Dreams: A Knitting Collection Inspired by Salvador Dali, Featuring Luxurious Zen Yarn Garden Cashmere Blends

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Zen Yarn Garden's beautifully dyed and luxurious cashmere yarn was the motivation behind this collection inspired by Salvador Dali. I remember my first visit to the Hirshorn museum in Washington DC at the age of 13 and the impact that Dali's work had on my life. It was akin to viewing life through a lens that distorted reality and yet preserved it. Growing up within traveling distance of DC enabled me to appreciate and value the work of world-reknowned artists and bask in their beauty and point of view. Dali's work in particular has beauty with a hard edge, which cuts into your preconceived notions and alters your perceptions. He was always innovating and evolving his art and became known world wide, every artist's dream. Roxanne and Neville Yeun's complex and deeply nuanced colors under the Zen Yarn Garden label lead to knit objects that have depth and beauty, and the materials are sublime to work with. Dali's dark and moody colors were a natural fit and each project explores the relationship between color and techinique. The original mood board was created around Paysage aux papillons and as the book project came into production other Dali works organically led to inspiration. Some recommended works for further study are Butterfly Ship, Swans Reflecting Elephants, The Elephants, and Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegrante a Second Before Awakening. Dreams features three sweaters, two hats, four 2 skein shawls and 3 one skein shawls. The median yardage is approximately 550 yards / 5o5 meters. This collection has been professionally tech edited, with each project carefully test knit to ensure accuracy. Please check fickleknitter.com/errata for updates. A special thank you to Roxanne Yeun, Pat Sullivan, Suzanne Nielsen, Tracey Davidson, Lisa Bacon, Melissa Jill , Meghan Jackson, Kate Poe, Cece Burrows, and Tracy Harris for all your contributions and support of this project.


Pattern illustration


K knit MM move marker P purl KW knitwise RND round PW purlwise YO yarn over TBL through the back loop M1 make 1 SSSK slip, slip, slip, knit M1R make one right M1L make one left CN cable needle K2TOG knit 2 together RHN right hand needle K3TOG knit 3 together LHN left hand needle RS right side of work P2TOG purl 2 together SSK slip, slip, knit Ws wrong side of work co cast on SK2P slip 1, k2tog, psso BO bind off QUAD YO yarn over four times DOUBLE YO yarn over twice WYIF with yarn in front WYIB with yarn in back PSSO pass slipped st over knit st REP repeat ST(S) stitch(es) KFB knit into the front SM slip marker and back of stitch SL1 slip 1 stitch PM place marker Pomegranate Shawl Jacinto 8 Metamorphosis l 12 Metamorphosis ll 15 Meditative Rose 18 Mariposa Tee 23 L'age d'Or Tee 26 Butterfly Ship Shawl 30 Catalonia 34 Toreador Shawl 37 Felipe Hat 38 Elena Sweater


BY MEGHAN JACKSON Pomegranate is a side to side knit shawl using two skeins of yarn. The shawl edging is inspired by the delicate veins found in butterfly wings. The pattern provides written instructions as well as charts.


US 6/4mm straight or circular needle


Two skeins Zen Yarn Garden Serenity 20, 70% Merino, 20% Cashmere, 10% Nylon, 400 yds/366 m, 3.5 oz/100 g skein Total Yardage: Approx. 510 yds Colorway: Fire red


16 stitches and 27 rows over 4 inches in Stockinette Stitch


Variable, one-size as written, but very easy to customize. FINISHED PATTERN MEASUREMENTS 22 inches deep, 57 inches wide


2 Stitch markers Yarn needle for darning in ends


Gauge is not critical to the success of this project, but yardage requirements and the size of the project may vary with yarn substitutions or gauge changes. Size is customizable. Top edge and bottom edge of shawl roll for an organic look and feel. If you wish for your shawl to lie flat, add 6 sts to your CO and k3 at the beginning and end of each row. Written Directions and Chart represent st pattern only. Please refer to "Pattern Instructions" for how to work shawl from both Written Directions and Chart.



Using long-tail cast-on (or method of your choice), cast on 26 sts. Set Up Row 1 (Ws): k3, pm, k2, pm, k to end of row. Work Rows 1to 8 of Written Directions or Chart TwICE, working note as k2 on RS and p2 onws.


Work Rows 1-8 of Written Directions or Chart ONCE, working note as "kfb, k to marker" on RS rows and "p to marker" on WS rows. WorkRows1-6ofWritten Directions or Chart ONCE MORE, working note as "kfb, k to marker" on RS rows and “p to marker" on wsrows. Work Rows 7-8 of Written Directions or Chart ONCE MORE, working note as "kfb, \*kl, pl; rep to marker"on RS row and“p to marker" on ws row. Repeat the above 16-Row sequence a total of 7 times more (90 sts total) as shown in sample. (Knit 6 repeats for a one-skein project).


Work Rows 1-8 of Written Directions or Chart ONCE, working note as "k to marker"on RS rows and "p to marker" on wS rows. WorkRows1-6ofWritten Directions or Chart ONCE MORE, working note as "k to marker" on RS rows and “p to marker" on WS rows. WorkRows7-8of Written Directions or Chart ONCE MORE, working note as "\*kl, pl; rep from \* to marker" on RS row and "p to marker" on wS row. Repeat the above 16-Row sequence2 MORETIMES.


Work Rows 1-8 of Written Directions or Chart ONCE, working note as "ssk, k to marker" on RS rows and“p to marker" on wS rows. WorkRows1-6 of Written Directions or Chart ONCE MORE, working note as“ssk,kto marker" on RS rows and “p to marker"on wsrows. Work Rows 7-8 of Written Directions or Chart ONCE MORE, working note as "ssk, \*kl, pl; rep to 1 st before marker, k1" on RS row and "p to marker" on ws row. Repeat these16 Rows7more times, 2 sts remain between markers, 26 sts total.


WorkRows1to8ofWritten Directions or Chart TwICE, working note as k2 on RS and p2 on WS. Knit all sts on very last WS row.Bo loosely. Soak shawl and gently block. Leave in place until dry. Darn in ends. Enjoy!

Pattern illustration


slip st purlwise with yarn in back

Pattern illustration


Row 1 (Rs): Pl, sl, pl, k2tog, kl, yo, kl, k2tog, kl, yo, [kl, yo, kl, ssk] 2 times, pl, sl, pl, note, pl, sl, pl. Row 2 (ws): Kl, pl, kl, note, kl, pl, kl, p to last 3 sts, kl, pl, kl. Row 3: Pl, sl, pl, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, kl, yo, k3, yo, kl, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, pl, sl, pl, note, pl, sl, pl. Row 4: K1, pl, kl, note, kl, pl, kl, p to last 3 sts, kl, pl, kl. Row 5: P1, sl, p2, yo, k3tog, kl, yo, k5, yo, kl, sssk, yo, p2, sl, pl, note, pl, sl, p1. Row 6: Kl, pl, kl, note, kl, pl, k2, p to last 4 sts, k2, pl, kl. Row 7: P1, sl, p2, k2tog, kl, yo, k7, yo, kl, ssk, p2, sl, pl, note, pl, sl, pl. Row 8: K1, pl, kl, note, kl, pl, k2, p to last 4 sts, k2, pl, kl.


6一 一

Pattern illustration

SL1-K1-PSSO slip 1 as if to knit, knit one, pass slipped stitch over knit stitch JACINTO BY ROXANNE YEUN purl 2 together through the back loops


Jacinto is a one skein crescent shawl knit from the bottom up with short rows for good fit through the shoulders and sports a lovely center back lace panel with a fluttery lace edging.


US 6/4 mm circular needle


Zen Yarn Garden's Serenity Silk + [75% superwash merino, 15% cashmere, 10% silk]. Yardage 500 yards / 457 meters. 3.5 oz to 100 grams. Total Yardage: Approx. 440 yds (88g) Colorway: Moon Purple


16 stitches & 36 rows per 4 inches in stockinette stitch (blocked) FINISHED PATTERN MEASUREMENTS 70"x 14"


Darning needle (to weave in ends) Blocking mats/pins (optional) Stitch markers (optional)


Cast on 327 stitches loosely. Continue with Chart A. CHART A: Work Chart A once. The red bordered lace section will be repeated a total of 11 times per row. Continue with Short Row Shaping instructions and Chart B panel. ChaRt A WRITTen InSTrUCTIONS: Row 1 (RS): Sl wyif, [p1, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2tog, yo, p5, k2tog, kl, yo, pl, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p5, yo, sll-klpsso, pl] x 1l, pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 2 (Ws): Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, [kl, p2, k5, p3, kl, p3, k5, p2, k2, p4, k1] X 11, kl. Row 3: Sl wyif, [p1, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, p4, k2tog, kl, yo, kl, pl, kl, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p4, k2tog, yo, pl] x 1l, pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 4: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, [kl, p2, k4, p4, kl, p4, k4, p2, k2, p4, k1] x 11, kl. Row 5: Sl wyif, [pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2tog, yo, p3, k2tog, kl, yo, k2, pl, k2, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p3, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl] x ll, pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 6: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, [kl, p2, k3, p5, kl, p5, k3, p2, k2, p4, kl] x 11, kl. Row 7: sl wyif, {pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, p2, [k2tog, kl, yo] x 2, pl, [yo, kl, sll-kl-psso] x 2, p2, k2tog, yo, pl} x 11, pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 8: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, [kl, p2, k2, p6, kl, p6, k2, p2, k2, p4, kl] x 1l, kl. Row 9: Sl wyif, {pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2tog, yo, pl, [k2tog, kl, yo] x 2, kl, pl, kl, [yo, kl, sll-kl-psso] x 2, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, p1} x 1l, pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 10: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, {kl, p2, [kl, p7] x 2, kl, p2, k2, p4, k1} x 11, kl. Row 1l: Sl wyif, [pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, p3, k2tog, kl, yo, k2, pl, k2, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p3, k2tog, yo, pl] x l, pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 12: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, {kl, p2, k3, [p2, k1] x 3, p2, k3, p2, k2, p4, k1} × 11, kl. Row 13: Sl wyif, [pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2tog, yo, p2, k2tog, kl, yo, pl, k2tog, yo, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl] X 1l, pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 14: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, {kl, [p2, k2] ×2, p2, kl, [p2, k2] × 3, p4, k1} × 11, kl. Row 15: Sl wyif, {pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p5, yo, sll-klpsso, pl, k2tog, yo, p5, k2tog, kl, yo, pl} x 1l, pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 16: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, [kl, p3, k5, p2, kl, p2, k5, p3, k2, p4, k1] x 11l, kl. Row 17: Sl wyif, [p1, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, kl, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p4, k2tog, yo, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, p4, k2tog, kl, yo, kl, p1] x ll, pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 18: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, [kl, p4, k4, p2, kl, p2, k4, p4, k2, p4, k1] x 1l, kl. Row 19: Sl wyif, [pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, k2, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p3, yo, sllkl-psso, pl, k2tog, yo, p3, k2tog, kl, yo, k2, pl] xll, pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 20: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, [kl, p5, k3, p2, kl, p2, k3, p5, k2, p4, kl] x 1l, kl. Row 21: Sl wyif, {pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, [yo, kl, sll-kl-psso] x 2, p2, k2tog, yo, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, p2, [k2tog, kl, yo] x 2, pl} x 1l, pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 22: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, [kl, p6, k2, p2, kl, p2, k2, p6, k2, p4, k1] x 11, kl. Row 23: Sl wyif, {pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, kl, [yo, kl, sll-kl-psso] x 2, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl, k2tog, yo, pl, [k2tog, kl, yo] x 2, kl, pl} x 11, pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 24: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, {kl, p7, [kl, p2] x 2, kl, p7, k2, p4, k1} x 11, kl. Row 25: Sl wyif, [p1, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p3, k2tog, yo, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, p3, k2tog, kl, yo, k2, pl] x1, pl, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 26: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, {kl, [p2, kl, p2, k3] x 2, p2, kl, p2, k2, p4, k1} X 1l, kl. Row 27: Sl wyif, [pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl, yo, kl, sll-klpsso, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl, k2tog, yo, p2, k2tog, kl, yo, pl, k2tog, yo, pl] x 11, pl, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 28: Sl wyif, kl, p4, kl, {kl, p2, [k2, p2] x 2, kl, [p2, k2] x 3, p4, k1} x 11, kl. SHORT ROW INSTRUCTIONS: Chart B is worked a total of 3 times. Row 29 (RS): K145, pm, work Chart B, pm, kl, turn. Row 30: P1, sl m, work Chart B to m, sl m, pl, turn. Row 31: Knit to m, sl m, work Chart B to m, sl m, knit to 1 st before last turning point, ssk, k3, turn. Row 32: Purl to m, sl m, work Chart B to m, sl m, purl to 1 st before last turning point, p2tog, p3, turn. Repeat last 2 rows 35 more times (255 sts remain).

