Tunisian Waffle Stitch Scarf Pattern: A Sunset-Inspired DIY Project with Ulrika Andersson

Scarf in Tunisian waffel stitch


50 g Ullcentrum Sunset, (1o0 g for a wider scarf) Tunisian hook size 20 mm/US N

Pattern illustration

Waffel stitch:

Insert hook in between the stitches all the way to the back, yarn over and pull the loop ontothe hook

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration


Chain 20 (25) Work 1st forward and return pass as usual Continue in waffel stitch To make the scarf diagonal, the 1st loop is picked up from the 2nd space and an extra loop is added at the end of the row to keep the number of st constant Work until end of yarn @ Ulrika Andersson

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