Exclusive Design: The Brethren Sock Pattern for the Fall 2011 Southeast Men's Knitting Retreat



I was very excited and flattered when asked to contribute a pattern to the Fall 2011 Southeast Men's Knitting Retreat! I decided on a cabled sock pattern very befitting “Men Who Knit." The playful intertwining between the braided plait and classic cables serve as a visual allegory of our tight brotherhood as male knitters-the ties that bind if you will. And let's face it, a dude can never have enough hand knit socks!!!

Pattern illustration


the knitting mill


8-9 (41-43) S 10-11(44-45)M 12-13 (46-47) L \*Mens US shoe size (European)


Appr0x. 400-440 yds/ Garn: Ullcentrums tretradiga ullgarn, Atgang: 100 g av varje farg Virknal: Rundkroknal 5.5 mm Tweed used for sample.


Cuff - down, no-wrap short row heel flap, traditional gusset


Size US 2 (2.75mm) DPN's, or sock knitting method of choice.


7.5 sts per 1" (2.5cm) in stockinette


Blunt darning needle Measuring tape Stitch Markers

THE Brethren SocK


This sock follows basic construction, knit from the cuff down with a traditional heel flap and “picked up" gusset decreases. The pattern instructions are written for 5 DPN's, but can easily be adapted to using 2 circular needles or magic loop. Periodically, the beginning of the rounds will shift, right or left, a few stitches in order to maintain pattern integrity and to assure the first stitch of each needle will be a knit stitch wherever possible (I have a strong aversion to purling the first stitch on a DPN).


C6F - slip 3 sts purlwise to a cable needle and hold in front, K3, K3 from cable needle. C6B - slip 3 sts purlwise to a cable needle and hold in back, K3, K3 from cable needle. C6FP - slip 3 sts purlwise to a cable needle and hold in front, P3, K3 from cable needle. c6BP - slip 3 sts purlwise to a cable needle and hold in back, K3, P3 from cable needle. SsP - slip next 2 sts knitwise one at a time. Replace the two slipped sts back to left needle without changing mount (tip to tip) and P2tog tbl.

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

BRAIDEDCABLE INSTEPPATTERN Note: Chart is read from right to left. For each row, you will first work across all 19 sts of entire chart, then work 15 sts of repeat only, designated by red box, from right to left. Repeat rows 1-8 for pattern.


CUFF (aLl SIzes)

· Cast on 72 stitches, divide sts equally amongst 4 DPN's and join in the round taking care not to twist sts. · Rnd 1: \*K3, P3; Repeat from \* around. · Rnds 2-16: Repeat Rnd 1.

Leg (all Sizes)

Note: the leg of this sock contains a copious amount of cabling; please take that into account if you're considering going down from the suggested needle size. Enough stretch and circumference needs to be maintained in order to don the sock. · Set Up Rnd: \*K3, P3, K9, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times.

THE BreThren SocK

LEG (CoNT'd)

· Rnd 1: \*K3, P3, C6F, K3, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnds 2-4: \*K3, P3, K9, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnd 5: \*K3, P3, K3, C6B, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnds 6-8: \*K3, P3, K9, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnds 9-24: Repeat Rnds 1-8 twice more. lst Repeat 2nd Repeat · Rnd 25: \*K3, P3, C6F, C6FP; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnds 26 & 27: \*K3, P3, K6, P3, K3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnd 28: \*K3, P3, K6, P3, K3; Repeat from \* 2 more times. K3, P3, K6, P3. Slip the 3 unworked sts purlwise to the next (lst) needle and follow suit through the next round maintaining 18 sts per needle. · Rnd 29: \*C6F, P3, K6, P3. Repeat from \* 3 more times. The beginning of the Rnd has moved 3 sts to the right. · Rnds 30-32: \*K6, P3, K6, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnd 33: \*K6, P3, C6F, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnds 34-36: \*K6, P3, K6, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnd 37: \*C6F, P3, K6, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnds 38-44: Repeat Rnds 30-36 once. · Rnd 45: \*C6F, C6BP, K3, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnds 46-48: \*K9, P3, K3, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnd 49: \*K3, C6B, P3, K3, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnds 50-52: \*K9, P3, K3, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnd 53: \*C6F, K3, P3, K3, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnds 54-56: \*K9, P3, K3, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times. · Rnd 57: \*K3, C6B, P3, K3, P3; Repeat from \* 3 more times stopping 4 sts before the end of the round on the last repeat. Slip the 4 unworked sts, purlwise, to the next needle to set up for heel flap.