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration


Finish the remaining rows of Chart B (Centre Panel) as follows: Row 103 (RS): K109, sl m, work Chart B to next m, sl m, kl09. Row104:P109,sl m,work Chart B to m, sl m, p109. Repeat last 2 rows 4 more times, ending with Row 28 of Chart B. BIND OFFINSTRUCTIONS:

Row 113 (RS): BO

Row 1 (RS): P2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2tog, yo, p5, k2tog, kl, yo, pl, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p5, yo, sll-kl-psso, p2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 2 (ws): kK, p4, k2, p2, k5, p3, kl, p3, k5, p2, k2, p4, k2. Row 3: P2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, p4, k2tog, kl, yo, kl, pl, kl, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p4, k2tog, yo, p2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 4: K2, p4, k2, p2, k4, p4, kl, p4, k4, p2, k2, p4, k2. Row 5: P2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2tog, yo, p3, k2tog, kl, yo, k2, pl, k2, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p3, yo, sll-kl-psso, p2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 6: K2, p4, k2, p2, k3, p5, kl, p5,

Chart b (center Panel)

Pattern illustration

k3, p2, k2, p4, k2. Row 7: P2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, p2, (k2tog, kl, yo) x 2, pl, (yo, kl, sll-kl-psso) × 2, p2, k2tog, yo, p2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 8: K2, p4, k2, p2, k2, p6, kl, p6, k2, p2, k2, p4, k2. Row 9: P2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2tog, yo, pl, (k2tog, kl, yo) x 2, kl, pl, kl, (yo, kl, sll-kl-psso) × 2, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, p2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 10: K2, p4, k2, p2, (kl, p7) × 2, kl, p2, k2, p4, k2. Row 11: P2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, p3, k2tog, kl, yo, k2, pl, k2, yo, kl, sl-kl-psso, p3, k2tog, yo, p2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 12: K2, p4, k2, p2, k3, (p2, k1) x 3, p2, k3, p2, k2, p4, k2. Row 13: P2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2tog, yo, p2, k2tog, kl, yo, pl, k2tog, yo, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, p2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 14: K2, p4, (k2, p2) × 3, kl, (p2, k2) × 3, p4, k2. Row 15: P2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, k1, sll-kl-psso, p5, yo, sl-kl-psso, pl, k2tog, yo, p5, k2tog, kl, yo, p2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 16: K2, p4, k2, p3, k5, p2, kl, p2, k5, p3, k2, p4, k2. Row 17: P2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, kl, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p4, k2tog, yo, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, p4, k2tog, kl, yo, kl, p2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 18: (K2, p4) x 2, k4, p2, kl, p2, k4, (p4, k2) x 2. Row 19: P2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, k2, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p3, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl, k2tog, yo, p3, k2tog, kl, yo, k2, p2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 2o: K2, p4, k2, p5, k3, p2, kl, p2, k3, p5, k2, p4, k2. Row 21: P2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, (yo, kl, sll-kl-psso) x 2, p2, k2tog, yo, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, p2, (k2tog, kl, yo) x 2, p2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 22: K2, p4, k2, p6, k2, p2, kl, p2, k2, p6, k2, p4, k2. Row 23: P2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, kl, (yo, kl, sll-kl-psso) × 2, pl, yo, sll-kl-pso, pl, k2tog, yo, pl, (k2tog, kl, yo) ×2, kl, p2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 24: K2, p4, k2, p7, (kl, p2) x 2, kl, p7, k2, p4, k2. Row 25: P2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2, k2, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p3, k2tog, yo, pl, yo, sll-kl-psso, p3, k2tog, kl, yo, k2, p2, kl, p2tog tbl, yo, kl, p2. Row 26: K2, p4, k2, (p2, kl, p2, k3) x 2, p2, kl, p2, k2, p4, k2. Row 27: P2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl, yo, kl, sll-kl-psso, p2, yo, sll-kl-psso, pl, k2tog, yo, p2, k2tog, kl, yo, pl, k2tog, yo, p2, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, p2. Row 28: K2, p4, (k2, p2) x 3, kl, (p2, k2) x 3, p4, k2.

Pattern illustration


BY MIChElle MillER Metamorphosis I is a traditional shawl knit from the top down to the long edge. It combines one skein each of a semi solid yarn and a variegated one of a kind dyed by Zen Yarn Garden. Using the lighter color first the darker color is anchored into the knit on edging which is simpler to knit than it appears. The shawl has written instructions as well as charts.


US 6/4mm Knitting Needles, or size needed to get gauge.


Two 100 gram balls of Zen Yarn Garden Serenity Silk[75% Superwash Merino, 15% Cashmere, 10% Silk]. 430 yards/ 393meters. Colorway: Lavender Blue & OOAK Total Yardage: 559 yards/ 513 meters


20 stitches and 30 rows over 4 inches in Stockinette Stitch


50 inches wide by 19 inches long after blocking.


Removable stitch marker Yarn needle (for weaving in ends) Blocking aids (optional)


Pattern illustration

This shawl is constructed of a main body with a knit-on lace edging. The body is constructed in a traditional triangle method, beginning with Chart A using Color A, then moving to Chart B after there are 25 sts. The knit-on edging begins with Chart C, using Color B, working to the marked center stitch of the body. Short rows are used to shape the edging around the center point of the body. Written instructions are provided for all charts, so you may work from the charts or the written instructions. For more information on knitted lace triangle construction,see www.fickleknitter. com/archives/2009/12/knitted-lacetriangle-construction-by-michellemiller.htm.



Row 1(RS): Cast on 5 stitches. (5 sts) Row 2 and all even-numbered rows (wS) to Row 12: Purl. Row 3: K1, \*yo, kl; rep from \* to end. (9 sts) Row 5: Kl, [yo, k3, yo, kl] twice. (13 sts) Row 7: K1, [yo, k5, yo, k1] twice. (17 sts) Row 9: K1, [yo, k7, yo, k1] twice. (21 sts) Row 11: Kl, [yo, k9, yo, k1] twice. (25 sts) Place stitch marker to the right of the center stitch. Slip the center stitch marker every row as you knit the shawl. Begin working Chart B, continuing at Row 13.


The main body pattern repeat is indicated bythered-bordered sections on Chart B, and is shown in the written instructions below in bold and enclosed in brackets. Repeat bold, bracketed instructions once through Row 22,twice through Row 22 on the second repeat, three times throughrow22on the third repeat, four times through Row 22 on the fourth repeat and so on while working Chart B nine times ending with Row 22 and there are 205 sts. Break yarn. Then work the knit on edging found in Chart C using Color B. All wrong side rows are purled. Row 13 (rs): K1, yo, k1, [k4, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, k1], yo, kl, yo, [k1, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, k4], kl, yo, k1. (29 sts) Row14, and all even-numbered (WS) rows to Row 22: Purl all stitches. Row 15: Kl, yo, k3, [k5, yo, sk2p, yo, k2], yo, kl, yo, [k2, yo, sk2p, yo, k5], k3, yo, k1. (33 sts) Row 17: K1, yo, k5, [k6, yo, ssk, k2], yo, kl, yo, [k2, k2tog, yo, k6], k5, yo, k1. (37 sts) Row 19: K1, yo, k7, [k1, yo, ssk, k1, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, ssk, kl], yo, kl, yo, [kl, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, k1], k7, yo, kl. (41 sts) Row 21: Kl, yo, k9, [k2, yo, sk2p, yo, k3, yo, ssk], yo, kl, yo, [k2tog, yo, k3, yo, sk2p, yo, k2], k9, yo, kl. (45 sts) Stitch Counts after Chart B Repeats(45,65,85,105,125,145, 165,185,205) Stitches.


Using the knitted cast-on method and Color B, cast on 32 sts. Work Chart C, repeating bold, bracketed repeat three times per row, knitting last edge stitch together with one stitch from main body stitches on all odd rows. Repeat Chart C until one stitchbefore stitch marker is reached, then complete the ShortRowCenter.PurlallWS rows, slipping the first stitch of each purl row. Row 1: [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, k2tog with edge st. Row 2, and all even-numbered (WS) rows to Row 10: Slip first stitch purlwise, purl all remaining stitches. Row 3: [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, k2tog with edge st.. Row 5: [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, k2tog with edge st. Row 7: [P10] 3 times, k1, k2tog with edge st. Row 9: [P10] 3 times, k1, k2tog with edge st.


Work to one stitch to the right of stitch marker (ending with Row 2 of 21st repeat) and work Short Row Center instructions. Row 3 (RS): [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, TURN. Row 4 (wS): P31. Row 5 (RS): [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 6 (ws): Slip 1 purlwise, p31. Row 7 (RS): P31, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 8 (ws): Slip 1 purlwise, p31. Row 9 (RS): P30, k1, TURN. Row 10 (wS): P31. Row 1 (rs): [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 2 (ws): Slip 1 purlwise, p31. Continue on asbefore on Chart C. Work until all main body stitches are consumed. Purl one row more and bind off remaining stitches, weave in ends, and block.



