Simple unisex sock pattern, using a garter stitch rib, to make the knitting more interesting and forgiving. With 2 balls of Stahl Limbo yarn, there was approximately 2 meters of yarn left, so if you only have 2 balls of yarn, the leg wlll need to be shortened or you will likely run short. I worked up a second pair with discontinued Annabel Fox DK Wool. The pattern shows up much better on solid colour yarns. I only had 2 balls of the Loden in stash, so used the aubergine to work contrasting toes and heels.
Stitches Used:
1x1 Rib: Round 1: \*k, p \* repeat \* to \* Garter Rib: Round 1: \*k2 p3, k1\* repeat \* to \* Round 2: \*k\* repeat \* to \* Heel Stitch: Row 1: \*with yarn in front s1, p1\*, repeat \* to \*, sl1 Row 2: \*k\* repeat \* to \*
Finished Measurements
Sized to fit ladies US size 8/UK size 6/EUR 38.5 Cuff to start of heel: 6 in/15 cm
3 skeins Stahl Limbo DK (137yds/125m per 50g) 2 stitch markers 1 tapestry needle Magic loop method 1 x 4.00 mm, 32 inch circular (for cast-on) 1 x 3.00 mm, 32 inch circular 2 circs method: 1 x 4.00 mm can be straight or circular (for cast-on) 2 x 3.00 mm, 24 inch (60cm) circular 4 Double-pointed needles (dpns) method: 1 x 4.o0 mm, can be straight or circular (for cast-on) 5 x 3.00 mm dpns Gauge Approx 13.5 stitches per 2in/5cm

1. With 4.00mm needles, cast on 54 stitches, using long tail method. Transfer stitches to 3.00mm needles. Carefully divide stitches so that the loop is pulled through at 27 stitches. Join the stitches, taking care not to twist. 2. On 3.00mm, begin cuff, knitting 10 rows of 1x1 rib. 3. Carefully work another 14 stitches and reposition stitches on needle so that the join is centered over 29 stitches. (The instep will have 25 stitches). 4. (You are now at the start of the instep.) Start leg using the Garter Rib pattern. Continue working so that the total length from cast on is 6 inches (15 cm) long. Stopping after finishing the 2 row repeat and completing the backof thesock. 5. Start heel flap. This is worked back and forth on the 29 stitches. Turn knitting. Row 1: Slip 1, k3, Heel Stitch until last 4 stitches, knit 3. Row 2: Slip 1, knit until end Continue Row 1 and 2 until the heel flap is 2.25 inches./5.75 cm 6. Heel Turning. I used Round Heel Turning. Row 1: p 16, p2tog, p1 turn (28 sts) Row 2: with yarn in front, sl 1, k 4, ssk, k1, turn (27 sts) Row 3: with yarn in front, sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1, turn (26 sts) Row 4: with yarn in front, sl 1, k6, ssk, k1, turn (25 sts) Row 5: with yarn in front, sl 1, p7, p2tog, p1, turn (24 sts) Row 6: with yarn in front, sl 1, k8, ssk, k1, turn (23 sts) Row 7: with yarn in front, sl 1, p9, p2tog, p1, turn (22 sts) Row 8: with yarn in front, sl 1, k10, ssk, k1, turn (21 sts) Row 9: with yarn in front, sl 1, p11, p2tog, p1, turn (20 sts) Row 10: with yarn in front, sl 1, k12, ssk, k1, turn (19 sts) Row 11: with yarn in front, sl 1, p13, p2tog, p1, turn (18 sts) Row 12: with yarn in front, sl 1, k14, ssk, k1 (17 sts) 7. Start Gusset. Pick-up the slipped stitch from the Heel Flap. (Instructions are for 15, but replace this number with the number of slipped stitches that you have), continue in pattern across the instep stitches, picking up equal number of stitches along other side of heel flap. You should have 17 heel stitches + 15 heel flap, + 25 instep + 15 heel flap for a total of 72 stitches). Place a stitch maker on either side of the 25 stitch instep pattern. (This should help you identify when to do garter ribbing if you tend to knit socks on auto-pilot) 8. Rearrange stitches on needle so that the cable loop is half way between the stitches on the instep and the soles. All sole stitches will be knit only (stocking st). The instep will continue in garter rib. Workgusset as follows. Round 1: Knit sole stitches until 2 stitches before the 1"t stitch maker. Ssk, slip marker, continue in garter rib for 25 sts instep, slip marker, k2tog, knit Round 2: Knit sole stitches until 2 stitches before the 1st stitch maker. slip marker, continue in garter rib for 25 sts instep pattern, slip marker, knit Continue Rounds 1 and 2 until there are 52 stitches remaining. 