Vintage-Style Crochet Pattern for a Delicate Skirt with Sleeves and Lace Trim

Crocheted Baby Pineapple Party Dress

Designed by Lisa van Klaveren Note: Pattern has been written and edited by designer. Please contact designer at with any queries about this pattern, or to report any errors.

Pattern illustration

Instructions are for 3-6 months; changes for 6-9 months and 9-12 months are in [. Gauge: $5\;\mathrm{sc}=1"$ ';6 sc in back lp rows $=1$ Materiale : cnorte weioht varn - 350 oramc in colour ofchoice $4\mathrm{~x~}3/8"$ buttons, small amount of white crochet cotton, lace to sew around hem of skirt. Size E (3.50) crochet hook. Special Stitches: Reverse sc crochet $=$ workingfrom left to right, insert hook in next st to the right, complete as sc.

Pattern illustration

Note. Work the fol. rows in Back Loops only unless otherwise stated. Rows 2-11: [2-12, 2-13 ]: Ch 1, sc in each st across with 3 sc in each centre comer st, turn, ending with 143 [151, 159]. sc in last row. Rows $12\,[\,13,14\,]:\mathrm{Ch\;1}$ , sc in first 18 [19, 20 J sts; for first Armhole, ch 9, skip next 35 [37,39]sts; sc in next 37 [39,41 sts; for2nd Armhole, ch 9, skip next 35 [37,39 1 sts; sc in last 18 [19,0 ] sts, turn (73 sc,2 ch - 9 sps)[77 sc, 2 ch - 9 sps; 81 sc, 2 ch - 9 sps . Row 13: [14,15] : Ch 1, sc in each st and each ch across, tun (91 sc) [ 95 sc,9 sc]. Rows 14-18 : [15 - 20, 16-24] : Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn.Row 19 [21,25]: Ch 1, 2 Dumott ( m), s m ca 1au st au (7 s) [u s, 1uu s]. 1asn u1. BUTTONHOLE ROW : Row 1 : Working in ends of rows across Left Back, with right side of work facing you, join with sc in first row, sc in each row across, turn (19 sc) [ 21 sc,25 sc,]. Row 2: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first 4 [4,6] sts; for Buttonhole, ch 2, skip next 2 sts, \* sc in next 4 [5,6] sts; forButtonhole, ch 2, skip next 2 sts, rep from \* one more time, sc in last st, turn. Row4 : Ch1, sc in each st and 2 sc in each ch 2 sp across tum (19 sc)[21sc,25 sc]. Row 4 : ch 1, sc in each st across, fasten off. BUTTON ROW : Row 1: Working in ends ofrows across Right Back, with right side of work facing you, join with sc in frst row, sc in each row across, tum (19) [21 sc, 25 sc]. Rows 2-5 : Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. At end oflast row, fasten off. For Necktrim, working in ends ofrows across Buttonhole and Button Rows and in starting ch on opposite side ofrow 1 on odice, with right side of work facing you,join with sc in last row on Butonrow, working from left to right, reverse sc in each row and in each ch across, fasten off.

