Zig Zag Slippers Knitting Pattern with Ullcentrum Wool Yarn - Sizes S, M, L

Zig zag slippers

Size: S (M) L

Pattern illustration

Materials Ullcentrum's 3-ply wool yarn, approx 50 g of ea colour Needles size 3 mm Tip: Increase: k1, yo, k1 all in the same st Decrease: slip 2, k1, pass the slipped st over More stripes can easily be added across the foot according to taste


Cast on 53(63) 73 st Knit 1 row Row 1: ks, k2tog, \*k7, decrease\*, repeat \*-\*, k7, k2tog, ks Row 2, ks, \*p1, k3, increase, k3\*, repeat \*-\*, p1, ks Repeat rows 1 & 2 Using Col 1 only, knit 46 rows Cast off in knit st Fold work and join the sides Join at the toe, leave approx 2 cm open, then join for approx 1 cm across the foot OBS: Join where it seems natural for the zig zag pattern

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

@ Karin M Andersson

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