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Chart C (COLOr B)

Pattern illustration

12111098765432 Note for Chart A: All wrong side rows are purled. work Chart A increases with a yo on each edge and on each side of the center st until there are 25 sts, then begin Chart B. Note for Chart B: The main body pattern repeat is indicated by the red-bordered sections on Chart B. Work the red bordered instructions once through Row 22, twice through Row 22 on the second repeat, three times through row 22 on the third repeat, four times through Row 22 on the fourth repeat and so on while working Chart B nine times ending with Row 22 and there are 205 stitches. Then work the knit on edging found in Chart C. All wrong side rows are purled. Note for Chart C: Using the knitted cast-on method and Color B, cast on 32 sts . Work Chart C, repeating red bordered repeat three times per row, knitting last edge stitch together with one stitch from main body stitches on all odd rows. Repeat Chart C until one stitch to the right of stitch marker is reached ending with a purl row, and then complete the Short Row Center written instructions. Purl all WS rows, slipping the first stitch.


US 6/4mm Knitting Needles, or size needed to get gauge.



Two 100 gram balls of Zen Yarn Garden Serenity Silk Single [75% Superwash Merino, 15% Cashmere, 10% Silk]. 430 yards/ 393 meters. Colorway:Velvet & OOAK Total yardage: 546 yards/501 meters. ROXANNE YEUNANDMICHELLEMILLER Metamorphosis ll came about as a collaboration between Roxanne and Michelle. Roxanne fell in love with the knit on edging when test knitting Metamorphosis I and riffed her own main body. As in the first case, a lighter color is used to anchor the deeper color of the border. This is a quick knitting two skein project that appears complex but is quite simple to knit. GAUGE 20 stitches and 28 rows over 4 inches in Stockinette Stitch


Removable stitch marker Yarn needle (for weaving in ends) Blocking aids (optional) FINISHED MEASUREMENTS 49 inches wide by 19 inches long after blocking.


This shawl is constructed of a main body with a knit-on lace edging. The body is constructed in a traditional triangle method, beginning with Chart A using Color A, then moving to Chart B after there are 25 sts. The knit-on edging begins with Chart C, using Color B, working to the marked center stitch of thebody.Short rows are used to shape the edging around the center point of the body. Written instructions are provided for all charts, so you may work from the charts or the written instructions. For more information on knitted lace triangle construction, see www. fickleknitter.com/archives/2009/12/ knitted-lace-triangle-constructionby-michelle-miller.htm.



Row 1 (RS): Cast on 5 stitches. (5 sts) Row 2 and all even-numbered rows (WS) to Row 12: Purl.Row 3: K1, \*yo, kl; rep from \* to end. (9 sts) Row 5: K1, [yo, k3, yo, k1] twice. (13 sts) Row 7: K1, [yo, k5, yo, kl] twice. (17 sts) Row 9: Kl, [yo, k7, yo, k1] twice. (21 sts) Row 11: K1, [yo, k9, yo, k1] twice. (25 sts) Place stitch marker to the right of the center stitch. Slip the center stitch marker every row as you knit the shawl. Begin working Chart B, continuing at Row 13.


The main body pattern repeat is indicatedby thered-bordered sections on Chart B, and is shown in the written instructions below in bold and enclosed in brackets. Repeat bold,bracketed instructions once through Row 22, twice through Row 22 on the second repeat, three times through row 22on the third repeat, four times through Row 22 on the fourth repeat and so on while working Chart B nine times ending withRow22and there are205sts. Break yarn. Then work the knit on edging found in Chart C using Color B. All wrong side rows are purled. Row 13 (RS): K1, yo, kl, [k10], yo, kl, yo, [k10], kl, yo, kl. (29 sts) Row 14,and all even-numbered (wS) rows to Row 22: Purl all stitches. Row 15: K1, yo, k3, [k10], yo, kl, yo, [k10], k3, yo, k1. (33 sts) Row 17: K1, yo, k5, [k10], yo, kl, yo, [k10], k5, yo, kl. (37 sts) Row 19: K1, yo, p7, [p10], yo, kl, yo, [p10], p7, yo, kl. (41 sts) Row 21: K1, yo, p9, [p10], yo, kl, yo, [p10], p9, yo, kl. (45 sts) Stitch Counts after Chart B Repeats (45,65,85,105,125,145,165,185, 205) Stitches.


Using the knitted cast-on method and Color B, cast on 32 sts.Work Chart C, repeating bold, bracketed repeat three times per row, knitting last edge stitch together with one stitch from main body stitches on all odd rows. Repeat Chart C until one stitch before stitch marker is reached, then complete the Short Row Center. Purl all wS rows, slipping the first stitch of each purl row. Row 1: [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, k1, k2tog with edge st. Row 2, and all even-numbered (WS) rows to Row 10: Slip first stitch purlwise, purl all remaining stitches. Row 3: [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, k2tog with edge st. Row 5: [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, k2tog with edge st. Row 7: [P10] 3 times, kl, k2tog with edge st. Row 9: [P10] 3 times, k1, k2tog with edge st. SHORT ROW CENTER Work to one stitch to the right of stitch marker (ending with Row 2 of 2lstrepeat)and work Short Row Center instructions. Row 3 (Rs): [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, TURN. Row 4 (wS): P31. Row 5 (RS):[Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 6 (ws): Slip 1 purlwise, p31. Row 7 (RS): P31, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 8 (ws): Slip 1 purlwise, p31. Row 9 (RS): P3O,k1, TURN. Row 10 (wS): P31. Row 1 (RS): [Ssk, k2, yo, k2, yo, k2, k2tog] three times, kl, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 2 (ws): Slip 1 purlwise, p31. Continue on as before on Chart C. Work until all mainbody stitches are consumed. Purl one row more and bind off remaining stitches, weave in ends, and block

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Chart b (COlOr A)

Pattern illustration

Chart c (color B)

Pattern illustration

Note for Chart A: All wrong side rows are purled. Work Chart A increases with a yo on each edge and on each side of the center st until there are 25 sts, then begin Chart B. Note for Chart B: The main body pattern repeat is indicated by the redbordered sections on Chart B. Work the red bordered instructions once through Row 22, twice through Row 22 on the second repeat, three times through row 22 on the third repeat, four times through Row 22 on the fourth repeat and so on while working Chart B nine times ending with Row 22 and there are 205 stitches. Then work the knit on edging found in Chart C. All wrong side rows are purled. Note for Chart C: Using the knitted cast-on method and Color B, cast on 32 sts . Work Chart C, repeating red bordered repeat three times per row, knitting last edge stitch together with one stitch from main body stitches on all odd rows. Repeat Chart C until one stitch to the right of stitch marker is reached ending with a purl row, and then complete the Short Row Center written instructions. Purl all wS rows, slipping the first stitch.


BY MICHELLE MILLER Meditative Rose is a one skein shawl worked from the top down to the long edge featuring a knit on border. The pattern includes charts as well as written instructions.


US 7/4.5 mm Knitting Needles, or size needed to get gauge.


One ball of Zen Yarn Garden Glitter Sock [75% Superwash Merino, 20% Nylon, 5% Stellina]. Colorway: Mazz Total Yardage: 370 yards/339 meters


20 sts and 28 rows over 4 inches in Stockinette Stitch


48 inches wide and 19.5 inches long


Removable stitch marker Yarn needle (for weaving in ends) Blocking aids (optional)


This shawl is constructed of a main body with a knit-on lace edging. The body is constructed in a traditional triangle method, beginning with Chart A, then moving to Chart B after there are 25 sts. The knit-on edging begins with Chart C, working to the marked center stitch of the body. Short rows are used to shape the edging around the center point of the body. Written instructions are provided for all charts, so you may work from the charts or the written instructions. For more information on knitted lace triangle construction, see www.fickleknitter.com/ archives/2009/12/knitted-lacetriangle-construction-by-michellemiller.htm.



Row 1 (RS): Cast on 5 stitches. (5 sts) Row 2 and all even-numbered rows (WS) to Row 12: Purl. Row 3: K1, \*yo, kl; rep from \* to end. (9 sts) Row 5: K1, [yo, k3, yo, kl] twice. (13 sts) Row 7: K1, [yo, k5, yo, kl] twice. (17 sts) Row 9: K1, [yo, k7, yo, kl] twice. (21 sts) Row 11: Kl, [yo, k9, yo, kl] twice. (25 sts) Place stitch marker to the right of the center stitch. Slip the center stitch marker every row as you knit the shawl. Begin working Chart B, continuing at Row 13.


The main body pattern repeat is indicatedby thered-bordered sections on Chart B, and is shown in the written instructions below in bold and enclosed in brackets. Repeat bold,bracketed instructions once through Row 22, twice through Row 22 on the second repeat, three times throughRow22onthe third repeat, four times through Row 22 onthe fourthrepeat and so onwhile working Chart B nine times ending withRow22and thereare205sts. Then work theknit on edging found in Chart C. All wrong side rows are purled. Row 13 (rs): K1, yo, kl, [k10], yo, kl, yo, [k10], kl, yo, kl. (29 sts) Row 14, and all even-numbered (WS) rows to Row 22: Purl all stitches. Row 15: K1, yo, k3, [k4, yo, ssk, k4], yo, kl, yo, [k4, k2tog, yo, k4], k3, yo, k1. (33 sts) Row 17: K1, yo, k5, [k2, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, ssk, k3], yo, kl, yo, [k3, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, ssk, k2], k5, yo, k1. (37 sts) Row 19: Kl, yo, k7, [k1, k2tog, yo, k1, sk2p, kl, yo, ssk], yo, kl, yo, [k2tog, yo, kl, sk2p, kl, yo, ssk, k1], k7, yo, kl. (41sts) Row 21: K1, yo, k9, [kl, yo, kl, yo, k1, yo, kl, yo, sk2p, k1], yo, kl, yo, [kl, sk2p, yo, kl, yo, kl, yo, kl, yo, kl], k9, yo, kl. (45 sts) Stitch Counts after ChartB Repeats (45,65, 85,105,125,145,165,185, 205) Stitches.


Without breaking yarn and using the knitted cast-on method, cast on 19 sts. Work Chart C, knitting last edge stitchtogether withonestitchfrom main body stitches on all odd rows. Repeat Chart Cuntil one stitch before stitch marker is reached, then complete the Short Row Center.Purl all WS rows, slipping the first stitch of each purl row. Row 1: K4, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog with edge stitch

Row 2, and all even-numbered

yo, ssk, k4, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 11: K3, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 13: K2, k2tog, yo, k5, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, k4, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 15: K1, ssk, yo, k7, yo, sk2p, yo, k5, k2tog with edge stitch.


Work to one stitch to the right of stitch marker(ending with Row 10 of 13th repeat) and work Short Row Center instructions. Row 11 (rs): K3, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k3, TURN. Row 12 (wS): P18. Row 13 (Rs): K2, k2tog, yo, k5, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, k4, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 14 (RS): Slip 1 purl wise, p18. Row 15 (rs): K1, ssk, yo, k7, yo, sk2p, yo, k5, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 16 (ws): Slip 1 purl wise, p18. Row 1 (Rs): K4, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, yo, k2, TuRN. Row 2 (wS): P18. Row 3 (RS): K3, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k3, k2tog, yo, k3, k2tog with edge st. Row 4 (ws): Slip 1 purl wise, p18. Continue on as before on Chart C. Work until all mainbody stitches are consumed. Purl one row more and bind off remaining stitches. Weave in ends and block.


Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration





Pattern illustration

Note for Chart A: All wrong side rows are purled. work Chart A increases with a yo on each edge and on each side of the center st until there are 25 sts, then begin Chart B. Note for Chart B: The main body pattern repeat is indicated by the red-bordered sections on Chart B. Work the red bordered instructions once through Row 22, twice through Row 22 on the second repeat, three times through Row 22 on the third repeat, four times through Row 22 on the fourth repeat and so on while working Chart B nine times ending with Row 22 and there are 205 stitches. Then work the knit on edging found in Chart C. All wrong side rows are purled. Note for Chart C: Using the knitted cast-on method, cast on 19 sts . Work Chart C, knitting last edge stitch together with one stitch from main body stitches on all odd rows. Repeat Chart C until one stitch to the right of stitch marker is reached ending with a purl row, and then complete the Short Row Center written instructions. Purl all WS rows, slipping the first stitch.

Pattern illustration




US 8/5 mm 24 inch Circular knitting needles, or size needed to get gauge.


Three-Five 100 gram balls of Zen Yarn Garden Serenity Worsted [80% Merino, 10% Nylon, 10% Cashmere]. 175 yards/ 160meters. Colorway: Blue Hawaii or Bronze Age Total yardage: 525-875 yards/482-803 meters.


16 stitches and 24 rnds over 4 inches in Stockinette Stitch


Two removable stitch markers Yarn needle (for weaving in ends).


Bust 32(34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50) in Waist 30(32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48) in Length 23(23, 23, 23.5, 23.5, 23.5, 23. 5, 24.5, 24.5, 24.5)"


The Mariposa Tee is knit seamlessly in the round with waist shaping (indicated by the Decrease and Increase rounds) and neck shaping for a better fit. The Sleeve Cast off and Cast on is an innovative way to create sleeves while continuing to knit in the round. The Sleeve edges are picked up and knit, and then cast off for a neater appearance. The tee offers two necklines, a Scoop Neck and a High Neck. The Mariposa Tee is knit seamlessly using worsted yarn in the round from the bottom up with waist shaping and neck shaping for a better fit. The Sleeve Cast off and Cast on is an innovative way to create sleeves while continuing to knit in the round. The Sleeve edges are picked up and knit, and then cast off for a neater appearance. The tee offers two necklines, a Scoop Neck and a High Neck. For a good fit add two inches to the size closest your bust measurement.



Cast On 128 (136,144,152,160,168, 176, 184, 192, 200) stitches. Join in round. Then all sizes \*k2, p2\* for two inches


K16(17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25), pm,k32(34,36,38,40,42,44,46, 48,50),pm,k32(34,36,38,40,42, 44,46,48,50) pm, k32(34,36,38, 40,42,44,46,48,50),pm,k16(17,18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24,25).


Work Right Side Chart (Row 1), knit to 2 sts before first marker, ssk, mm, k to second marker, mm, k2tog, k2(3, 4,5,6,7, 8, 9,10, 11), Work Left Side Chart, Work Right Side Chart, k to 2 sts before third marker, ssk, mm, k to fourth marker, mm, k2tog,k2(3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11). Work Left Side Chart to beginning of round. Knit 4 rnds including lace panels i.e Work Right Side Chart, k3(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), mm, k to 2nd marker, mm, k3(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12). Work Left Side Chart, Work Right Side Chart, k3(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), mm,k to 4th marker, mm, k3(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12). Work Left Side Chart.


Work Right Side Chart(Row 6),knit to 2 sts before first marker, ssk, mm, k to second marker, mm, k2tog, kl(2, 3,4, 5,6,7, 8, 9,10), Work Left Side Chart, Work Right Side Chart, k to 2 sts before third marker, ssk, mm, k to fourth marker, mm, k2tog, k1(2, 3, k4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Work Left Side Chart to beginning of round. Knit 7 rnds including lace panels i.e. Work Right Side Chart, k2(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), mm, k to 2nd marker, mm, k2(3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11), Work Left Side Chart, Work Right Side Chart, k2(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), mm, k to 4th marker, mm, k2(3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), work Left Side Chart.


Work Right Side Chart (Row 4), k2(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, k1) to first marker, ml, mm, k to second marker, mm, ml, k2(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), Work Left Side Chart, Work Right Side Chart, knit to third marker, ml, mm, knit to fourth marker, mm, m1, k2(3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, k1). Work Left Side Chart. Knit 4 rnds including lace panels ie Work Right Side Chart, k3(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), mm, k to 2nd marker, mm, k3(4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9,10, 11, 12). Work Left Side Chart, Work Right Side Chart, k3(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), mm, k to 4th marker, mm, k3(4, 5, k6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12). Work Left Side Chart.


Work Right Side Chart (Row 9), k3(4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12) to first marker, ml, mm, k to second marker, mm, ml, k3(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), Work Left Side Chart, Work Right Side Chart, Knit to third marker, m1, mm, knit to fourth marker, mm, ml, k3(4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), Work Left Side Chart. Knit 4 rnds including lace panels ie Work Right Side Chart,k4(5,6,7,8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13), mm, k to 2nd marker, mm, k4(5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11, 12,13), Work Left Side Chart, Work Right Side Chart, k4(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), mm, k to 4th marker, mm, k4(5, 6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,13),work Left Side Chart. A note about adding in the lace panels All Sizes: Continue working chart into sweater as established, At beginning of round Work Right Side Chart, k4(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), mm, k to 2nd marker, mm, k4(5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), Work Left Side Chart, Work Right Side Chart, k4(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), mm, k to 4th marker, mm, k4(5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), work Left Side Chart until the Sleeve Cast Off.Continue working chart into sweater as established,including the Right Side and Left Side charts until Sweater measures 14.5(14.5, 14.5, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16) inches from cast on edge.128 (136,144,152,160, 168, 176, 184, 192, 200) sts

Pattern illustration


At beg of rnd cast off 4(5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6,7,7, 7),k55(58, 61, 65, 68, 71, 75, 78, 81, 85), cast off 9(10, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13,14,15,15),k55(58,61,65,68,71, 75,78,81,85), cast off 5(5,6,6,6,7, 7, 7, 8, 8), break yarn. 110(116, 122, 130, 136,142,150,156,162,170) sts


(Discontinue Working Chart) At beg of rnd pm, then cast on 25(27, 29,30,32,34,35,37,39,40),k55(58, 61,65,68,71,75,78,81, 85),cast on 25(27,29,30,32,34,35,37,39,40) k55(58,61,65,68,71,75,78,81,85). 160(170,180,190,200,210,220,230, 240,250) sts Allsizeswork5roundsofStockinette then begin Yoke Decreases.


\*K8, k2tog; rep from \* to end of round. 144(153,162,171, 180, 189,198, 207, 216,225) sts Knit 4 rounds plain. \*K7, k2tog; rep from \* to end of round.128(136,144,152,160,168,176, 184,192, 200) sts Knit 4 rounds plain. \*K6, k2tog; rep from \* to end of round. 112(119, 126, 133, 140, 147, 154, 161, 168, 175) sts Knit 4 rounds plain. If Scoop Neck is desired, skip to Wrap and Turn Rows. Otherwise, complete High Neck Yoke Decreases. \*K5, k2tog; rep from \* to end of round.96(102,108,114,120,126,132, 138, 144,150) sts 100,105,110,115,120,125) sts Begin Neck Shaping Wrap and Turn Rows (Wrap and Turn Instructions Row 1- Row 6 applies to ALL sizes) Scoop Neck: K78 (84, 89, 94, 99,105, 109,115,120,125) stitches,pm (middle marker),All sizes knit to 5 st before end of round marker then begin Row 1. Pick up and knit wraps as you go. High Neck: K60(65, 69, 73, 77, 82, 85,90,94,98) stitches,pm(middle marker),All sizes knit to 5 st before end of round marker then begin Row 1. Pick up and knit wraps as you go. Row 1: Wrap & turn, purl to 3 sts before middle marker. Row 2: Wrap & turn,knit to 4 sts before end of rnd marker. Row3:Wrap& turn,purl to2 sts before middle marker. Row 4:Wrap & turn,knit to 3 st before end of rnd marker. Row5:Wrap & turn,purl to 1 st before middlemarker Row 6: Wrap & turn, remove middle marker and knit to end to round.


Starting with a purl rnd, alternate Purl and Knit rnds for 6 rnds. Bind off loosely purlwise.

SLEEVES (Repeat twice)

Using needle two sizes larger pick up 42(43,46,49,50,52,54,56,59) stitches around arm hole. Starting with a purl rnd, alternate Purl and Knit rnds for 4 rnds. Bind off purl wise as loosely as possible using Jeni's surprisingly stretchy bind off. Weave in all ends. Block.


Row 1: K4, yo, kl, yo, k2, ssk, kl, k2tog. Row 2: K12. Row 3: K3, yo, kl, yo, k2, ssk, kl, k2tog, kl. Row 4: K12. Row 5: K2, ssk, k1, k2tog, k2, yo, k1, yo, k2. Row 6: K12. Row 7: K1, ssk, kl, k2tog, k2, yo, kl, yo, k3. Row 8: K12. Row 9: Ssk, kl, k2tog, k2, yo, kl, yo, k4. Row 10: K12.


Row 1: Ssk, kl, k2tog, k2, yo, kl, yo, k4. Row 2: K12. Row 3: K1, ssk, kl, k2tog, k2, yo, kl, yo, k3. Row 4: K12. Row 5: K2, yo, kl, yo, k2, ssk, kl, k2tog, k2. Row 6: K12. Row 7: K3, yo, kl, yo, k2, ssk, kl, k2tog, kl. Row 8: K12. Row 9: K4, yo, kl, yo, k2, ssk, kl, k2tog. Row 10: K12.


Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration



US 8/5 mm 16 inch Circular Knitting Needles and DPNs, or size needed to get gauge.


One 100 gram ball of Zen Yarn Garden Serenity Worsted [75% Merino Wool, 15% Cashmere, 10% Nylon]. 175 yards/160 meters. Colorway: blood orange. Total Yardage: 175 yards/160 meters.


16 stitches and 24 rnds over 4 inches in Stockinette Stitch


Hat measures 9 in from brim to crown and is 21 in unstretched.


Size 8 beads, crochet hook for placing beads


Cast on 76 stitches. Join in round. \*K2, p2\* over all stitches until hat measures 1.5inches from cast on edge. On the next Round: K51, pm, then work chart to end. Each Following round you will K51 stitches and then work the corresponding chart round to the end of the round. Work Chart three times total, then begin Decreases.


Rnd 1: K51, mm, k4, yo, kl, yo, k2, \*ssk, kl, k2tog, kl\* twice, kl, yo, kl, yo,k4.

Rnd 2 and every even Rnd through Rnd 10: K76.

Rnd 3: K51, mm, k3, yo, kl, yo, k2, ssk, kl, k2tog, k3, ssk, kl, k2tog, k2, yo, kl, yo,k3. Rnd 5: K51, mm, k2, ssk, kl, k2tog, k2, yo, kl, yo, k5, yo, kl, yo, k2, ssk, kl,


M1 make one using backwards loop k2tog, k2. Rnd 7: K51, mm, kl, ssk, kl, k2tog, k2, yo, kl, yo, k7, yo, kl, yo, k2, ssk, kl, k2tog, kl. Rnd 9: K51, mm, ssk, kl, k2tog, k2, yo, kl, yo, k9, yo, kl, yo, k2, ssk, kl, k2tog.


