The BIG Baktus Scarf Pattern: A Simple yet Elegant Lace Design with Noro Silk Garden Sock Yarn

The BIG Baktus

This scarf was inspired by 2 skeins of yarn. The pattern is simple as baktuses usually are - yet subtly finished the same. My mom adopted it in a less than a minute :) Lace pattern is published ao. in books "Suuri Käsityo" by Readers Digests and $\mathfrak{w}_{400}$ Knitting Stitches Great Stitch Patterns" by Murdock Books.

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S8 Blue-green-purple Noro Silk Garden Sock 2 skeins app. 600 m

Pattern illustration


Cast 11. Knit according the chart 1, lace on the left and garter stitch on the right border. Repeat rows 3-14. Yarn over every $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ rowform a hole between lace and garter stitch. Start decreasing with the chart 2 when the scarf is half of the size wanted, you have used max. half of the yarn and the last row knitted is either row 6 or 12. Finish the scarf according the chart 3 knitting last rows 1-12. Cast off last 11 stitches. Straighten and steam lightly. k1 on the right side, p1 on the wrong side k1 on the wrong side 0 yo Qk1 through the back of the loop 入k2 together through the back of the loop △p2 together through the back of the loop 人p2together 小slip 1 stitch knitwise, k2 together, pass slipped stitch over (double decrease)

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Chart 1 start, increasing Chart 3, finishing last rows

Pattern illustration

Chart 2, decreasing

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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