American Girl Coat, Hat, and Accessories Knitting Pattern by Astrid Aesoey (2012) - Detailed Fingering Weight Yarn Project Guide


Astrid Aesoey 2012

Pattern illustration

You need about 120 grams of fingering weight yarn for the coat and hat. Gauge: about 7-8 stitches pr. inch. Needles: US size 2.5, 3 mm. 3 buttons. Coat: Cast on 134 stitches. Work 6 rows of chart. Continue with chart and stockinette stitch: repeat 6 stitches of chart and 10 stitches of stockinette stitch 8 times, and end the row with 6 stitches of chart (first and last 6 stitches of chart make front borders). When piece measures 6 % inches, decrease 24 stitches evenly (110 stitches left). Try to avoid decreasing in the underarm columns of patterning, this would be the third and seventh columns. An easy way to do the decreases is to work across each of the 10 stitch stockinette stitch columns as follows: knit 1 stitch, knit 2 stitches together, end knit 1 knit 1 stitch. Switch to stockinette stitch, except for 6 middle stitches on back, the underarm stitches, and 6 stitches on both front borders, which you will continue to knit in chart for the total length. After 2 rows, make a buttonhole on the right front border (make 2 more buttonholes with about 1 % inches between them). Buttonholes can be made by working first 2 stitches in pattern, yarn over, work next 2 stitches together, and working remaining 2 border stitches in pattern. After 2 more rows, bind off six stitches in each side for armhole shaping (these stitches are worked in chart) as follows; work 26 stitches in pattern, bind off 6 stitches, work 46 stitches in pattern, bind off next 6 stitches, work remaining 26 stitches in pattern. Continue to work back and fronts separately. Back: Continue in stockinette stitch and chart. Bind off 1 more stitch on armhole side every other row 3 times for armhole shaping (40 stitches remain). Work till total length, 10 inches. Keep stitches on a holder, and continue to work left front. Left front: Continue to work 26 stitches in stockinette stitch, and in chart for front border. Bind off 1 more stitch on armhole side every other row 3 times for armhole shaping (23 stitches remain). Work till total length, 10 inches. Bind off 6 stitches for front border, and keep the remaining 17 stitches on a holder. Work right front. Right front: Continue to work 26 stitches in stockinette stitch, and in chart for front border. Bind off 1 more stitch on armhole side every other row 3 times for armhole shaping (23 stitches remain) (remember to make buttonholes). Work till total length, 10 inches. Bind off 6 stitches for front border, and keep the remaining 17 stitches on a holder. With matching thread and a sewing needle, sew shoulders seams (using 9 stitches from back and front). Collar: use remaining 36 stitches from the fronts (8 each side) and back (22), and pick up 10 extra stitches on front necklines, for a total of 48 stitches. Work chart for 18 rounds. Bind off loosely. Sleeves: Cast on 36 stitches. Work chart for 6 rounds. Work one round of stockinette stitch, where you increase 12 stitches evenly (48 stitches on needles). Continue to work stockinette stitch and chart: work 21 stitches of stockinette stitch, 6 stitches of chart, and 21 stitches of stockinette stitch. When sleeve measures 4 % inches, bind off first and last 3 stitches on round. Work back and forth, and bind off 2 more stitches at beginning of every row. When you have 34 stitches left on needles, bind off all stitches. Set in sleeves. Weave in loose ends. Sew 3 buttons to left front band.

Pattern illustration

Hat: Cast on 72 stitches. Work 6 rounds of chart. . Work one round of stockinette stitch, where you increase 36 stitches evenly (a total of 108 stitches). Work 25 rounds of stockinette stitch. Start decreasing: Knit 10 stitches, knit 2 stitches together, continue throughout round. Continue this decrease with one less stitch between decreases every round, till there are 9 stitches left on the needles. Thread yarn through remaining stitches. Chart:


knit αpurl Use chart as shown for 6 stitches columns of patterning. For hemlines on coat, sleeves, hat and collar use four stitches only. Shoulder bag: You need about 15 grams of fingering weight yarn for the shoulder bag. Gauge: about 7-8 stitches pr. inch. Stitches US size 2.5, 3mm. 1 button. Cast on 28 stitches. Work chart for 7 inches. Start decreasing: Knit two stitches together at the beginning and end of every row. When there are 14 stitches left on the needle, make a buttonhole. When there are six stitches left on the needle, bind off all stitches. Fold bag in half with right sides together. Sew side seams. Turn inside out. Fold flap down, and sew a button to the bag. Handle: Cast on 90 stitches. Knit one row. Bind off allstitches. Sew handle to bag.

Pattern illustration

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