9. Re-arrange stitches so that cable loop divides the 25 instep stitches from the 27 sole stitches. (You can ditch the stitchmarkers now.) 10. Continue knitting foot without further decreases until foot is 1.5 inches (5cm) shorter than desired length. 11. The toe stitches are all done in knit. (stocking pattern) Start toe decreases. Round 1: Knit across instep stitches (25 sts) , k1, ssk, k21, k2tog, k1 across sole. (25 sts) Round 3: k1, ssk, k19, k2tog, k1 (23 sts), k1, ssk, k19, k2tog, k1 across sole (23 sts) Round 5: k1, ssk, k17, k2tog, k1 (21 sts), k1, ssk, k17,k2tog, k1 across sole (21 sts) Round 7: k1, ssk, k15, k2tog, k1 (19 sts), k1, ssk, k15, k2tog, k1 across sole (19 sts) Round 9: k1, ssk, k13, k2tog, k1 (17 sts), k1, ssk, k13, k2tog, k1 across sole (17 sts) Round 11: k1, ssk, k11, k2tog, k1 (15 sts), k1, ssk, k11, k2tog, k1 across sole (15 sts) Round 13: k1, ssk, k9, k2tog, k1 (13 sts), k1, ssk, k9, k2tog, k1 across sole (13 sts) Round 14: k1, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1 (11 sts), k1, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1 across sole (11 sts) Round 15: k1, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1 (9 sts), k1, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1 across sole (9 sts) Round 16: k1, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1 (7 sts), k1, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1 across sole (7 sts) 12. Kitchener the 14 remaining stitches together. 13. You're done, now repeat for second sock.
Instructions -2 circs
1. With 4.00mm needles, cast on 54 stitches, using long tail method. Transfer to 3mm needles dividing so that the half the stitches are on the first circ and the remainder on the other circular needle. Join the stitches, taking care not to twist. 6. Heel Turning. I used Round Heel Turning. Row 1: p 16, p2tog, p1 turn (28 sts) Row 2: with yarn in front, sl 1, k 4, ssk, k1, turn (27 sts) Row 3: with yarn in front, sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1, turn (26 sts) Row 4: with yarn in front, sl 1, k6, ssk, k1, turn (25 sts) Row 5: with yarn in front, sl 1, p7, p2tog, p1, turn (24 sts) Row 6: with yarn in front, sl 1, k8, ssk, k1, turn (23 sts) Row 7: with yarn in front, sl 1, p9, p2tog, p1, turn (22 sts) Row 8: with yarn in front, sl 1, k10, ssk, k1, turn (21 sts) Row 9: with yarn in front, sl 1, p11, p2tog, p1, turn (20 sts) Row 10: with yarn in front, sl 1, k12, ssk, k1, turn (19 sts) Row 11: with yarn in front, sl 1, p13, p2tog, p1, turn (18 sts) Row 12: with yarn in front, sl 1, k14, ssk, k1 (17 sts) 7. Start Gusset. With Needle 2, pick-up the slipped stitched along the Heel Flap. (Instructions are for 15, but replace this number with the number of slipped stitches that you have), continue in pattern across the half the instep stitches. Continue with needle 1, patterning across instep, then picking up an equal number of stitches along other side of heel flap and work across half the heel flap stitches. So you should have 17 heel stitches + 15 heel flap, + 25 instep + 15 heel flap for a total of 72 stitches, with 36 stitches on each needle). Place a stitch maker on either side of the 25 stitch instep pattern. (This should help you identify when to do garter ribbing if you tend to knit socks on auto-pilot) 8. All sole stitches will be knit only (stocking stitch), while the instep will continue in garter rib. Workgusset as follows. Round 1: Needle 2 - Knit sole stitches until 2 sti before the 1't stitch maker. Ssk, slip marker, continue in garter rib Needle 1 - continue in garter rib until marker, slip marker, k2tog, knit until end Round 2: For both needles, knit sole stitches until 2 stitches before the 1st stitch maker. slip marker, continue in garter rib for 25 sts pattern, slip marker, knit Continue Rounds 1 and 2 until there are 52 stitches remaining. 