MaTrYOShKa SKaTeS and SnOWBOaRdS: Knitting Charts for Sochi-Inspired Mittens and Accessories


by Stitchnerd Designs

Pattern illustration

Some charts for a little Sochi silliness. In honour of the new Slope Style Olympic event being introduced at Sochi. Matryoshka also snowboards. (see page 3). I used the chart to make the simplest kind of fingerless mitts - just knit a rectangle and then join, leaving an opening for the thumb. If you like, you can pick up some stitches and add rib around the thumb-hole. DON'T FORGET TOPOSITION THE MOTIF ON THE OPPOSITE SIDEON THESECONDMITT. I used 46 stitches and 4mm (Us 6) needles. I worked k2/p2 rib, starting and ending with k1. Normally I would use a smaller size for the rib, but I only had one size needle with me when I made them, and as they are long and come up the arm, it actually worked well.

Pattern illustration

Rowan Felted Tweed on 4mm (US 6) THE EDGE OF THE MOTIF IS 2 STS. FROM THE EDGE.

Pattern illustration

On my mitts I knitted in the face, but I found it hard to get the look I wanted, so I recommend you knit the face blank and then when you finish knitting the headscarf leave a yarn-end, which you then use to embroidertheface. two possible faces, but you can also design your own - add dots for the cheeks if you like write your own text on the board to personalise

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

In honour of the new event: Matryoshka Slope Style

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