Sidewinder Ripples Cabled Scarf Pattern by Peggy Jean Kaylor: Knitting Guide with Cable Techniques and Colorwork

Sidewinder Ripples Cabled Scarf

Peggy Jean Kaylor

Pattern illustration


>Red Heart Ltd. Super Saver Solids, $100\%$ acrylic, worsted weight yarn: about % skein each: #0319 cherry red (R) & #0311 white (W). US 10% knitting needles. Cable needle.


>I recommend use of the knit-on, long-tail or double cast on methods for this scarf. These give an edge that is close in appearance to the edge obtained with a traditional bind off. Be sure to work it snugly but not tightly and you want to stretch it to its max when you finish. This stretching will make it more closely match the width of the bind off edge. I do not recommend use of the backward-loop or single cast on methods for this scarf. It would definitely look quite different from the bind off edge and have lots more stretch, resulting in a scarf with one end that is much wider than the other. >All color changes are done on the rowbefore you cable because then they will always be more successfully hidden and thus perfectly reversible. (if shorter or longer color blocks or stripes are desired, this pattern can be easily modified -- just remember to always change colors on the row before you cable. >Whenever you work a cable in this scarf, you will be crossing 2 knit stitches over 2 purl stitches. In the Left Twist Cable, the first 2 stitches are to be purled so they will be slipped purl-wise to the cable needle and held in back of the work until after the next 2 stitches have been knit, at which point you will purl the 2 stitches from the cable needle. In the Right Twist Cable, the first 2 stitches are to be knit so they will be slipped purl-wise to the cable needle and held in front of the work until after the next 2 stitches have been purled, at which point you will knit the 2 stitches from the cable needle.


>Make a swatch: Using either color, cast on 32 stitches and work in overall cable pattern (repeating rows 1 - 6) for 29 rows. Check gauge, unblocked:

23 stitches and 19 rows ${\bf\delta}={\bf a}$ inches.

Adjust needle size to achieve gauge. Your goal is actually a fabric with a desirable thickness and drape. My gauge is what I feel gives the fabric the most desirable thickness and drape. Remember, this is a scarf and gauge isn't crucial to how this garment fits. Also, remember that this is a cable pattern and if you don't complete at least three or four cable rows, you won't get an accurate gauge from your swatch ... nor will you have a good evaluation of the fabric's thickness and drape.

Key to stitch symbols:

Knit on odd numbered rows; purl on even numbered rows. Purl on odd numbered rows; knit on even numbered rows.

Pattern illustration

Left twist cable, knits over purls: Slip 2 stitches onto cable needle and hold behind work, knit the next 2 stitches, then purl the 2 stitches from cable needle. (Worked the same on both sides of the fabric.) Right twist cable, knits over purls: Slip 2 stitches onto cable needle and hold in front of work, purl the next 2 stitches, then knit the 2 stitches from cable needle. (Worked the same on both sides of the fabric.) Bind off in knit on odd-numbered rows, bind off in purl on even-numbered rows. Bind off in purl on odd-numbered rows, bind off in knit on even-numbered rows.

Key to colorwork:

Work in cherry red. Work in white.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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