A Twist of Scheveningen: Detailed Knitting Pattern for Traditional Dutch Fishermen's Socks


A Twist of Scheveningen Erry Pieters-Korteweg

Pattern illustration

Afbeelding 1: The fisherman in the middle is from Scheveningen.


Designing for my son with size 49/ 14,5 a pair of socks based on the knit-frock of the fishermen from Scheveningen, a coastal town in the Netherlands. The women of the fishermen from Scheveningen knitted the lower half of their sweaters in plain stockinette stitch. The upper half was decorated with some kind of cables. There were individual differences of how to connect the cables in the pattern together. The pattern of the upper half would mostly start with a zigzag edge. From a distance these differences would not show. Therefore all sweaters would look alike. More about these sweaters in the book Nederlandse Visserstruien by Henriette van der KliftTellegen (Bilt 1983). The picture above is taken from this book. The book has also been translated in English. The socks are designed for my son Bart with feet size 49/ 14,5 but can easily be adjusted to Other sizes.


Needle size 2,5 mm About 100 gram sock yarn. Because this is a cabled sock a solid or semi-solid yarn gives a better result.

Pattern illustration



In pattern: 48 st. and 40 rows = 10 x 10 cm. (unblocked). Please note that cables tend to pull together if unblocked. Knit: 28 st. and 40 rows = 10 x 10 cm. (unblocked)


K= knit P= purl SSK = slip, slip, knit P2TOG= purl 2 st. together K2TOG= knit 2 st. together Sl= slip C4L: The cable runs to the left. Put 2 st. on a separate needle and hold that in front of your work. Knit the next 2 st. on your needle. Now put the 2 st. of the separate needle back on your working needle and knit them. C4R: The cable runs to the right. Put 2 st. on a separate needle and hold that at the back of your Work. Knit the next 2 st. on your needle. Now put the 2 st. of the separate needle back on your working needle and knit them. Pattern: (a multiply of 8 st.) Chart is presented at the end. Row 1: K4,\*P2,K6\* repeat until end of the needle, K2 Row 2: K3, \*P4,K4\* repeat until end of the needle, K1 Row 3: \*K2,P2\* Row 4: P3, \*K4,P4\* repeat until end of the needle, P1 Row 5 and 6: \*P2, K6\* Row 7: \*P2,K2, C4L\* Row 8, 9, 10: \*P2,K6\* Row 11: \*P2, C4R,K2\* Row 12,13,14:\*P2,K6\* Rows 7 till 14 are one pattern repeat.

Cast on:

Cast on 60 St. and divide equally over 3 or 4 Needles.


\*K 2, P 2 \* 20 Rounds. Then continue with one row of stockinette stitches and increases. Increase evenly divided over the whole row 20 stitches. That will give you 10 cables, suitable fo1 a grown up leg. After this row continue in pattern starting with row 1 of the pattern description. The first six rows form the zigzag band. Then repeat row 7 till 14 until the leg has its required length. Start the heel preferably after row 7 of 11.

Pattern illustration

A Twist of Scheveningen/ Scheveningse Draai 201:


Heel is knitted over 30 St. after you've made decreases in the first row. Put 40 stitches on one needle for the heel. Start knitting these 40 st. with one row in stockinet stitches and decreases. Decrease evenly divided over the whole row of 40 st. 10 stitches. The best places to decrease are the cable stitches. Then turn your work and purl the next row. Now continue with the description of the heel as described below: Row 1: \* Sl 1 purlwise, K 1\* Row 2: purl Repeat row 1 and 2 until you knitted 30 rows. Turn Heel: (10-10-10) to be knitted. Row 1: Sl 1 purlwise, K 16, SSK, K 1, turn. Row 2: Sl 1 purlwise, P 5, P2T0G, P 1, turn. This leaves 10 St. unknitted on both sides. . Row 3: Sl 1 purlwise, K 7, SSK, K 1, turn . Row 4 and further to be knitted as before. . In the end 18 St. remain on the needle. · Gusset Pick up and knit 15 st. on each side of the gusset. . Knit in pattern on the instep. Pick up an extra stitch before and after the instep if you like to be sure there'll be no holes.

Gusset decreases:

←Round 1: ← Knit til last 3 st., K2TOG, K1; Knit the 40 instep stitches in pattern; K1, SSK, knit to the end of the ★needle. ★Round 2: ★ No decreases and knit all heel stitches; Knit the 40 instep stitches in pattern Repeat these two rounds until 70 st.remain; 30 st.on the sole of the fot and 40st. on the instep. Knit further until the foot is as long as required; the heel stitches are knitted, the instep is in pattern. ★ The pattern on the instep should best be stopped after row 7 or 11 before starting the toe. Leave 5 cm. for the toe.


In the first row for the toe knit stockinet stitches and decreases on the instep stitches of the foot. You need 10 decreases, divide them evenly over these 40 st. As with the heel, the best places to decrease are the cable stitches. Continue knitting the 30 st. of the sole. Now continue the toe as described below. Round 1: K1, SSK, knit across to last 3 st., K2TOG, K1. Continue with K1, SSK, knit across to last 3 St., K2TOG, K1. Round 2: Knit. Repeat round 1 and 2 until 16 St. remain. Close the remaining 16 st. with Kitchenerstitch. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★ ★ 八

Pattern illustration


Chart pattern (generated with Knitting Chart Generator) http: //chartgen.orangellous.com/index.php

Pattern illustration


k (knit) p (pur1) (C4L) C(C4R) Next one.... Have fun! Erry


@ Copyright Erry Pieters-Korteweg 2012. Please respect the copyrights. Not for commercial use. My Blog: erkenraadje.blogspot.com

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