Hoo Hoot Owl Gloves Knitting Pattern by Sarah Jordan - Detailed Instructions and Materials

Hoo Hoot Owl gloves Designed by Sarah Jordan (silkydoll)

Disclaimer: I did not come up with the pattern for the Owl cable. It was taken from Ysolda Teague from this entry http://ysolda.com/wordpress/2009/09/01/hoot/, however, the rest of the glove is my design. Materials 3.75mm double pointed needles Bendigo Woolen Mills Alpaca (fawn colour used) Waste yarn for thumb gusset 12 6mm buttons (for buttons) Needle and thread to attach buttons Darning needle Cast on 36 sts, divide 12 sts on each needle and join without twisting.

Pattern illustration

Row 1: k all sts Row 2,3: p all sts Row 4: \*C4B, C4F,w0rk 4 sts in moss st\* Row 5 - 11: \*k8, work 4 sts in moss st\* Row 12: \*C4B, C4F, work 4 sts in m0ss st\* Row 13 - 17: \*k8, work 4 sts in moss st\* Row 18: \*C4B, C4F, work 4 sts in moss st\* Row 19: \*k8, work 4 sts in moss st\* BO At this stage, I found that it was easier to weave in the end for the cuff of the glove, as it made the next bit easier not having the ends in the Way. ?ick up and knit 36 stitches from the purl ridge behind the B0 edge Pattern by Sarah Jordan. Silkydoll on ravelry, or contactable at silkydoll@live.com. Do not sell this pattern without permission of designer. These 36 sts should be divided between the 3 needles with 12 sts on eachneedle. Knit 19 rows. Thumb gusset: Using waste yarn, knit first 5 sts. Slide these 5 sts back onto left needle. Knit 6 rounds

Pattern illustration

Work 8 rounds in moss stitch BO. and then knit 3 sts off the next needle Needle 3: knit remaining st and then pick up 3 sts. Thumb: Remove waste yarn and pick up live sts using 2 dpn's (there will be a bottom row with 5 sts and a top row with 4) Needle 1: knit all sts Using a new needle, pick up and knit 2 sts Join in round and knit 7 rows before binding off loosely. Weave in ends. Using needle and thread, attach two buttons to each owl cable in the space between the second and third cable rows. Pattern notes: Moss stitch Row 1: \*k1, p1\* Row 2: \*p1, k1\* Pattern by Sarah Jordan. Silkydoll on ravelry, or contactable at silkydoll@live.com. Do not sell this pattern without permission of designer. C4B: place 2 sts on cable needle, hold to back of work, knit 2 sts off left needle, knit sts off the cable needle. C4F: place 2 sts on cable needle, hold to front of work, knit 2 sts off left needle, knit sts off the cable needle.

Pattern illustration

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