthe fial two rows ofthe lg motif chart efore starting the ribing :Corrugatedribbing: '\*pl Charcoal, kl Off White\* around. Bind offusing Elizabeth Zimmerman's sewn bind offor the stretchy bind off of your choice. Video Tutorial here: http:/ wwyoutube.com/watch?v $=$ MfavSY2Rug Weave in all ends!


It has been sugested thathe cherries on the socks are abi impresonstic. They lackstems, and the laves are ofset from fruit. One significant other even complimented his knitter on her “beautiful maple leaves"! So,if you prefer a more defined look, take your socks the extra mile and add some embroidery.At release time, my mother had already stolen the samle pair of cherres socks, so wel be relying on the creativity and photography of our fellow SKA members for examples. I'l be glad to provide my own ideas, plus links to ' tutorials and techniques. As abonus, I willbe running a mini contest within SKA at the beginning of September. Any member with afinished July 2009 Mystery sock can enter. llyou'll need to do is post your ffcal entryto the contest thread Don't lok for it nw, it won't beup until eptmber when everyoneis done with their socks.) and vote for your favorite sock. The sock with the most votes will win alitte prize from : me. Now's the chance to make your sock stand out!

Here are my ideas:

Pattern illustration

1.) Outline the leaves with back stitch or running stitch, using a contrasting green. (Much lighter or darker than the original.) 2.) Outline the cherries with back stitch or running stitch, using a contrasting red. (Much lighter or darker than the original.) 3.)Add back stitched black stems, running between the leaves and cherries. 4.)Add a black French knot where the stem meets the cherry. : Other ideas: \* Embroider with fingering or lace weight yarn. \* Embroider with traditional cotton floss. \* Add free form embroidery to the background of the motifs. \* Embroider filled in cherries and leaves over the striped portion of the foot. I can't wait to see what you come up with! Embroider & embellish to taste. Wash, block to shape and wear happily!

Resources for Embroidery

; Basic Embroidery Stitches: htp://www.sublimestitching.com/stitches How to Embroider on Knits: http://pimpstitch.typepad.com/blog/2008/09/tutorial-monday-embroidery-on-knitting.html

2 Strand Cuff Charts

Pattern illustration

3 Strand Cuff Charts

Pattern illustration

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