Cables Around Cloth Knitting Pattern by Annette Derksen - Peachy Creme Cotton Yarn Design

CABLES AROUND cloth design by Annette Derksen @Aug 14,2008

Peaches & creme cotton yarn (solid color looks best but any variegated would look nice also) Needles $4.5\;\mathsf{m m}$ C4B (slip 2 stitches on spare needle and hold in back of work, knit next 2 stitches and then knit 2 sts from spare needle Cable formed) C4F ( make cable the same way except hold spare needle in front of your work) Cast on 44 stitches (pattern Multiple of 6 stitches ) Border: Knit 4 Rows Pattern Row 1: Knit Row 2: K4(B) Purl to last 4 stitches (B)K4 AND REPEAT EVERY EVEN ROW Row 3: K4(B) $\ast\mathsf{K}2$ ,C4B, repeat to last 4 stitches (B) K4 Row 4: Repeat Row 2 Day 2 Row 5: Knit Row 6: Repeat Row 2 Row 7: K4(B) $*_{C4\mathsf{F}}$ , K2, repeat to last 4 stitches (B) K4 Row 8: Repeat Row 2 Repeat Rows ${1{-}8}=6$ more times Finish Border Knit 5 Rows and bind off in knitting Note I like to do another row as I cast on my stitches so makes a better finish for me Hope you all enjoy knitting this cloth as much as I have enjoyed designing it.

Pattern illustration

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