9. Re-arrange stitches so that the 25 instep stitches are on needle 1 and 27 sole stitches are on needle 2. (You can ditch the stitch markers now.) : knitting foot without further decreases until foot is 1.5 inches (5cm) shorter than desired length. 11. The toe stitches are all done in knit. (stocking stitch pattern) Start toe decreases as follows Round 2,4,6,8, 10, 12: Knit Round 3: Needle 1 - k1, ssk, k19, k2tog, k1 Needle 2 - k1, ssk, k19, k2tog, k1 46 sts remaining Round 5: Needle 1 - k1, ssk, k17, k2tog, k1 Needle 2 -k1, ssk, k17, k2tog, k1 42 sts remaining Round 7: Needle 1 - k1, ssk, k15, k2tog, k1 Needle 2 -k1, ssk, k15, k2tog, k1 38 sts remaining Round 9: Needle 1 -k1, ssk, k13, k2tog, k1 Needle 2 -k1, ssk, k13, k2tog, k1 34 sts remaining Round 11: Needle 1 -k1, ssk, k11, k2tog, k1 Needle 2 - k1, ssk, k11, k2tog, k1 30 sts remaining Round 13: Needle 1 -k1, ssk, k9, k2tog, k1 Needle 2 - k1, ssk, k9, k2tog, k1 26 sts remaining Round 14: Needle 1 - k1, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1 Needle 2 - k1, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1 22 sts remaining Round 15: Needle 1 - k1, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1 Needle 2 -k1, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1 18 sts remaining Round 16: Needle 1 - k1, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1 Needle 2 - k1, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1 14 sts remaining 12. Kitchener the 14 remaining stitches together. 13. You're done, now repeat for second sock.
Instructions - 4 Dpns
1. With 4.00mm needles, cast on 54 stitches, using long tail method 3. Work 14 stitches and re-position sts on needle so that, there are 13 sts on needle 1, 12 sts on needle 2 and 29 sts on needle 3, where the join is centered. The instep is on needles 1 and 2. 4. Start leg using the Garter Rib pattern with Needle 1. Work so that the total length from cast on is 6 inches (15 cm) long. Stopping after finishing the 2 row repeat and completing the back of the sock. 5. Start heel flap. This is worked back and forth on the 29 stitches. 6. Turn knitting. Row 1: Slip 1, k3, Heel Stitch until last 4 stitches, knit 3. Row 2: Slip 1, knit until end Continue Row 1 and 2 until the heel flap is 2.25 inches./5.75 cm 7. Heel Turning. I used Round Heel Turning. Row 1: p 16, p2tog, p1 turn (28 sts) Row 2: with yarn in front, sl 1, k 4, ssk, k1, turn (27 sts) Row 3: with yarn in front, sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1, turn (26 sts) Row 4: with yarn in front, sl 1, k6, ssk, k1, turn (25 sts) Row 5: with yarn in front, sl 1, p7, p2tog, p1, turn (24 sts) Row 6: with yarn in front, sl 1, k8, ssk, k1, turn (23 sts) Row 7: with yarn in front, sl 1, p9, p2tog, p1, turn (22 sts) Row 8: with yarn in front, sl 1, k10, ssk, k1, turn (21 sts) Row 9: with yarn in front, sl 1, p11, p2tog, p1, turn (20 sts) Row 10: with yarn in front, sl 1, k12, ssk, k1, turn (19 sts) Row 11: with yarn in front, sl 1, p13, p2tog, p1, turn (18 sts) Row 12: with yarn in front, sl 1, k14, ssk, k1 (17 sts) 8. Start Gusset. Transfer 8 stitches from heel turning to new needle. Pick-up 15 stitches from the slipped stitch of the Heel Flap. Pattern across instep (joining these 25 stitches onto 1 needle). With a new needle, pick up equal number of stitches along other side of heel flap, knit up 9 stitched from heel turning. So you should have 17 heel stitches + 15 heel flap, + 25 instep + 15 heel flap for a total of 