· Row 1: Knit the following sts onto one needle for the heel flap-K1, P3, K9, P3, K3, P3, K9, P3, K1. (35 sts) Leave the remaining 37 sts on waste yarn or DPN's to be worked later for instep. You will now be knitting in rows, back and forth, on 35 heel stitches only. Slip the first stitch of each row purlwise. · Row 2: (WS) Sl 1, K3, P9, K3, P3, K3, P9, K3, P1. Turn. · Row 3: (RS) S1 1, P3, K9, P3, K3, P3, K9, P3, K1.Turn. · Row 4: (WS) S1 1, K3, P9, K3, P3, K3, P9, K3, P1. Turn. · Row 5: (RS) S1 1, P3, C6F, K3, P3, K3, P3, C6F, K3, P3, K1. Turn. · Row 6-8: Repeat Rows 2-4. · Row 9: (RS) S1 1, P3, K3, C6B, P3, K3, P3, K3, C6B, P3, K1. Turn. · Rows 10-32: Repeat Rows 2-9, twice and Rows 2-8 once ending with a WS row. Rows 2-9: 1st Repeat 2nd Repeat Rows 2-8:1 Repeat ables pulling sts inward, the heel flap will appear to be disproportionally long.


· Row 33: (RS) Sl 1, Kl8, K2tog, Kl, turn. Leave the remainder of the sts of the row unworked. · Row 34: (WS) Sl, P4, SSP, Pl, turn. Leave the remainder of the sts ofthe row unworked. · Row 35: (RS) Sll, K across to 1 st before the gap, K2tog (2 sts on either side ofthe gap), K1, turn. · Row 36: (WS) Sl 1, P across to 1 st before the gap, SSP (2 sts on either side of the gap), Pl, turn. Continue to repeat rows 35 and 36 until all of the sts have been worked on either side of the short rows, ending on a WS row (19 sts). Note: the last two rows will end with a decrease st to close the gap without the corresponding Kl/Pl following the decrease.

THE Brethren SocK


· (RS) Sl 1, K across remaining 18 heel sts (19 sts). With RS facing, turn work 90\* clockwise. With the same needle, pick up and knit 17 sts on the left side of the heel and knit 1 st from the held instep sts. (Needle 1) · K across next 16 held sts in pattern as follows: Kl, P3, K9, P3. (Needle 2) · K across next 18 held sts in pattern as follows: K3, P3, K9, P3. (Needle 3) Note: On needles 2 & 3, you have just completed row 6 of Braided Cable Instep Chart and will continue to follow chart for the patterned instep sts down the foot of the sock. · With a new needle, K the last 2 held sts, and pick up and knit 17 sts on adjacent side of heel flap. K9 sts of heel from Needle I onto same needle. (Needle 4) This will be the new beginning of the round. · Rnd 1: (Decrease round) K to within 3 sts of Needle 1, K2tog, K1. Knit across the instep sts on Needles 2 & 3 in pattern. K2, SSK, K to the end of Needle 4. · Rnd 2: K around maintaining the instep stitch pattern as established. · Repeat the last 2 Rnds until there are a total of 64(68,72) sts. 15(17, 19) sts on Needle 1, 16 sts on Needle 2, 18 sts on Needle 3 and 15(17,19) sts on Needle 4.


· Continue knitting on 64(68,72) sts maintaing patterned sts of instep until sock is approximately 2” short of desired length of foot (measured from the sock heel). · Setup for Toe as follows: · K 15(17) sts on Needle 1 and K 1(0) st from Needle 2 onto Needle 1. K 15(16) sts on Needle 2 and K 1(1) st(s) from Needle 3 onto Needle 2, K16(17) sts on Needle 3 leaving 1(0) st(s) unworked. Sl 1(0) st, purlwise, from Needle 3 onto Needle 4 and K 16(17) sts on Needle 4. Now you should have 16(17) sts on each needle.

Large Size Only

· K 18 sts on Needle 1 leaving 1 st unworked. Slip this st, purlwise to needle 2. K 17 sts across Needle 2 and Kl st from Needle 3 onto Needle 2. K across 17 sts of Needle 3 and K 1 st from Needle 4 onto Needle 3. K across 18 sts of Needle 4. Now you should have 18 sts on each needle.

TOE (aLl SIZes)

· Rnd 1: (decrease rnd) K across to within 3 sts of the end of Needle 1, K2tog, Kl; K1, SSK, K to the end of Needle 2; K to within 3 sts of the end of Needle 3, K2tog, Kl; K1, SSK, K to the end of Needle 4. · Rnd 2: K around. · Repeat Rnds 1 and 2 until 24 sts remain, ending with round 2. · K6 sts. Place 12 instep sts onto one needle and 12 sole sts onto one needle to set up for closing the toe. · Graft remaining 12 instep sts and 12 sole sts together using kitchener st or turn sock inside out through toe opening to use a 3 needle bind off. · Darn in yarn tails and block as desired. I'd Like to thank Charles Gandy, Emily Giron and Adrienne Salcido For test knitting this PATTerN ANd RuSSEll BOyd FOr The OPPOrTuNItY tO DESIGN A PATterN FOr tHe Fall 2O11 SOuThEaSt Men'S KNIttinG RETrEAt. PlEASE do NOt HESItATe IN CONTaCTinG me FOr ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE PATTERN AT THE EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW Or THrOUGH MY BLOG:

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