Jane's Better Looking Sister Triangular Shawl Knitting Pattern by zilamonster Kate Paulus 2011

Jane's better looking Sister.

Notes: 1) Construction: This is a triangular shawl construction which increases by 4 stitches every odd row starting with row 3 2) Stitches used: a.K -knit b. P -purl c. O - make 1 or yarn over, whichever you prefer d. Kfb - knit front and back (increase by 1) 3) General notes: a. Starting with row 5 (or later on if you want), you can increase by 6 stitches every odd row if you like by doing a M1 and a yo at the left and right border edge (yo, m1 for the left side; m1, yo for the right side- they should mirror each other). This will make the shawl wider faster. You'll end up with less of a triangle and more of a half circle/ pacman shape b. When you get to row 161, you create the ruffle by purling all purl stitches and (kfb) knitting front and back of all knit stitches when your shawl has reached the desired length (another way to put this is: you increase every other stitchwhich happens to be a knit stitch- in the main body) c. This is my first attempt at a pattern. Knit at your own risk d. This pattern has not been test knit! Knit at your own risk

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

@zilamonster (Kate Paulus) 2011 Set up chart rows 1-10:

#of StitchesPattern RowRepeat RowGen DirectionLRF/B
23104 K1P1kP Kk0 kDkD k0kPkPKk kBack
2393 Increase 4, K1P1Kk0PkdkLK0k 0kDK 0kk 0kkFront
1982 P1K1kkPkkkPPPkP kDkPkkBack
197Increase 4, P1K1k0P kPK P0k0Pk 0kP0kkFront
1564 + KnitLKkkkK RkkK kkkkkBack
1553 Increase 4, Knitk0kkK 0k0K kk0kkFront
1142 Knitkkkkkk kkkBack
113Increase 4, Knitkk0k0k0 k0kkFront
722 knitkkkKkkKBack
711 knitkkRkkFront
7Cast on 7

Repeat chart (main body): rows 13-160 (or, however long you want to make it)

KK52P1K1 until center repeat1K1P1unti right repeatK1
KKK1P1 untilcenter repeatRP1K1 untilright repeatK
P1K1 until center repeatK1P1 untiright repeat
K1P1 until center repeatP1K1until right repeat
LeftrepeatCenter repeatRightrepeat

Row 161 (RS): k2, m1, [p, kfb] repeat [] until you reach the center stitch, m1, k, m1 [p, kfb] repeat [ until two stitches remain on the needle, m1, k2 Row 162 (Ws): k2, p1, k1 until you reach the center stitch, purl the center stitch, p1k1 until two stitches remain, k2 Row 163 (RS): k2, m1, k1p1 until you reach the center stitch, m1, k1, m1, k1p1 until two stitches remain, m1, k2 Row 164 (Ws): k2, k1p1 until you reach the center stitch, purl the center stitch, k1p1 until two stitches remain, k2 Follow the repeat chart (main body) until the shawl reaches desired length (I did 16 rows after row 161)

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