Handmade Mayne Island Hat Pattern by Caitlin ffrench: Alpaca Yarn & Natural Button Tutorial

Mayne Tsland Hat By Caitlin ffrench (ffrench on Ravelry)

Materials t OOgsKein ofalpaca yarn fromStany Meadows Farm on Mayne Tsland. (Or any worsted oraan Weightyarn-10og) Theehandmadle butfons Fom Arutus tree branches. They were Collected PromMayne Tsland).Orjust any threefunwoodlenbutfons! Neeolles Smm-Acireularneedles(Orsiretogetgauge)+oneextra straightneedle touse during thethree neeollebinooff. Caston8 stitches,and joinforworKing in theround Knitone,Pur one. RePeat until you have only 3e" of yarn remaining. Doa threeneedllebind off. Now you sew the toptwo Points together. (See diagram belouw whereit sayshere'and'anod here'

Pattern illustration

Weave inyourends. Turn Insiode out. Sew on you r buttons. Weatyourhat!! Youcanfinodmeatuuuleujltellyouallofoursecrets.blogspot.com Youcanfind myPhotographeratuwu.softsueaterfibres.blogspot-ca Youcanfino theyarnatmyLyS!whichsuuu.baaadlannas.com ThankyouSomuchfortaking thetime to lookatmyPattern!

Pattern illustration

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