My First Top Down: A Detailed Knitting Pattern for a Sleeveless Cardigan with Raglan Increases


Pattern illustration

Size : 38 (Deutschland, Switzerland), 40 (France), 12 (USA, UK) Yarn : shown in Phoenix (Bernetta), 6 balls (1 ball : 50 g, 36,58 yds) Needles : circular needle n° 12 (France) / n° 17 (USA) 4 markers Gauge : 4” = 8 st and 12 rows Stiches : · garter stitch · stockinette Abreviations : Kfb : knit front and back of the st (1 inc.) PM:placemarker SM: slip marker With circular needle, cast on 52 sts, and knit 2 rows. Then you begin raglan increases : R1 (Right side) : k9, pm, k9, pm, k16, pm, k9, pm, k9 R2 (Wrong side) and every even row : knit all stitches, slipping markers. R3 : k9, kfb, sm, kfb, k9, kfb, sm, kfb, k16, kfb, sm, kfb, k9, kfb, sm, kfb, k9 = 8 increases a row R5, R7, R9 : as R3 : k to one st before marker, kfb, sm, kfb, k to one st before marker, kfb, sm, kfb, k to one st before marker, kfb, sm, kfb, k to one st before marker, kfb, sm, kfb, k to end. After R9, 124 st. R10 : k18, bind off 27 st, k34, bind off 27 st, k18. Yoke is over, it's the beginning of body (70 st on needle). Continue in stockinette, (purl wS), but keep 5 first and 5 last st in garter st, till height you want. You can knit last 10" in garter st. It would be wiser to check the harmhole to be sure it fits: at the end of R9, slip all st on a thread and try on the work. It's easy to knit some more rows, to increase 8 st a row. When good width is reached, knit R10, adapting stitches number, and begin body in stockinette.

Pattern illustration

To fasten this sleeveless cardigan, you can use a cute brooch, or, as I did, some strips : I cut three 10" woollen pieces and made a cord to be sewed on the front, or even just knotted in the edges.

Pattern illustration

I hope you'll have a good time to knit and wear it ! Contact : Blogs : Translation French/English Valérie SOURY :

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