Ramble Bramble Cardigan Pattern: Medium-Difficulty Knitting Project with Bramble Stitch and Seed Stitch for All Seasons


Rx: Ramble Bramble Cardigan Difficulty: Medium

Use With: Rowan AllSeasons Cotton 3(3, 4) balls

Special Techniques:

exwrea suicn, searmng Bramble sitch pattem: Rows 1 &3: purl Row 2: \*(k1,p1,k1) in same st, p3tog\* Row 4: p3tog, (ki,p1,k1) in same sf Seed Stich pattern: Row 1: \*k1,p1\* Row 2: \*p1,k1\*

Pattern illustration

Directions: Begin at body: CO 66 (74.82) sts Work 6 rows in seed stitch Working first and last stitches in stockinette stitch work body even in bramble stitch pattern until body measures 6 % (7 %, 8 ) inches Split for fronts and back: Work next 15 (17,19) sts in pattem, place next 36 (40,44) sts on first pieceof scrap yanplace next 15 17,9) st n second piece of scrap yarn. Right front: Next row. Inc 1 st at armhole edge while working in pattern Work 2 rows even in established pattem Decrease 1 st at begining of every RS row6 (8,10 tmes (10 sts remain for all three sizes) Bind off, break yam leaving long tail for seaming. Left front Slip second 15 (17,19) sts from scrap yam onto needle Next row. Ine 1 st at armhole edge while working in pattern Work 3rows even in established patten Dec. 1 st at end of every RS row 6 (8, 10) times (10 sts remain for all three sizes) Bind off, break yam leaving long tail for seaming. Back: Place remaining 36 (40, 44) sts from first piece of scrap yan ontoneedle Next row. Ine 1 st at both ends of first row Work even in pattem until back measures 3 % (4, 4 %) inches Bind off, break yarm. Sew up shoulder seams. Pick up 82 (94,106) sts along front edge and back of neck. Work 5 rows in seed stitch. Bind off

Pattern illustration

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