Pattern illustration

SKIRT $:$ (worked in Both Loops) Round 1 : Working in ends of rows of Button and Buttonhole and on last row of Bodice, hold Buttonhole over Button; matching rows and working through both thicknesses, join with sc in first row, sc in next 4 rows; working on Bodice only, sc in each st around, join with sl st in frst sc (96 sc) [100sc, 104 sc]. Notes $=$ for beginning V-stitch (beg V-st), ch 5, dc in same st. for V-stitch (V-st), dc, ch 2, dc) in next st. For beginning shell (beg shel), (ch3, dc,ch 2, 2 dc) in same space. For shell (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same space Roud, sipxt st, stixt st, spxt st,au,jit s s 3rd ch of ch 5 (48 V-sts) [50 V-st, 52 V-sts]. Round $3:\mathrm{Sl}$ st innxt aceshellam sa,shell nxtch-a around, sl st in top of beg ch-3 (48 shells) [50 shells, 52 shells]. Round $4:\mathrm{S}1$ st tonext c- pacebg shell n same spae 7 dn nxt ch sace, shll in next ch2 space,7 dc in next ch2 space)around. SI st in top ofbeg ch3. Round 5 stetaellaah,hx (shell in next shll,ch 1,[d, ch I] in next d), around SI st in topfbg ch 3. Round 6stxtace shell samesace ichpac first 2d,ch3 snextch1 s)tmes, h1,\*(shell n ext hell, h, i spacebetween fst 2d,[h,scinnextch1 s5tme, ch1)\* aru, sl st in f beg ch-3. Roud7sttahell a sace,hsapa, sc in first ch-3 Ip, (ch 3, sc in next ch $\cdot3\;\mathrm{lp}$ )4 times, ch 1, \*(2 dc, ch 2, 2 de, ch 2, 2 dc) in next shell, ch 1, sc in frst ch3 Ip,[ch 3, sc in next ch3 I]4 tmes, ch 1)\* around, s st in top of beg ch-3. Round $8:\mathrm{Sl}$ st to fir sace shell sae s, ch 1, shl xt c, , sc in fir ch,ch sxt cIte,c,shlinextch-2 , shell in ext c sp, h , sc in it ch , (ch, inxt $\cdot3\;\mathrm{lp}$ ) 3 times, ch $^{1*}$ around, sl st in top of beg ch-3. Round $9:\mathrm{Sl}$ st tofrssachellishell nxt chell shell, ch 1, sc in fist ch-3 Ip, (ch3, sc in nxt ch3 1p) tmes, ch 1, \*(shell in next shll, shell innext h1 s, shellin next shel, ch 1 sc in frst ch Ip, (ch sc in next ch ) 2 times, ch 1)\* around, sl st in top of beg ch-3. Round $10:\mathrm{Sl}$ stfrxt l shell, ch 1, sc in next ch-3 Ip, ch 3, sc in next ch-3 Ip, ch 1, \*(shell in next shell, 7 dc in next shell sel ext hel, ch1, scxt ch, ch, scinx ch,ch 1) around, sl st in top of beg ch-3. Round $11:\mathrm{Sl}$ st to frst s,shell in same sp,ch , d,h1innext7, shel n next shell, ch 1, sc in next ch-3 Ip, ch 1, \*shell in next shell, ch 1, (dc, ch 1) in next 7 dc, shell in next shell, ch 1, sc in next ch-3 lp, ch $1^{*}$ around, sl st in top of beg ch-3. Round $12:\mathrm{Sl}$ st to first chspacee shellin ame sp,ch1dinch1 saceetwn first 2 d,(ch 3, sc in ext ch-1 s) tmes, ch 1, \*(shell in next 2 shells, ch 1, sc in ch1 space between first2d,[ch3,scinnext ch-1 s]5times,ch 1)\* aroud nding shell in last shell, sl st in top of beg ch3. Round $13:\mathrm{Sl}$ st to frst ch2 sp,e shell in same sp,ch 1, sc in frt h-3Ip, (ch3, s in next ch-3 sp) 4 times, ch 1, \*(shell in next shell, ch 1) twice, sc in first ch-3 Ip, [ch 3, sc in next ch-3 Ip]4 times, ch 1)\* around, ending shell in last shell, ch 1, sl st in top ofbeg ch-3. Round $14:\mathrm{Sl}$ st tofrt shell sa s,h1 sins ch, next ch-3 Ilp) 3 times, ch 1, \*shell in next shell, shell in next ch-1 sp, shell in next shell, ch 1, sc in first ch3 Ip, (ch 3, sc in next ch $\cdot3\;\mathrm{lp}$ ) 3 times, ch $1^{*}$ around, ending shell in next shell, shell in next ch-1 sp, sl st in top of beg ch3. Round $15:\mathrm{S}1$ st to first cs,shell in sam sp,h 1, s infth- s,ch,sn next ch $\cdot3\;\mathrm{lp}$ ) 2 times, ch 1, \*shell in next shell, 7 dc in next shell, shell in next shell, ch 1, sc in first ch $\cdot3\mathrm{~p~}$ , (ch 3, sc in next ch-3 Ip) 2 times, ch $^{1*}$ around, ending shell in next shell, 7 dc in next shell, sl st in top of beg ch-3. Round $16:\mathrm{S}1$ st to first chs,shll in same sp,h1, sifth-,h next ch-3 Ip, ch 1, \*shell in next shell, ch 1, (dc, ch 1) in next 7 dc, shell in next shell, ch 1, sc in next ch-3 Ip, ch 3, sc in next ch-3 lp, ch $1^{*}$ around, sl st in top of beg ch-3. Round $17:\mathrm{Sl}$ st to first ch-2 sp,beg shellin same sp, ch 1, sc in ch-1 sp between first 2 d,(ch,scnext ch )tme,c shel xt shl, ch1 snext ch 1,\*shell inext she, , scnch1 setweenfrst 2,(chscinnext ch1 s times, ch 1, shell in next shell, h I, sc in next ch-3 lp, ch $1^{*}$ around,sl st intop of beg ch-3. Round $18:\mathrm{Sl}$ st tofsthll hxt,h next ch-3 Ip)4 times, ch 1, \*(shell in next shell) twice, ch 1, sc in next ch-3 Ip, (ch 3, sc in next ch $\cdot3\;\mathrm{lp}$ )4 times, ch $1^{*}$ around, eding shell in next shell, sl st in top of beg ch-3. Fasten off.

Pattern illustration

FINISHING:With white crochet cotton,work 2rows ofsc evenlyaround bottom of skirt asfollows: Round 1 : sc in each st and ch around; Round 2 : sc in each sc around. Fasten off. Pin and sew lace of desired width around hem of skirt.

Pattern illustration

SLEEVES : Round 1 : Working around Armhole, join with sl st in 5th ch at Underarm, beg V-st, (skip next ch, V-st in next ch ), 2 times, Vst in next st,( skip next st, V-st in next st) 17[18,19] times, (V-st in next ch, skip next ch) 2 times, join with sl st in 3rd ch ofch5( $23~\mathrm{V}$ sts)[24V-sts, $25\ \mathrm{V}$ -ts]. Round 2 st intfrst st,bst insame sace,s ineachVst aroudjowth sl st to topofbeV-st.Fasten offWith whit crochet cotton,work 2rounds of sc around sleeve same asfor skirt. Rep. on other Armhole. Sew buttons to Button row opposite Buttonholes.

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