Snake Wrist Cardi: Intermediate Knitting Pattern for Swing-Style Jacket with Contrast Edging and Lace Motif

Snake Wrist Cardi

Pattern illustration

A swing-style Jacket with contrast edging, moss stitoh collar, dropped stitoh ribbon panels and lace motif on cuffs. Intermediate techniques and interesting construction makes for a enjoyable project to work on and a finished garment that will get plenty of oomment!

Snake Wrist Cardi


Size: 2-4(4-6) years Garment Measurements: chest 31.5"/80cm(34.5"/87.5cm)


5.5mm wooden circular needle, 60cm & l20cm. 5.5mm straight needles. Cable needle. Darning needle. Stitch holders, stitch markers.


l6sts X 22rows over l0cm/4" in stockinette.

Yarn used:

2-4yr: MC-Babylonglegs Radiance aran, Tempest colourway. 3xl00g skeins. CC-Semi-solid Worsted weight hand-spun in a complimenting colour, approx.50g. 4-6yr: MC-Sublime cashmere merino silk aran, 0227(Peking duck)5x50g, CC-0226(russe)2x50g. Notions: 2 large(4cm) vintage buttons, 3mx2cm ribbon, sewing thread matching Mc.



In MC, with straight needles, Cast on 4 sts. Knit 2 rows. Commence Snake cuff chart #l for 8 rows, purling even rows. Row 9:Changing to circular needle, work chart, then loosely cable cast on 16(20)sts. Place marker and continue to work in the round, knitting even rows.

Pattern illustration

Row lo:Start chart #2 between markers, knitting even rows and working the rest of the sleeve in garter stitch for the next 2 rows, then in stockinette for the remainder of the sleeve. Place marker before Y0 on row l9, removing beginning and end chart markers. \*Knit to marker. Sl m, knit to end\* repeat above row until 24(28) rows have been worked since earliest cast on edge. @20l0 Cat Bellinger Page2

Snake Wrist Cardi

K to lst before marker, pick up lst knit wise from 2 rows down, k to 2 stitches after marker, pick up another stitch from 2 rows down. Repeat this increase row every l2(l4) rows from now on, until 39(43) stitches are reached. Work straight until desired sleeve length is reached, ending at marker. RM. Drop next stitch and co 3 more stitches, allowing dropped stitch to ladder down to last Y0 of lace chart. Kl9(22), place marker. K l round.4l(47) sts. Working flat from now on(you may choose to progress to straight needles), work l8(2l) rows of st-st, ending on a P row.


K 20(23) sts and turn. Working these 20(23) sts only, st-st 2 rows. P2, P2tog, P to end. St-st 2 rows. K to last 4, ssk, K2. St-st 5(7) rows and break off yarn, leaving a long tail.l8(2l)sts. Rejoin yarn in centre, to work front yoke.2l(24)sts. K2, K2tog, K to end. Repeat last 2 rows 4 times total. 17(20)sts. KP to last 4, SSP, P2. Second size only P K

All sizes

K2, K2tog, K to end.l5(l8)sts. Change to cC, and work moss st for lo rows. Bo in moss st. Repeat for second sleeve, reversing all shaping, until change of yarn, then as follows Work 4 rows in moss stitch. Next row: Work 3(4), B0 3, work 3(4), cast B0 3, work 3(4). Next row: Work 3(4), c0 3,work (4), c03, work 3(4). Work 4 more rows moss st, Bo(in moss).

Pattern illustration

Using Kitchener stitch, join together the l8(2l)sts of both back pieces. @20l0 Cat Bellinger Page3

Snake Wrist Cardi


With RS facing, pick up 6sts on button band in contrast,l st on every row around the yoke in main, 4 extra under the arms, and another 6 sts on the other button band in contrast. Working the button bands in moss st and using intarsia method at the colour changes, work the rest of the body in reverse stockinette.(A slipped stitch edge looks best for the button band, but care must be taken not to draw in the knitting. If this cannot be accomplished, some kind of edge finishing may be desired, such as decorative blanketstitch) Next row: Even out the stitches in the main section to l26(l38), distributing incs or decs evenly around the body. Work straight until work measures 15"/38cm(l8"/45.7cm) from back of neck, or desired length, ending on a K, or ws row. Next row:Work button band, change to CC. Kl5,drop 1,c0 3,K44,drop 1,c0 3, K3,drop l,c0 3,K44,drop l, CO 3,K15(kl7, drop l, C0 3, K48,drop 1,C0 3,K4, drop l, C0 3,K48, drop l, cast on 3, kl7). Work button band. Ladder dropped stitches to top of the body. Breaking off all unnecessary yarns to finish later, work moss stitch for 8 rows over all l38(l50) sts. c0 in moss st.


With 6o cm circular needle and rs facing, pick up 6sts over button band,13(14) 1eft front, 25(27)across back, l3(l4) right front,6 button band.63(67sts) Continue in moss stitch for 17(20) rows, slipping firststitch every row, being careful not to wrap slipped stitch. Cast off in moss.

Pattern illustration


Weave in all remaining ends. Lace ribbon through laddered stitches. On sleeves, start at top Yo of lace chart, going over 5 threads and under 2, up to shoulder, leaving 2" ends of ribbon on the wrong side of the work at both top and bottom of sleeve. Fold over raw edge of ribbon twice, and carefully stitch down, keeping

Pattern illustration

stitches shallow in the yarn so as not to show on the outside. Thread the ribbons through the body from bottom up, using the same method as the sleeves. Sew on buttons to match button holes.

@20l0 Cat Bellinger Page4

Snake Wrist Cardi

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

note-the stitch count on chart #2 is off to account for lining up with chart #l legena kPssk k2tog 十centred decrease sl k wise ml purlwise Centred decrease slip 2 sts k wise, k 1, pass 2 sl sts over k st ml purlwise purl front and back into next stitch

Pattern illustration

Chest:31.5"80cm/34.5"87.5cm Arm circ:10"25.5cm/1l.75"29.8cm Wrist circ:7.25"18.4cm/8.25"2lcm Neck circ:14"35.6cm/15"38cm Body 1ength:15"38cm/18"45.7cm Underarm sleeve length:10"25.5cm/l2"30.5cm @20l0 Cat Bellinger Page5

Snake Wrist Cardi

Pattern illustration

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