Switch to DPNs to begin Crown Decreases. Repeat \*\* instructions 6 times per Rnd. Decrease Set up Row: K38, ml, k38, m1.(78 sts) Rnd 1: \*K11, k2tog\*. (72 sts) Rnd 2 and all even numbered Rnds through Rnd 8: Knit all sts.


Rnd 3: \*K10, k2tog\*.(66 sts) Rnd 5: \*K9, k2tog\*.(60 sts) Rnd 7: \*K8, k2tog\*.(54 sts) Rnd 9: \*K7, k2tog\*. (48 sts) Rnd 10: \*K6, k2tog\*. (42 sts) Rnd 11: \*K5, k2tog\*. (36 sts) Rnd 12: \*K4, k2tog\*. (30 sts) Rnd 13: \*K3, k2tog\*. (24 sts) Rnd 14: \*K2, k2tog\*. (18 sts) Rnd 15: \*K1, k2tog\*. (12 sts) Break yarn and run through 12 remaining sts.

Pattern illustration

25242322o 2120o 1918171615入 1413人 12111098o 76o 5432


L'age d'Or Tee is a seamless short sleeved yoke sweater, knit in the round from the bottom up with waist and neck shaping. The dk weight yarn offers a great fit and the flatter is in the details: a delicate lace hem and scoop style neckline suits most body types. For a good fit add two inches to the size closest to your bust measurement.


US 5/3.75 mm 24 inch Circular knitting needles, or size needed to get gauge. For Sleeves: US 8/5mm 24 inch circular knitting needles.


Three-Five 100 gram balls of Zen Yarn Garden Serenity DK [90% Merino, 10% Cashmere]. Total Yardage: 250 yards/229 meters per 3.5 oz / 100 g.


17.5 stitches and 30 rnds over 4 inches in Stockinette Stitch FINISHED PATTERN MEASUREMENTS Bust 33(35, 38, 40, 42, 46, 48) in


Five Removable stitch markers Yarn needle (for weaving in ends)


The Tangerine Sweater is knit seamlessly in the round from the bottom up with waist shaping (indicated by the Decrease and Increase rounds) and neck shaping for a better fit. The Sleeve Cast off and Cast on is an innovative way to create sleeves while continuing to knit in the round. The Sleeve edges are picked up and knit, and then cast off for a neater appearance.


After checking gauge, cast on. Cast On 143 (154, 165, 176, 187, 198, 209) stitches. Join in round. Knit one round, begin chart. Once ribbing is established in Rnd 9 continue working Rnds 9-10 in all sizes until ribbing measures 3 inches from cast on edge. Repeat \*\* instructions 13(14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) times per Rnd.


Row 1: \*Ssk k3tbl, yo, kl, yo, k3tbl, k2tog\*. Row 2: \*K11\*. Row 3: \*Ssk, k2tbl, yo, kl, yo, ssk, yo, k2tbl, k2tog\*. Row 4: \*K11\*. Row 5: \*Ssk, ktbl, yo, kl, yo, [ssk, yo] twice, ktbl, k2tog\*. Row 6: \*K11\*. Row 7: \*Ssk, yo, kl, yo, [ssk, yo] three times, k2tog\*. Row 8: \*K11\*. Row 9: \*Kl, pl, k7, pl, k1\*. Row 10: \*K1, pl, k7, pl, k1\*.


Work instructions corresponding to your size once. Size 33" Work: M1, k143. Size 35" Work: \*K2tog, k75\* twice. Size 38" Work: M1, k82, M1, k83, M1. Size 40" Work: K176. Size 42" Work: K2tog, 90, k2tog, 91, k2tog. Size 46" Work: \*M1, k99\* twice. Size 48" Work: K2tog, k207. New Stitch Counts 144(152,168,176, 184, 200, 208)


K18(19,21,22,23,25,26),pm,k36(38, 42,44,46,50,52),pm,k36(38,42, 44,46,50,52),pm,k36(38,42,44, 46,50,52),pm,k18(19,21,22,23,25, 26). Work PM Row once, then begin Decrease Round The First Time.


Knit to 2 sts before first marker, ssk, mm, k to second marker, mm, k2tog, k to 2 sts before third marker, ssk, mm, k to fourth marker, mm, k2tog, k to end of round. Knit 5 rnds plain-All sizes.


Knit to 2 sts before first marker, ssk, mm, k to second marker, mm, k2tog, k to 2 sts before third marker, ssk, mm, k to fourth marker, mm, k2tog, k to end of round. Knit 11 rnds plain—All sizes.


Knit to first marker, ml, mm, k to second marker, mm, ml, knit to third marker, m1, mm, knit to fourth marker, mm, ml, knit to end of round. Knit 5 Rnds plain-All sizes.


Knit to first marker, m1, mm, k to second marker, mm, m1, knit to third marker, ml, mm, knit to fourth marker, mm, ml, knit to end of round. Continue working until sweater measures 14.5(14.5,15,15,15,16,16) inches from cast on edge. 144(152,168,176,184,200,208) sts


At beg of rnd cast off 5(5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8),K61(65,72,75,78,85,88), cast off 11(11,12,13,14,15,16),k61(65,72,75, 78,85,88),cast off 6(6,6,7,7,8,8), break yarn. 122(130, 144, 150, 156, 170, 176)sts


Use Backwards Loop Cast On At beg of rnd pm, then cast on 29(31, 33,35,37,39,42),k61(65,72,75, 78, 85, 88), cast on 29(31, 33,35, 37, 39,42),K61(65,72,75,78,85,88). 180(192,210,220,230,248,260) sts Allsizes work 5rounds of Stockinette. Size 35" only: \*K2tog, K94\* twice. Size 46" only: \*M1, K124\* twice. All other sizes: Knit 1 round. 180(190, 210,220,230,250,260) sts


\*K8, k2tog; rep from \* to end of round. 162(171, 189, 198, 207, 225, 234) sts. Knit 5 rounds plain. \*K7, k2tog; rep from \* to end of round.144(152,168,176,184,200, 208)sts. Knit 5 rounds plain. \*K6, k2tog; rep from \* to end of round.126(133,147,154,161,175,182) sts. Knit 5 rounds plain. \*K5, k2tog; rep from \* to end of round.108(114,126,132,138,150,156) sts. Knit 5 rounds plain. \*K4, k2tog; rep from \* to end of round. Knit 5 rounds plain. 90(95, 105,110,115,125,130) sts Begin Neck Shaping Wrap and Turn Rows(Wrap and Turn Instructions Row 1-Row 6 applies to ALL sizes) The short rows take place only on the back so that the back is raised higher than the front of the tee. They are also there to help the tee fit your back and shoulders better. You are working to a specific number of stitches past the middle marker as indicated in the pattern below, which marks the middle of the back. Knit 62(65,73,77,80,88,92) stitches, pm (middle marker), All sizesknit to5 stbefore end of round marker then begin Row 1. Pick up and knit wraps as you go. perore miaaie marker. Row 2:Wrap &turn,knit to 4 sts before end of rnd marker. Row3:Wrap&turn,purl to2 sts before middle marker. Row 4: Wrap &turn,knit to 3 st before end of rnd marker. Row 5: Wrap &turn,purl to 1 st before middle marker Row6:Wrap& turn,remove middle marker and knit to end to round.


Starting with a purl rnd, alternate Purl and Knit rnds for 8 rnds. Bind off loosely Purlwise.


Repeat twice Using needle two sizes larger pick up 42(42,48,51,51,57,57) stitches around armhole. \*K2, P1\* over all sts for 5 rnds. Bind off in pattern using a US 8 circularneedle. Weave in all ends. Block.


M1 make one using backwards loop

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration




US 2/2.75mm, 1 long circular, 1 dpn for caston


Two skeins Zen Yarn Garden Serenity 20 70% Merino, 20% Cashmere, 10% Nylon, 400 Yard s/ 366 meters per skein, 100gms/3.53oz. Color: 1 skein Moon Purple (C1), 1 skein Bumble Bee (C2) Total Yardage: 532 yds (133g)


16 stitches over 4 inches, 29 rows over 4 inches in stockinette stitch


Depth: 19 inches Top Edge: 52 inches Bottom Edge: 78 inches SUPPLIES Stitch marker, darning needle


This shawl begins at the top center with an I-Cord cast on and is worked out to the long bottom edge. The I-cord continues along the edges of the knitting and an applied I-cord cast off completes the pattern. Butterfly Ship Shawl is worked top down and includes color stranding and slipped stitches to achieve the color affects shown. The shawl features charted and written instructions.



With C1 use Judy's Magic Cast On to cast a total of 6 sts (3 on each of two needles). Work 4 rows of I-cord using the stitches on one needle only. Pick up and knit 3 sts along the I-cord. Knit the remaining 3 sts from the second needle. The second needle i S no longer needed.


With C1 cast on 3 sts. Work 4 rows of I-cord. Pick up and knit 3 sts along the I-cord. Pick up and knit 3 sts from the end of the I-cord.


Worked with C1: Row 1 (Ws): SI3, p3, sl3. (9 sts) Row 2: K3, slide 3 sts back to LHN, k2, kfb 2 times, pm, kfb 2 times, k3, slide 3 sts back to LHN, k3. (13 sts) Row 3: Sl3, m1p, p7, mlp, sl3. (15 sts) Row 4: Work edge, ml, k3, kfb 2 times, k4, ml, work edge. (19 sts) Row 5: SI3, mlp, p13, mlp, sl3. (21 sts) Row 6: Work edge, ml, k to 1 st before marker, kfb, slip marker, kfb, k to last 3 sts, ml, work edge. (25 sts) Row 7: Sl3, mlp, purl to last 3 sts, m1p, sl3. (27 sts) Repeatrows6and7eighteen more timesuntil there are 135sts after awrongsiderow.


