Jonia Barry OriginalDesigns Winter Essentials COWL, HEADBAND, FINGERLESS GLOVES

Designed by Tonia Barry Sizes: One Size Fits Most Finished Measurements: Cowl $^{211}\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\;\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!\!2^{\ast}$ circumference and 9" long), Headband (20" circumference and 4" width), Gloves $(7^{1}/2^{"}$ circumference and $\mathbb{1}0\mathbb{1}2^{\mathfrak{s}}$ long). What You'll Need: 193 yds (cowl),150 yds (ingerless gloves 100 yds (Headband) oflight worsted weight yarn. Sample was knit 4-ply $100\%$ cashmere Jade Sapphire color 54 Country Pink. NEEDLES One set of US #5 ( $(3.75\;\mathrm{mm})$ ) double-point needles Or size to obtain gauge · Tapestry needle. Safety pin or split ring marker. Approx. 25" smooth waste yarn (mercerized cotton works well) GAUGE: 22 sts and $34\mathrm{\rows}=4^{\ast}$ in St st Take time to save time, check your gauge. Abbreviations: $\mathsf{P M}=$ place marker PATTERN STITCHES: Three Stitch Twisted Rib (multiple of 2 sts) Round 1:\*(K5, P2, cross 3, P2) rep from \* to end. Round 2, 3, 4: \*(P5, K2, P3, K2) rep from \* to end. Repeat these 4 rounds Cross 3: Knit into the front of the $3^{\mathsf{r d}}$ stitch on the needle; then knit the first stitch in the usual way, slipping this stitch off the needle. Now knit the $2^{\mathsf{n d}}$ stitch in the usual way, slipping the $2^{\mathsf{n d}}$ and $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ stitches off the needle together. Garter st (g st) Knit all rows.
CO 120 sts, join sts, being careful not to twist them, and PM for the beginning of the round. Knit 2 rounds. Change to Three stitch twisted rib patt. Work even until piece meas, 9" from CO, end with Round 4. Knit 2 rounds. Bo all sts loosely. Designer'sNote: A provisional cast-on is worked in a contrasting waste yarn so the cast-on stitches can be easily removed later. Use any cast-on method you choose just do it on the waste yarn. This waste yarn is then taken out later and the live stitches are then recovered so that the last round can be bound off together with the Co round essentially doing a 3needlecast off.
With waste yarn CO 24 sts. Change to Main Yarn and to Three stitch twisted rib patt. Row 1: K3, P2, Cross 3, P2, K5, P2, Cross 3, P2, k3. Work even until piece meas, 21”" from CO, end with Round 4. Being careful not to drop any stitches cut out CO waste yarn. Using the 3-needle Bind Off method, BO all sts.
Left Glove:
CO 48 sts and divide onto 3 needles, placing 16 sts on each needle. join sts, being careful not to twist them, and PM for the beginning of the round. Knit 2 rounds. Change to Three stitch twisted rib patt. Work even until piece meas, 8" from CO. Next Round: Work 4 sts. Using waste yarn and keeping in pattern, work the next 9 sts; slip these 9 sts back to left needle and k them again using working yarn; continue to work in patt as set until piecemeasures $9\%^{\circ}$ , end with round 1. K2 rounds. BO all sts.
Carefully remove waste yarn and place resulting live sts on two double-point needles; there will be 9 sts below the opening and 8 sts above. Attach yarn and keeping in pattern, work the 9 sts on lower needle; using a second needle,pick uand 2sts in spacebetweenpper andlwe needle,work the first sts fromuprne; using a third needle, work the remaining 4 sts from upper needle and pick up and $\textbf{k}{2}$ sts in space between this needle and lower needle-21 sts. Work in pattern until thumb measures approximately $\mathsf{I}\,^{1}\!/\!\mathsf{z}^{\,^{\bullet}}$ from pick up round, end with round 1. K 2 rounds. BO all sts. Right Glove: Work as for Left glove.
Weave in all ends. Block lightly. I did not block the gloves to keep them snug.