72 stitches, divided as follows Needle 1: Sole= 23 Needle 2: (Instep) = 25 Needle3:Sole24 9. Start Gusset Decreases. Decreases occur on needle 1 and 3. Round 1: Knit sole stitches until 2 stitches before completing the stitches on needle 1, ssk, pattern across needle 2 using garter rib. On needle 3, k2tog, knit to end of needle Round 2: Knit across all needles. Continue Rounds 1 and 2 until there are 52 stitches remaining. Needle 1: Sole = 13 Needle 2: (Instep) = 25 Needle 3: Sole 14 10. Continue knitting foot without further decreases until foot is 1.5 inches (5cm) shorter than desired length. Complete round and then knit across needle 1. 11. The toe stitches are all done in knit. (stocking pattern) Start toe decreases as follows. All rounds start with needle 2, due to additional knitting at the end of instructions from Step 10. Round 1: Needle 2 (instep)-Knit Needle 3 (sole) -k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 50 stitches remaining Round 2,4,6,8, 10, 12: Needles 1, 2, 3 - knit Round3: Needle 2 (instep) - k1, ssk, k19, k2tog, k1 Needle 3 (sole)- k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 46 stitches remaining Round5: Needle 2 (instep) - k1, ssk, k17, k2tog, k1 Needle 3 (sole) - k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 42 stitches remaining Round 7: Needle 2 (instep) - k1, ssk, k15, k2tog, k1 Needle 3 (sole)-k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 38 stitches remaining Round9: Needle 2 (instep) - k1, ssk, k13, k2tog, k1 Needle 3 (sole)-k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 34 stitches remaining Round 11: Needle 2 (instep) - k1, ssk, k11, k2tog, k1 Needle 3 (sole) - k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 30 stitches remaining Round 13: Needle 2 (instep) - k1, ssk, k9, k2tog, k1 Needle 3 (sole)-k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 26 stitches remaining Round 14: Needle 2 (instep) - k1, ssk, k7, k2tog, k1 Needle 3 (sole)-k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 22 stitches remaining Round 15: Needle 2 (instep) - k1, ssk, k5, k2tog, k1 Needle 3 (sole)- k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 18 stitches remaining Round 16: Needle 2 (instep) - k1, ssk, k3, k2tog, k1 Needle 3 (sole)-k1, ssk, knit until end Needle 1 (sole) - Knit until last 3 stitches, k2 tog, k1, 14 stitches remaining 12. Transfer sole stitches to same needle. Kitchener the 14 remaining stitches together. 13. You're done, now repeat for second sock.
Miscellaneous Pattern Notes Heel details
The garter ribbing is echoed in the heel flap. Slipping the first stitch of each row of the heel flap, makes it easier to pick up stitches
Which method to use is best?
That depends on which method you prefer. I generally prefer using double pointed needles, although many people find that they get laddering between the needles. I usually do socks on circulars mainly for portability.
What is ssk?
This is the mirror decreasing slant to k2tog. You can find an excellenttutorial here→ http://knitting.about.com/library/bllearnssk.htm

What is Kitchener?
Kitchener is grafting stitches together. You can find an excellent tutorial in Knitty, written by Theresa Vinson Stenersen → http://knitty.com/ISSUEsummer04/FEATtheresasum04.html If this is all a bit too much, you can put the stitches on safety pins, turn the sock inside out and do a three needle bind-off. This is a good way to go if you're not sure about the recipient's foot length because it much easier to unpick thanKitchener.
Why am I casting on using 4.o0 mm?
st-on edge more elasticity and prevents the cast-on edge from cutting off blood flow to your feet. I don't understand/found a mistake/think that this pattern is written by ferrets... You can contact me on alltangledup.com@gmail.com with any questions or to report any errors.