Both Cl and C2 are used in this section, stranding the unused color across theback ofthe work. If there are more than 3 sts in one color in a row, twist the yarns together in the back to avoid long strands across thebackof the work. Work from the chart or from the written instructions below: Row 1: With C1 work edge, m1, kl, [with C1 k3, with C2 kl, with C1 k4, with C2 kl, with C1 k5, with C2 kl, with C1 k2, with C2 k2, with C1 k1] three times, with C1 k2, kfb, sm, kfb, k3, [with C1 kl, with C2 k2, withC1 k2, with C2 kl, with C1 k5, with C2 kl, with C1 k4, with C2 kl, with C1 k3] three times, with C1 kl, ml, work edge. (139 sts) Row 2: Sl3, with C1 mlp, p2, [with C2 p1, with C1 p2, with C2 p2, with C1 p2, with C2 p3, with C1 p3, with C2 p2, with C1 p3, with C2 p2] three times, with C1 p2, with C2 p1, with C1 p2, sm, pl, with C2 pl, with C1 p2, [with C2 p2, with C1 p2, with C2 p3, with C1 p3, with C2 p3, with C1 p2, with C2 p2, with C1 p2, withC2 p1] three times, with C1 p2, mlp, sl3. (141 sts) Row 3: With C1 work edge, ml, k2, with C2 k1, [with C2 k1, with C1 k2,

Pattern illustration


C1 Color 1, Moon Purple C2 Color 2, Bumble Bee SL slip st purlwise WORK EDGE k3, slide 3 sts back to LHN, k3 M1 make 1 increase using lifted increase M1P make 1 purl increase using lifted increase I-CORD knit all sts, slide work to the other end of the needle, pull the yarn tightly behind the work, repeat with C2 k2, with C1 k3, with C2 k2, with C1k3,with C2 k2,with C1k3, with C2 k2] three times, with C1 k2, with C2 kl, knit into next st leaving it on the LHN, with C1 ktbl, sm, kfb, with C2 k2, with C1 k2, [with C2 k2, with C1k3,with C2 k2,with C1k3, with C2 k2, with C1 k3, with C2 k2, with C1 k2, with C2 k1] three times, with C2 kl, with C1 k2, ml, work edge. (145 sts) Row 4: SI3, with C2 mlp, with C1 p2, with C2 p2, [with C1 p3, with C2 p2, with C1 p3, with C2 p2, with C1 p3, with C2 p2, with C1 p3, with C2 p2] three times, with C1 p2, with C2 p2, with C1 p2, sm, pl, with C2 p2, with C1 p2, [with C2 p2, with C1 p3, with C2 p2, with C1 p3, with C2 p2, with C1 p3, with C2 p2, with C1 p3] three times, with C2 p2, with C1 p2, with C2 m1p, sl3. (147 sts) Row 5: With C1 work edge, with C2 ml, kl, with C1 k2, with C2 k2, [with C1 k2, with C2 k3, with C1 k2, with C2 k4, with C1 kl, with C2 k4, with C1 k2, with C2 k2] three times, with C2 k1, with C1 k2, with C2 k1, knit into next st leaving it on the LHN, with C1 ktbl, sm, kfb, with C2 k2, with C1 k2, with C2 k1, [with C2 k2, with C1 k2, with C2 k4, with C1 kl, with C2 k4, with C1 k2, with C2 k3, with C1 k2] three times, with C2 k2, with C1 k2, with C2 kl, ml, with C1 work edge. (151 sts) Row 6: Sl3, with C2 mlp, p2, with C1 p1, with C2 p3, [with C1 p1, with C2 p4,with C1 p2,with C2 p4, with C1 p1, with C2 p5, with C1 p1, with C2 p2] three times, with C2 p2, with C1 p2, with C2 p2, with C1 pl, sm, with C2 p2,with C1 p2,with C2 p2,[with C2 p2, with C1 pl, with C1 p2, with C1 pl, with C2 p4, with C1p2, with C2 p4, with C1 p1] three times, with C2 p3, with C1 p1,with C2 p2, m1p,sl3.(153 sts) Row 7: With C2 work edge, ml, k7,


Pattern illustration


M I→7


Pattern illustration

[with C1 kl, with C2 k5, with C1 kl, with C2 k4, with C1 kl, with C2 k5, with C1 kl, with C2 k2] three times, with C2 k3, with C1 kl, with C2 k1, kfb, sm, with C1 knit into next st leaving it on the LHN, with C2 ktbl, k2, with C1 kl, with C2 k3, [with C2 k2, with C1 kl, with C2 k5, with C1 kl, with C2 k4, with C1 kl, with C2 k5, with C1 kl] three times, with C2 k7, m1, work edge.(157 sts) Row 8: Sl3, with C2 mlp, p8, [with C2 p6, with C1 pl, with C2 p10, with C1 pl, with C2 p2] three times, with C2 p7, with C1 p1, sm, with C2 p7,[with C2 p2,with C1 p1, with C2 p10, with C1 pl, with C2 p6] three times, with C2 p8,m1p,sl3. (159 sts)


With C2, work the following two rows 21 times total until there are a total of 285 sts: Row 1: Work edge, ml, k to 1 st before marker, kfb, slip marker, kfb, k to last 3 sts, ml, work edge. Row 2: Sl3, mlp, purl to last 3 sts, mlp, sl3.


Row 2: With C1, sl3, ml, k to last 3 sts, ml, k3. Work the two rows above two more times.(303 sts)


In addition tothetwoballsofyarn attached to the work, two small lengths of Cl are needed for the center and end, enough for about 70 stitches. These small lengths will be used to continue regular increases at both sides and in the center during the slip stitch portion that is worked with C2. When slipping large numbers of stitches, ensure the float runs smoothly along the back of the work without pulling or hanging down. On Right side rows, slip sts with yarn in back. On Wrong side rows, slip sts with yarn in front. Row 1: With ball of Cl work edge, ml, with C2[k3, sl6]16 times,k3,with first small length of C1 kfb, sm, kfb, kl, with C2 [k3, sl6] 16 times, k3, with second small length of C1 ml, work edge.(307 sts) Row 2: SI3, with C1 mlp, with C2 [p5, sl4] 16 times, p5, with C1 p2, sm, pl, with C2 [p5, sl4] 16 times, p5, with C1 m1p, sl3. (309 sts) Row 3: With C1 work edge, ml, with C2 [k7 sl2] 16 times, k6, k1 leaving st on LHN, with C1 ktbl of st just worked, sm, kfb, with C2 [k7, sl2] 16 times, k7, with C1 ml, work edge. (313 sts) Row 4: Sl3, with C1 m1p, p1, with C2 [p7, sl2] 16 times, p7, with C1 p2, sm, pl, with C2 [p7, sl2] 16 times, p7, with C1 pl, m1p, sl3. (315 sts) Row 5: With C1 work edge, ml, k2, with C2 [k7, sl2] 16 times, k7, with C1 kfb, sm, kfb, kl, with C2 [k7, sl2] 16 times, k7, with C1 k2, ml, work edge. (319 sts) Row 6: Sl3, with C1 mlp, p3, with C2 [p7, sl2] 16 times, p7, with C1 p3, sm, p2, with C2 [p7, sl2] 16 times, p7, with C1 p3, m1p, sl3. (321 sts) Row 7: With Cl, work edge, ml, k5, with C2 [k5, sl4] 16 times, k5, with C1 k2, kfb, sm, kfb, k3, with C2 [k5, sl4] 16 times, k5, with C1 k5, m1, work edge. (325 sts) Row 8: Sl3, with C1 mlp, p7, with C2 [p3, sl6] 16 times, p3, with C1 p6, sm, p5, with C2 [p3, sl6] 16 times, p3, with C1 p7, mlp, sl3. (327 sts)


Row 1: With C1, work edge,m1, k to 1 st before marker, kfb, sm, kfb, k to last 3 sts, ml, work edge.


With C1, k3, slide the 3 sts back to LHN, k2, k2tog, slide 3 sts back to LHN, k3, \*slide 3 sts back to LHN, k2, k2tog, repeat from \* to last 4 sts. Slide 3 sts back to LHN, k3, Slide 3 sts back to LHN, k2, k2tog. (6 sts) Graft the remaining sts together for a continuous edge around the shawl.


Soak shawl in cool water. Squeeze out excess water without wringing shawl. Lay flat to dry, pulling gently into shape as needed.


Catalonia is a Faroese style shaped shawl with an Orenburg inspired border. Carefully placed decrease rows change the shape of the shawl from triangular to semi-circular. The border is worked first and the body stitches are picked up from a line of yarn overs. The center spine features an eight row mirrored rope cable and lace motif. Once completed, the shawl will almost be a full circle. ABBREVIATIONS C3F Slip 3 stitches to cable needle and hold in front, k3, k3 from cable needle C3B Slip 3 stitches to cable needle and hold in back, k3, k3 from cable needle SPECIAL STITCHES RIGHT CABLE DECREASE kl, yo, skp, yo, k3 LEFT CABLE DECREASE kl, yo, skp, yo, kl


US 3/3.25 mm circular needles


Zen Yarn Garden Serenity Lace [90/10 SW Merino Cashmere] 1050 yds/963 meters, 100 grams/3.53 ounces Color: Flamenco Total yardage: 800 yds/ 34 m


20 stitches and 23 rows over 4 inches in garter stitch


1 Size Depth at spine: 23.5 ' Total width: 56" Total depth: 45"


Darning needle, stitch markers (4), cable needle, blocking wires and pins


The lace border is worked first with the body stitches being picked up after the border is finished. A line of yarnovers facilitate the picking up of the stitches. The curve of the shawl is accomplished through several major decrease rows. The bind off rows are worked across the spine stitches and the remaining live stitches are grafted in garter stitch.



With a long tail cast on, cast on 17 stitches.

Row 1: K17.

Row 2: Yo, kl, k2tog, k14. Work rows 1& 2 twice (4 rows total) Work 2 set up rows. Odd numbered rows are read from right to left.Even numbered rows areread from left to right. After working the 2 set up rows, begin Lace Border pattern. Stitch count varies. The yarn over added at the beginning of each even numbered row, is decreased off on the subsequent odd numbered row.

Row 3: K17.

Row 4: Repeat Row 2.

Bind off border stitches purlwise as follows: P1, [pl, pass lst stitch over last stitch worked], repeat bracketed stitches until all stitches have been bound off. Do not break yarn.


Slip 1 stitch (last stitch bound off), Pick up and knit 1 stitch in each of the yarn over loops along the border edge (445 stitches total) \*\*The yo loop from the last wrong side row is not picked up. It is included in the bind off of the border stitches.

SHAWL BODY(Section 1)

Set up row: K2, pm, k205, pm, p31, pm, k205, pm, k2. Body row 1 (RS): K2, sm, ssk, knit to two stitches before next marker, ssk, sm, work Cable Lace chart across 31 stitches, sm, k2tog, knit to two stitches before next marker, k2tog, sm,k2. Body row 2 (Ws): K2, sm, knit to next marker, sm, p31, sm, knit to next marker, sm, k2. WorkBodyRows1& 2 a total of 16 times (32 totalrows).381total stitches remain, 173 stitches remain between theborder marker and the spine marker on each side. Decrease Row: K2, sm, (ssk, k1), repeat stitches in parentheses until 2 stitches remain until next marker, ssk, sm, work Cable Lace chart across 31 stitches, sm, (k2tog, k1) repeat stitches in parentheses until 2 stitches remain until next marker, k2tog,sm,k2.265 total stitches remain, 115 stitches remain between markers. SHAWL BODY (Section 2) WorkBodyRows1& 2 a total of 16 times (32 total rows). 201 total stitchesremain,83stitchesremain between the border marker and the spine marker on each side. Decrease Row: K2, sm, (ssk, k1), repeat stitches in parentheses until 2 stitches remain until next marker, ssk, sm, work Cable Lace chart across 31 stitches, sm, (k2tog, k1) repeat stitches in parentheses until 2 stitches remain until next marker, k2tog, sm, k2. 145 total stitches remain, 55 stitches remain between markers.

