Buffy the Vampire Slayer Inspired Knitted Anklet Sock Pattern with Lace and Beads

When I set out to design a Buffy sock I had a very _ . different vision to the one I finished up with . I started off think about all the things that represented The Slayer, stakes, crosses, crossbows... but then suddenly I though "What would Buffy wear?" She was after all a cheerleader long before she be- came the nemesis of all things evil in Sunnydale . So I decided to knit something girly, with lace and beads that she could wear around the house when she wasn't fighting the bad guys Gauge: 8sts to 1 inch on $\scriptstyle2.5\mathsf{m m}$ Dpns Top down with a garter st short row heel the beads are added to the lace using the crochet hook method Materials: 100g of fingering weight yarn US 1 (2.5mm )dpns Stitch marker Approx 40 no 8 seed beads If you have any problems with the pattern do not hesitate to contact me and I will see what I can do to help you. Like wise if you should find any errors in the pattern please let me know so that I can correct them JANINELE CRAS EMAIL:JANINE@CWGSY.NET RAVELRY: GUERNSEYGAL BLOG: HTTP://GUERNSEYGAL.TYPEPAD.COM/

Bufiy the Vampire Slayer Anklets

by Janine le Cray

Pattern illustration


Cast on 74 sts Do NOT Join. Work the lace char flat, remembering to read even numbered rows from left to right. Next row: P2tog, purl to last 2 sts, P2tog 9 (72 sts) With the wrong side of the lace facing outwards, join the sock in the round - place a marker to show the beginning of the round and work 12 rounds 2 x 2 rib. Continue is stockinette until cuff measures $z"$ from the top of the rib.

Pattern illustration

knit RS: knit stitch WS: purl stitch o RS: Yarn Over

sl1 k2tog psso

$\boxed{\lambda}$ RS: slip 1, ktog, pass slip stitch overk2tog PB Place Bead Created in KnitVisualizer (www.knitfoundry.com) The beads are placed using the crochet hook method for a good tutorial go To http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEspring06/FEATseducedbybeads.html And scroll down the page a bit

Work short row Garter heel:

'Slip the 36 sts from needles 1 & 2 onto one needle. These stitches are going to be the heel stitches. Place the rest of the stitches either on spare needles or stitch holders until they are needed. Continuing on these stitches and working back and forth in garter st work a short row heel as follows. Knit across the stitches on the needle until there is one stitch on your needle, bring your yarn to the front of the work, Slip the next st from the left hand needle, take your yarn to the back of the work, Slip the st back to the left hand needle. Turn your work. knit to last st , bring your yarn to the front of the work, Slip the next st from the left hand needle, take your yarn to the back of the work, Slip the st back to the left hand needle. Turn your work. Continue shaping the heel by working one st less at each end of the needle until you have 12 un worked sts in the middle of your needle. All the stitches of the heel should still be on the needle. To increase back up, knit back and forth across the heel stitches, working one extra stitch on each row picking up and knitting the wraps as you come to them. Continue in this fashion until all the stitches have been reincorporated into the heel.


Redistribute the sts back onto 4 needles (16sts on each) and commence knitting in the round as before. If you wish to narrow the foot part of the sock you may do so here. Needle 1: K4, ssk, knit to end Needle 2: knit to last 6 sts, k2tog, k4 Needle 3: K4, ssk, knit to end Needle 4: knit to last 6 sts, k2tog, k4 Knit 3 rounds plain. Repeat these 4 rounds once more ( 64sts) Knit the foot until it measures 2" less than your required length.

Round 1: knit to last 3 sts on needle 1, k2tog, k1, needle 2, k1, ssk, knit to end, to last 3 sts on needle 3, k2tog, k1, needle 4, k1, ssk, knit to end, Round 2: knit

Repeat these 2 rounds until 24 sts remain. Graft toe shut Fold over the lace cuff and seam the edges together. Block in your preferred way.

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