Free Knitted Hogwarts House Bats Pattern by Phoenixknits - Easy DIY Felt and Yarn Craft Tutorial


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Hogwart Mascot House Bats

Free Pattern from Phoenixknits

Pattern illustration

Quick and easy knitted and felt bats

$\mathfrak{6}\,^{1/2}$ inches high by 4 inches wide Abbreviations


$\mathbf{P}=\mathbf{p}\mathbf{u}\mathbf{r}\mathbf{l}$ $\mathrm{Ss=}$ stocking stitch (one row knit, one row purl) $\mathrm{Tog=}$ knit or purl 2 stitches together Inc $=$ make a stitch by knitting into front and back of next stitch $\mathrm{NR}=$ next row


Dk or equivalent yarn in Black and house colors of your choice Pair $3\mathrm{mm}$ needles Black felt no less than 7inch by 4 inches , tiny scrap of white for teeth. Pair google eyes $5\mathrm{mm}$ or small scrap of white felt Glue Method Body With one of your house colours cast on 4sts P,1 row NR, k, inc into every stitch (8sts) NR, p Change to next house colour - do not break off yarns, but carry loosely up side of your work. NR, k1, inc into every stitch to last st, k1 (14sts) NR, p Change back to first colour NR, k to end NR, p to end Ss 16 rows working in the two colour stripes. Change to black for all house colours NR, k1, inc 1, $\mathbf{k}$ to last 2 sts inc 1, k1 (16) NR, p NR, k1, inc 1, k to last 2 sts inc 1, k1 (18sts) Ss 3 rows NR, k1, (k2tog) to last st, k1 (10sts) NR, p NR, k2tog to end (5sts) Break yarn and draw through stitches, do not pulltight but leave loose for stuffing. Ears : make 2 With black yarn cast on 6sts. Ss 4 rows NR, k2tog, k2, k2tog (4sts) NR, p2tog twice (2sts) Break Yarn and draw through these two stitches. Nose With black yarn cast on 8 st Ss 2 rows NR, k2tog four times (4sts) NR, p NR, k2tog twice (2sts) Break Yarn and draw through these two stitches. To make up Gather around cast on edge of body and over sew row end to just below head, stuff firmly, sew up rest of row ends, put a little more stuffing in for head and draw cast of edge at top of head up tightly, fasten off. Thread a length of black yarn in and out of stitches at beginning of head and draw up tightly to make a neck. Join row end of nose, stuff lightly and sew to head making sure your body seam is at the back. Attach ears to back of head. Note: the wrong side is the side facing outwards. Add either google eyes or small rounds of felt with black marker dots in them. Cut two tiny fang shaped pieces from white felt and glue just under the nose. Tip: I use a paper hole punch to punch out a couple of white felt eyes, nice and round and just the right size! To make wings, copy and cut out the template ( see below) onto a piece of thick paper or thin card. Using the template, place it on the felt that has been folded in half; make sure you place the fold line of the template to the fold in the felt. Using a piece of chalk draw around the template, when you lift the template off you will have a nice outline to cut around. Flatten out you wings and glue the bats body centrally with head clearly visible above the wings. All done!

Wing Template

Pattern illustration

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