Basketcase Bib: A Simple Knits Design for Fast and Easy Knitting with Detailed Instructions

Basketcase Bib

A Simple Knits design Here's a simple bib that's fast and easy to knit. It's also an inexpensive shower gift. One 2 oz/95 yard ball of Sugar n' Cream should make 2 bibs. You'll need a pair of size 8 knitting needles and a button for each bib.


Size 8 (5 mm) knitting needles Sugar 'n Cream in Chocolate Ombre used for sample in photo A 2 oz/95 yard ball will make 2 bibs Two 1/2"-3/4" buttons Large eye sewing needle Bib Size: 6.5 x 7" not including strap Gauge: about 4 sts & 6.5 rows = 1" Key: x - times CO - cast on k- knit BO -bind off st(s) - stitch(es)

Bib Instructions:

CO 28 sts. Row 1: (k4, p4) 3x, k4. Row 2: (p4, k4) 3x, p4. Rows 3-5: Repeat Rows 1&2 once, then Row 1. Rows 6-45: Repeat Rows 1-5 (8x).


BO 20 sts, k3 sts. You have 4 sts on your right needle and 4 sts on your left needle. The stitches on the left needle must be bound off from left to right by pulling one stitch over the next one. (The strap is inset from the edge.) Move 2 sts from your left needle to your right needle. On the left needle, lift the stitch farthest left over the next one to bind off one st. (You may find it easier to do if you turn the knitting needle around so it is in the usual position for binding off.)

Pattern illustration

Move the remaining 2 stitches one at a time to the left needle and bind them off. Then transfer one of the 4 strap stitches to the left needle and bind off the last stitch. Return this stitch to your right needle and knit these 4 remaining sts until the strap measures 7" long. Next row (buttonhole): k2, yo, k2tog. Knit 5 rows. Next row (buttonhole): k2, yo, k2tog. Knit 3 rows. BO all stitches. Weave in yarn tails. Split a short length of yarn in half and thread the sewing needle. Place the button near the top edge of the bib (as shown in the picture) and sew the button securely in place.

March 2009 Vicki Mikulak All rights reserved.

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