SHAWL BODY (Section 3)

Work Body Rows 1& 2 a total of 16 times(32 total rows).81total stitches remain, 23 stitches remain between the border marker and the spine markeroneachside. Decrease Row: K2, sm, (ssk, k1), repeat stitchesin parentheses until 2 stitches remain until next marker, ssk, sm, work Cable Lace chart across 31 stitches, sm, (k2tog, k1) repeat stitches in parentheses until 2 stitches remain until next marker, k2tog, sm, k2. 65 total stitches remain, 15 stitches remain between markers.

SHAWL BODY(Section 4)

WorkBodyRows1&2atotalof 6 times (12 rows). 41 total stitches remain, 3 stitches remain between the border marker and the spine markeroneachside. Next row: K2, remove marker, sssk, remove marker, k3, yo, sk2p, yo, kl, Left Cable Decrease, Right Cable Decrease, remove marker, k3tog, remove marker, k2. 31 stitches remain.


Row 1: K2, k2tog, turn. Row 2: Slip 1 knitwise with yarn in back, k2, turn. Repeat rows 1& 2 until only 6 stitches remain, ending with row 1. There should be3 stitches on the right (front) needle and 3 on the left (back) needle. Cut working yarn, leaving a tail of about 12 inches (30 centimeters). Thread darning needle, and graft remaining stitches together as follows: Set up: Insert darning needle into first stitch on front needle as if to purl and pull through. Insert darning needle into first stitch on back needle as if to purl and pull through. Insert darning needle into first stitch on front needle as if to knit, pull through and remove stitch from needle. Insertdarningneedleintonextstitch on front needle as if to purl, pull through and leave stitch on needle. Insert darning needle into first stitch on back needle as if to knit, pull through and remove stitch from needle. Insertdarningneedleintonextstitch on back needle as if to purl, pull through and leave stitch on needle. Block as desired and weave in ends.


Set up row 1: Slip 1, k2, yo, kl, k2tog, yo, kl, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog. Set up row 2: yo, kl, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k10 (18 stitches) BORDER LACE PATTERN Row 1: Slip 1, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, kl (18 stitches) Row 2: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, knit to end of row (19 stitches) Row 3: Slip 1, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k3, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, k1 (19 stitches) Row 4: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, knit to end of row (20 stitches) Row 5: Slip 1, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k4, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, k1 (20 stitches) Row 6: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, knit to end of row (21 stitches) Row 7: Slip 1, k2, yo, k2tog, yo, k5, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, k1 (21 stitches) Row 8: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, knit to end of row (22 stitches) Row 9: Slip 1, k2, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k2tog, k3, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, k1 (21 stitches) Row 10: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, knit to last 2 stitches, k2tog (21 stitches) Row 11: Slip 1, k2, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k2tog, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, k1 (20 stitches) Row 12: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, knit to last 2 stitches, k2tog (20 stitches) Row 13: Slip 1, k2, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k2tog, kl, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, k1 (19 stitches) Row 14: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, knit to last 2 stitches, k2tog (19 stitches) Row 15: Slip 1, k2, yo, k2tog, kl, yo, k2tog, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, k1 (18 stitches) Row 16: Yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, knit to last 2 stitches, k2tog (18 stitches) CABLE LACE Row 1 and all odd rows: Purl Row 2: k2, [yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, k6] x 2, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, k2 Row 4: k3, yo, sk2p, yo, kl, c3f, kl, yo, sk2p, yo, kl, c3b, kl, yo, sk2p, yo, k3 Row 6: Repeat Row 2 Row 8: k2, [kl, yo, sk2p, yo, k7] x 2, k1, yo, sk2p, yo, k3

Pattern illustration


US 5/3.75 mm knitting needles, or size needed to get gauge.


One ball of Zen Yarn Garden CashSilk Fingering [55% Silk, 45% Cashmere]. 400 yards/366 meters. Total yardage: 291 yards/267 meters per202. Colorway: Tangerine


22 stitches and 30 rows over 4 inches in Stockinette Stitch FINISHED PATTERN MEASUREMENTS 47 inches wide by 19.5 inches long after blocking.


Removable stitch marker, yarn needle (for weaving in ends) blocking aids (optional)


Pattern illustration

This shawl is constructed of a main body with a knit-on lace edging. The body is constructed in a traditional triangle method, beginning with Chart A, then moving to Chart B after there are 25 sts. The knit-on edging begins with Chart C, working to the marked center stitch of the body. Short rows are used to shape the edging around the center point of the body. Written instructions are provided for all charts, so you may work from the charts or the written instructions. For more information on knitted lace triangle construction, seewww.fickleknitter.com/ archives/2009/12/knitted-lacetriangle-construction-by-michellemiller.htm. Toreador is knit with one skein of Zen Yarn Garden's Cash Silk. The shawl is worked from the top down to the long edge featuring a knit on border. The pattern includes charts as well as written instructions.



C3F Slip 3 stitches to cable needle and hold in front, k3, k3 from cable needle C3B Slip 3 stitches to cable needle and hold in back, k3, k3 from cable needle


Row 1 (RS): Cast on 5 stitches. (5 sts) Row 2 and all even-numbered rows (WS) to Row 12: Purl. Row 3: P1, \*yo, p1; rep from \* to end. (9 sts) Row 5: P1, [yo, p3, yo, p1] twice. (13 sts) Row 7: P1, [yo, p5, yo, p1] twice. (17 sts) Row 9: P1, [yo, p7, yo, k1] twice. (21 sts) Row 11: Pl, [yo, p9, yo, pl] twice. (25 sts) Place stitch marker to the right of the center stitch. Slip the center stitch marker every row as you knit the shawl. Begin working Chart B, continuing at Row 13.


The main body pattern repeat is indicated by the red-bordered sections on Chart B, and is shown in the written instructions below in bold and enclosed in brackets. Repeat bold, bracketed instructions once through Row 22, twice through Row 22 on the second repeat, three times through Row 22 on the third repeat, four times through Row 22 on the fourth repeat and so on while working Chart B nine times ending withRow22andthereare205sts. Then work the knit on edging found in Chart C. All wrong side rows are purled. Row 13 (RS): P1, yo, p1, [p7, yo, p2tog tbl, p1], yo, pl, yo, [pl, p2tog tbl, yo, p7], pl, yo, pl. (29 sts) Row 14, and all even-numbered (WS) rows to Row 22: Purl all stitches. Row 15: Pl, yo, p3, [p7, yo, p2tog tbl, pl], yo, pl, yo, [pl, p2tog tbl, yo,p7],p3,yo,p1.(33 sts) Row 17: P1, yo, p5, [p7, yo, p2tog tbl, pl], yo, pl, yo, [p1, p2tog tbl, yo, p7], p5, yo, p1. (37 sts) Row 19: P1, yo, p7, [p7, yo, p2tog tbl, pl], yo, pl, yo, [pl, p2tog tbl, yo, p7], p7, yo, p1. (41 sts) Row 21: Pl, yo, p9, [p7, yo, p2tog tbl, p1], yo, pl, yo, [pl, p2tog tbl, yo, p7], p9, yo, pl. (45 sts) Stitch counts after Chart B repeats (45,65,85,105,125,145,165,185, 205) stitches.


Without breaking yarn and using the knitted cast-on method,cast on 16 sts. Work Chart C, knitting last edge stitch together with one stitch from main body stitches on all odd rows. Repeat Chart Cuntil one stitch before stitch marker is reached,then complete the Short Row Center. Purl



Slip 3 stitches to cable needle and hold in back. Knit 2 stitches together, one from the left needle with one from the cable needle 3 times (3 stitches decreased)


Slip 4 stitches to cable needle and hold in front. Knit 2 stitches together, one from the cable needle with one from the left needle 3 times (3 stitches decreased). all WS rows, slipping the first stitch of each purl row. Row 1: P1, k2, yo, pl, yo, k2, p2, sk2p, p2, k2, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 2, and all even-numbered (WS) rows to Row 12: Slip first stitch purlwise, purl all remaining stitches. Row 3: K2, yo, p3, yo, k2, pl, sk2p, pl, k2, pl, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 5: K1, yo, p5, yo, k2, sk2p, k2, p2, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 7: K2, p2, sk2p, p2, k2, yo, pl, yo, k2, pl, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 9: P1, k2, pl, sk2p, pl, k2, yo, p3, yo, k2, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 11: P2, k2, sk2p, k2, yo, p5, yo, kl, k2tog with edge stitch.


Work to one stitch to the right of stitch marker (ending with Row 10 of 17th repeat) and work Short Row Center instructions. Row 11: P2, k2, sk2p, k2, yo, p5, yo, kl, TURN. Row 12: P15. Row 1: P1, k2, yo, pl, yo, k2, p2, sk2p, p2, k2, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 2: Slip 1, p15. Row 3: K2, yo, p3, yo, k2, pl, sk2p, pl, k2, pl, k2tog with edge stitch. Row 4: Slip 1, p15. Row 5: K1, yo, p5, yo, k2, sk2p, k2, p2, TURN. Row 6: P15. Row 7: K2, p2, sk2p, p2, k2, yo, pl, yo, k2, pl, k2tog with edge stitch. Continue on as before on Chart C. Work until all main body stitches are consumed. Purl one row more and bind off remaining stitches, weave in ends, and block.


Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration



Note for Chart A: All wrong side rows are purled. Work Chart A increases with a yo on each edge and on each side of the center st until there are 25 sts, then begin Chart B. Note for Chart B: The main body pattern repeat is indicated by the red-bordered sections on Chart B. Work the red bordered instructions once through Row 22, twice through Row 22 on the second repeat, three times through Row 22 on the third repeat, four times through Row 22 on the fourth repeat and so on while working Chart B nine times ending with Row 22 and there are 205 stitches. Then work the knit on edging found in Chart C. All wrong side rows are purled. Note for Chart C: Using the knitted cast-on method, cast on 16 sts . Work Chart C, knitting last edge stitch together with one stitch from main body stitches on all odd rows. Repeat Chart C until one stitch to the right of stitch marker is reached ending with a purl row, and then complete the Short Row Center written instructions. Purl all wS rows, slipping the first stitch.


By michelle miller Felipe is a 1x1 rib hat with added interest. The hat features a relaxed fit and is a quick one skein project featuring DK yarn. It is suitable for men and women.


US 7 16-inch circular knitting needle


Serenity DK [90% Merino, 10% Cashmere]. 200 yards/229 meters per 3.5 oz / 100 g. Colorway: Dragon Fruit


20 stitches and 28 rounds over four inches of (kl, pl) 1xl rib. FINISHED PATTERN MEASUREMENTS 16 inches unstretched. 9 inches from crown to brim. PATTERN Cast on 100 sts, join in round. Work 1x1 rib: (k1, p1) for 4.5 inches. Work \*k2tog, yo\* over all stitches for four rounds total. Work 1xl rib for one inch more. BEGIN CROWN DECREASES Repeat from \* around for all dc rows Rnd 1: \*(K1, p1) four times k2tog.\* 90 sts Rnd 2: \*(K1, p1) three times, k1, p2tog, (pl, k1) three times, p1, k2tog.\* 80 sts Rnd 3: \*(K1, p1) three times, k2tog.\* 70 sts Rnd 4: \*(K1, p1) twice, kl, p2tog, (pl, k1) twice, p1, k2tog.\* 60 sts Rnd 5: \*(K1, p1) twice, k2tog.\* 50 sts Rnd 6: \*(K1, p1), kl, p2tog, (p1, k1), p1, k2tog.\* 40 sts Rnd 7: \*(K1, p1), k2tog.\* 30 sts Rnd 8: \*K1, p2tog, pl, k2tog.\* 20 sts Rnd 9: \*K2tog.\* 10 sts Break wool, weave remaining yarn through live stitches and pull to close. Weave in ends, block.


