The "Dave' Beanie
by Leanne Wilkinson I have been on a quest to knit my husband the perfect beanie for the last 3 winters now! I've knit nearly every man's hat pattern I could find.

They all turned out pretty good, but each time he put one on I thought to myself, "Nope. That's not the one .." They worked, but they just weren't "Dave" enough. SO! In honour of my husband's 40th birthday, I have customized all the Dave-ish' elements from my previous attempts to create The "Dave" Beanie or The "Dave" for short. I hope you like it. "Finally, affer ll these year....the DAVE! Muwaahhh! Muwaahhhaha (evil laugh)"
Size: To fit a man's (or woman's) $22\!-\!23\!\,^{\prime\prime}$ head Gauge: 20sts over 4" using larger needle Materials: · Us 7/4.5mm circular needle ( $\mathsf{1}\,6^{\prime\prime}$ ) or DPNs if you prefer · Us 8/5.0mm circular needle $(\,1\,6\,^{\prime\prime}\,)$ or whatever needle size you need to get 20sts over $4\,^{\prime\prime}$ gauge ·US 8 DPNS · Worsted weight yarn · Stitch marker to mark beginning of the round · Tapestry needle With the smaller needles Co 88 sts and join for working in the round. K2,P2 every round for an inch. Then switch to your larger needle and knit all stitches for one round, then on the next round increase 8sts around by $^\textrm{\scriptsize*k9}$ klf&b, repeat from\* then knit the last 8 sts. (Total stitches should now be 96). Continue to knit every round, perhaps throw in a couple of different coloured stripes if you're feeling crazy! Otherwise, knit until hat measures $5\%$ inches from cast on edge. Then work decrease sequence as follows (switching to the DPNs when necessary). Decrease rnds: Rnd 1 - knit 6, k2tog aroundRnd 2- knit Rnd 3 - knit 5, k2tog around Rnd 4-knit Rnd 5 - knit 4, k2tog around Rnd 6- knit Rnd 7 - knit 3, k2tog around Rnd 8 - knit Rnd 9 - knit 2, k2tog aroundRnd 10 - knit Rnd 11 - knit 1, k2tog around Rnd 12- knit Rnd 13 - k2tog around and then cut 6" tail, thread it on a tapestry needle and cinch up hole and weave in any ends.