Manny Ann's Square
byKimberlyBiberstein ThisisasquarethatIdesignedformydaughter'sblanket.SoinhonorofherIhavenamedthis squareMannyAnn'sSquare.Thisisintendedforpersonaluseorcharityonly.Thanks! Finished Size 12"Square
YouWill Need
2 colorworstedweight yarn MC $=$ Purple CC $=$ Pink Size"I"Hookor sizeneeded to obtaingauge
ch $=$ chain slst $=$ slip stitch skst $=$ skip stitch hdc $=$ halfdoublecrochet blo $=$ backlooponly SC $=$ single crochet dc $=$ doublecrochet trc $=$ treblecrochet sp $=$ space

Whenitisindicatedthatyoushoulddosomethingin eachstitch(east)across thatmeanstodothe indicatedstitchineachdc,scorch-1spaceacross. With MC ch 9 - join with sl st to form ring Round 1 - 16 sc in ring, sl st to first sc to form ring. Round2- scinsame st,\*ch5,skip1sc,scinnextsc.Repeat from\*around,ch5and sl st infirstsc. Round 3 - sl st to 3rd ch in the fist ch 5 set, ch 1, sc in 3rd ch, \* ch 5, sc in 3rd chaid of next ch 5 loop. Repeat from\*around,ch5and sl stin firstsc. Round 4 - sc in same st, \* 4 sc in ch 5 loop, sc in sc. Repeat from \* around, 4 sc in last ch 5 loop, sl st in firstsc. Round5- (ch3,dc,ch3,2dc)insame st,\*hdc innext2st,scinnext5st,hdc innext2st,(2dc,ch3,2 dc)innextst.Reapeatfrom\*twicemore,hdcinnext2st,scinnext5st,hdcinnext2stand sl st in topof3rdch.(13steachside/52ststotal)Squareshouldmeasure4"afterthisround. Round 6 - ch 4 (counts as 1st dc, ch 1), \*(dc, ch 3, dc) in corner, [ch 1, sk st, dc in next st] 6 times, ch 1. Repeatfrom\*twice,(dc,ch3,dc)incorner,[ch1,skst,dcinnextst]5times,ch1andslstintopof3rd ch.FastenoffMC. Round 7 - join CC in any corner, \* (2 sc, ch 2, 2 sc) in corner, sc in each st across. Repeat from \* 3 times and sl st in first sc.

\*\*Note: Round 14 can be done with hdc to make smaller or trc to make larger if needed.\*