Slip 3 stitches purl wise with the yarn in front Slip 3 stitches purl wise with the yarn in back Slip 1 stitch purl wise with the yarn in front Slip 1 stitch purl wise with the yarn in back Pick up the link of yarn formed when you slipped the stitch after the turn, and work it together with the next stitch. NOTE: Until you can recognize thislinkof yarn, place a removable stitch marker on your working yarn when you turn. Slip the first stitch likenormal and let the stitch marker designate this link of yarn that you are forming when you move on to the next stitch. K2TOG TBL knit 2 stitches together through the back loops


BY SUZANNE NIELSEN The butterfly inspired Elena Sweater is knit flat in two pieces and then seamed up each side and across the shoulders and finished with an icord border.


US 6/4 mm straight or circular knitting needles, plus DPNs for bind off


Serenity Silk Singleby ZenYarn Garden, 1200 (1300, 1600) yards ) 1101 (1195, 1468) m Colorway: One Of A Kind (OOAK)


16sts and 24rows per 4" (10 cm) square in stockinette stitch (blocked)


x-small/small (medium/large, x-large/xx-large) to fit hip size 35- 38"(38-43", 44-50") and bust size 32-36"(38-44", 44-50") SUPPLIES Darning needle



Cast on 110 (126, 156) stitches using tubular or stretchy cast on. Row 1: \*K1, pl: repeat from \* to end. Repeat row 1 until piece measures 6(7,8)"


Row 1: K1, m1, knit until one stitch remains, ml, kl. Row 2: Purl all stitches. Repeat rows 1 and 2 six more times Note: 124 (140, 170) stitches Row 13: S3 wyib, knit all remaining stitches. Row 14: S3 wyif, purl all remaining stitches. Repeat rows 13 and 14 until piece measures 15(17, 18)" from cast on edge.


Row 1: 55 wyib, k58 (bb, 8l), k2tog, k61 (69, 84). 123(139, 169) sts Row 2: S3 wyif, purl all remaining stitches. Row 3: S3 wyib, k56 (64, 79), pl, k2tog, yo, kl, pl, k59 (67, 82). Row 4: S3 wyif, p56 (64, 79), kl, p3, kl, p59 (67, 82). Row 5: S3 wyib, k52 (60,75), [p1, kl, yo, skp]x3, p1, k55 (63, 78). Row 6: S3 wyif, p52 (60,75), [kl, p3] x3, kl, p55 (63, 78). Row 7: S3 wyib, k48 (56, 71), [pl, k2tog, yo, k1]x5, pl, k51 (59, 74). Row 8: S3 wyif, p48 (56, 71), [kl, p3] x5, kl, p51 (59, 74). Row 9: S3 wyib, k44 (52, 67), [p1, kl, yo, skp]x7, p1, k47 (55, 70). Row 10: S3 wyif, p44 (52, 67), [kl, p3]x7, kl, p47 (55, 70). Row 11: S3 wyib, k40 (48, 63), [pl, k2tog, yo, k1]x9, pl, k43 (51, 66). Row 12: S3 wyif, p40 (48, 63), [kl, p3]x9, kl, p43 (51, 66). Row 13: S3 wyib, k36 (44, 59), [pl, kl, yo, skp]x1l, pl, k39 (47, 62). Row 14: S3 wyif, p36 (44,59), [kl, p3]x11, kl, p39 (47, 62). Row 15: S3 wyib, k32 (40, 55), [pl, k2tog, yo, k1]x13, p1, k35, (43, 58). Row 16: S3 wyif, p32 (40, 55), [kl, p3]x13, kl, p35, (43, 58). Row 17: S3 wyib, k28 (36, 51), [p1, kl, yo, skp]x15, pl, k31 (39, 54). Row 18: S3 wyif, p28 (36, 51), [kl, p3,]x15 kl, p31 (39, 54). Row 19: S3 wyib, k24 (32, 47), [pl, k2tog, yo, k1]x17, pl, k27, (35, 50). Row 20: S3 wyif, p24 (32,47), [kl, p3]x17, kl, p27, (35, 50). Row 21: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, kl, yo, skp]x19, p1, k23 (31, 46). Row 22: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), [k1, p3]x19, kl, p23 (31, 46). Row 23: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, k2tog, yo, k1]x19, pl, k23 (31, 46). Row 24: S3 wyif, p20 (28,43), [kl, p3]x19, kl, p23 (31, 46). Repeat rows 21-24 five more times. Row 45: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, kl, yo, skp]x9, pl, turn. Row 46: S1 wyif, [p3, k1]x9, p23 (31, 46). Row 47: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, k2tog, yo, kl]x8, pl, turn. Row 48: S1 wyif, [p3, k1]x8, p23 (31, 46). Row 49: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, kl, yo, skp]x7, pl, turn. Row 50: S1 wyif, [p3, k1]x7, p23 (31, 46). Row 51: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, k2tog, yo, kl]x6, pl, turn. Row 52: S1 wyif, [p3, k1]x6, p23 (31, 46). Row 53: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, kl, yo, skp]x5, pl, turn. Row 54: S1 wyif, [p3, k1]x5, p23 (31, 46). Row 55: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, k2tog, yo, kl]x4, pl, turn. Row 56: S1 wyif,[p3, k1]x4, p23 (31, 46). Row 57: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, kl, yo, skp]x3, pl, turn. Row 58: S1 wyif, [p3, k1]x3, p23 (31, 46). Row 59: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [pl, k2tog, yo, kl]x2, pl, turn. Row 60: S1 wyif, [p3, k1]x2, p23 (31, 46). Row 61: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), p1, kl. yo, skp, pl, turn. Row 62: S1 wyif, p3, kl, p23 (31, 46). Row 63: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), pl, turn. Row 64: S1 wyif, p23 (31, 46). Row 65: S3 wyib, k20 (28, 43), [close, k3]x9, close, k2, [pl, kl, yo, skp]x9, pl, k23 (31, 46). Row 66: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), [kl, p3]x8, k1, turn Row 67: S1 wyib, [p1, k2tog, yo, k1] x8, k23 (31, 46). Row 68: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), [kl, p3]x7, kl, turn Row 69: S1 wyib, [kl, yo, skp, pl]x7, k23 (31, 46). Row 70: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), [kl, p3]x6, kl, turn Row 71: S1 wyib, [pl, k2tog, yo, k1] x6, k23 (31, 46). Row 72: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), [kl, p3]x5, k1, turn Row 73: S1 wyib, [kl, yo, skp, p1]x5, k23 (31, 46). Row 74: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), [k1, p3]x4, kl, turn Row 75: S1 wyib, [p1, k2tog, yo, k1] x4, k23 (31, 46). Row 76: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), [kl, p3]x3, kl, turn Row 77: S1 wyib, [k1, yo, skp, p1]x3, k23 (31, 46). Row 78: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), [k1, p3]x2, kl, turn Row 79: S1 wyib, [pl, k2tog, yo, kl] x2, k23 (31, 46). Row 80: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), kl, p3, kl, turn Row 81: S1 wyib, kl, yo, skp, pl, k23 (31, 46). Row 82: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), kl, turn Row 83: S1 wyib, k23 (31, 46). Row 84: S3 wyif, p20 (28, 43), [close, p3]x9, kl, turn Row 85: S1 wyib, knit all remaining stitches Row 86: S3 wyif, purl all stitches


TheI-cordedgethatyou havebeen working all along will lead seamlessly into theI-cord bindoffdescribed here! K2, k2tog tbl, transfer 3 stitches back to the left needle. Repeat this process until there are a total of 6 stitches remaining. Cut yarn leaving at least a 6" tail. Place thefirst3stitchesononedouble point needle and the remaining 3 stitches on a second double point needle. Turn the first double pointed needle so that the first stitch on it lines up with the last stitch on the second double point. Kitchener stitch these 6 stitches together. (This will make the bind off lead seamlessly into the edge!)


Work the same as the front until the lace panel. Continue repeating rows 13 and 14 untilpiecemeasurethesame asthe front. Bind offin the samemethod as the front. Weave in ends and block. Seam bottom ribbed sections together with a mattress stitch. Seam sides and shoulders by holding the wrong sides together and seaming onestitchor one row in from the I-cord using a backstitch method. Start seaming the shouldersfrom the outside and work in until neck hole is desired size. In the same manner start seaming the sides from the bottom and stop when armhole is the desired size.

Pattern illustration



Meghan Jackson is a wife, mother, knitter, writer, and knitwear designer. She has three young children, a wonderful husband, and more yarn and ideas than she could knit in a lifetime. She publishes patterns on Ravelry, has designs published in various magazines, and loves to work with indie dyers for design collaborations. In what seems like a past life, she has a Creative Writing Degree from York University and has published books ofpoetry.


Michelle Miller is a knitting author, publisher, and at the time of publishing is 36 years old, a wife, a mom of 2, an advocate for the intellectually disabled, a physicist, a dreamer, and a lover of fine yarn.


Kate learned to knit as a child and after putting it down for some reason, picked it back up in college - and hasn't stopped since! She has just recently started designing and publishing patterns. When not knitting, Kate can usually be found reading. She is also continuously looking for ways to alter the space-time continuum so she'll have more time to knit.


Natalie Servant uses her knitting designs to explore ideas of beauty, elegance, and utility. She is frequently inspired by her love of Art Deco designs. She really enjoys lace knitting but will use whatever knitting technique expresses an idea best, from colorwork to cables to double knitting. She walks through life with her eyes a little wider open these days because the next interesting idea might beisomething she would otherwise justwalkby.


Roxanne Yeun is founder and creative director of Zen Yarn Garden. She is a talented designer in her own right with a phenomenal eye for color and has been a knitter for over 10 years. Roxanne used her technical expertise to create a method for dyeing variegated yarns that doesn't pool. (see Elena Sweater).


Suzanne Nielsen is trained as a biomedical engineer and is also a yarn rep servicing Southern California. She has been knitting since finishing graduate school and recently took up designing.

Pattern illustration

DREAMs is the fourth book by Michelle Miller and is inspired by the work of Salvador Dali. Each project is brought to life in the luxurious cashmere blends of Zen Yarn Garden yarn. Dreams features the work of Michelle Miller, Zen Yarn Garden owner Roxanne Yeun, as well as four other up and coming designers Meghan Jackson, Suzanne Nielsen, Kate Poe and Natalie Servant. The book showcases projects knit in lace weight, sock weight, dk and worsted yarn and has projects suitable for beginning to advanced level knitters. Michelle has been writing knitting patterns professionally since 2008. She combines her love of mathematics and knitting and takes joy in her knitting (almost) every day. Michelle has been published regularly with articles and knitting patterns appearing in magazines and books since 2009. Michelle specializes in writing knitting patterns featuring one skein projects using luxury yarns.

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