A Comprehensive Guide to Knitting a Godric Shawl in House Colors

JO. SBeadmaster From: QLibrary KenRutt Kowing our intet in bnitig paltes.pleae fnd apended the ranlteraten Ja doumen reely diredinarehiv: an,itisbelieed.fmapproimtly fr deadf MajeoyYiceria's rign. Bnalgsis of porraits show that the Godrie was overwhelmingly thefavorite with ryfindor sudents during his period - epecial nit in the HAouse colours fBurgandy and old. Siaf epeiall hoe not afiliated with ryfindor, and students fother houses when wearing he DRpreferred the variant known as the"Schoo odrie." - Me primary colour in this case being a dark chareodl.

Pattern illustration

subsiadlsdbsdglddrdred Jarter ridge and the teriary cour bourgandy for ryfinder) ineted as a garter ridge within the scondary bands. Yet anerriinndrie ienjdinnedaasthBldre'isitiHeolr twiht yleean pane, whimedre isfewihalng red i i inchiedyeleal are performed without eyelet rous. MeBstbdbleenndadadinndi Ne text of the original documentfolows:

Jo knit a shawl fHouse Bolours in the manner fthe ForeyarJlesi

Jobnit a hawl Jer hemaner fheeraarJles one needs ae wool f not to iht aweig as his isto eashalf warmh, nor fo coare aweihas hatillderatfrom hebayfthe sa.liewi hein pins ol bfasie tomath tea.Hsr, od one wish to mae a hawlforaeciad occasion uch as the JuleBallor some oercasion in which dres roes would be reuired, then one Sould choose pins and wool f smaller diamter. Jn the later case the number fsitches and rous wil need to be increasedfor a lie siged shaul. asto amafhcolufwoo etradaalwoudbinnaralcolufheshebrthisppenehuldseletouwo in thedeiredSoue coleurs wih he main colaur keing $\mathcal{L}$ Dari and hescondar coeaur pane here Caong a and are known as he . he remaining 509, duide asfelws: a PNN6Lf240 a U6Jf29, and a second PMNELf 24O sitches. Me GCJis abo known as the BENTOR and the PANESas the WSNSO Ionit plain $\mathcal{L}$ rous(/ ridge) ianndepinnd PRNLand deween each RNLand heUSYoun uildo his on each alernaderow nes yeje de.e UJuil conlimue ts have QI sitces while he MNSreducein numbe Jsitiches. Haing rdgesto.hefpplu h 1) rdge onhe ner i h hen na sie teghealaly ih hrowing e y ard hein,Mhen yu reah he NR knit efrst siteh, hnhow he yanfwad and na aleish sith fheener - which kniplain, coninue twih narow. yarnfoward alenaing, ending wih a narew byore he iself, which is hni pain. Onherehnneihpei sitches. bnit he dges and MUR the other stitches. eorupelfhisetMAaiei freyp he colour change. Kit plainfour ridges of the secndary hue. On the net row reverl to primary colour. Kitw rdge, an he hiprmMhQrAaleRiut mridgs in hesday. Perform Mhba QevioReticudar, in he folowing manner. Row 1 - as the first row of Mheha LerioHmuHilae Rou $\mathcal{L}$ - as the first row of Mheha erioHmuilae Perform heMhQiARelara total f tes. bnit tw rdge and change tprmarg clr. Kiu ridges fprinay edurMha riAAalaeKiufu ridy.hange t prnay eolaor. Ki lan I ridges. Mhekn QeriAmTAiae knit A ridyes.Rever topimary cdour. Rpeat he lat instruction. You hould now have $\mathcal{S}+\mathcal{I O S}+\mathcal{D O}+\mathcal{I O S}+\mathcal{O A}$ tiches.. Eoxeluding he sitches, and he CNTR narow one feach Isitches on he next row, by kniling seven sitches hen narrowing., inaddin to e normal derease oneiher sidefthe MN.On he same row, Performa double derease hre tmes. yaced evenly in the BENTR. Mis is the Mheba ReDa NOnem You should on the reurn row have 9Asitches in each PNNand 23 siches in the USI. Kit plain 8MOR nidgs. Mhakan QovioHunmhilae Kit ridges i seondary coler. Rewern to Prmary olour. On the nen (ourent) row, Perform Mhln RMa Nnem. His should yild 5 + 59 + 17 $+\,\delta{\mathcal{O}}+{\mathcal{\tilde{O}}}$ Kiu pan 8more rdges on he Sh ridge perming eweny yaced dule dereais in heJMhlnQr mJAlaeKu ridges in heseonday cdr.pfming $\mathcal{L}$ duledereai n eRve pay sShould now be $\delta+\mathcal{B}\mathcal{I}+\mathcal{I}\mathcal{J}+\mathcal{B}\mathcal{J}+\mathcal{S}\mathcal{A}+\mathcal{J}$ Perform a Mhhn ReOMBa PmHE- which reduces he PANSby one sich in 6, and he GUJy 2. Kiuplain morenidy prary aMhLrATMaia and ridgfeday reding eust on heh de fthe primary and the Arth ridge os secondary as before. Remaining should be but the edg sitches and 6 sitches f the US. KRiting ononede only indofhe UTy bing helamh wih he nen mth fheUn e Rigu ide and king panheren rMnalsie aebd graf heu hhr . Nis shaul is known as the BORFB.

Pattern illustration

Cast on 51y stitches; #You may wish to place markers after the first 5 stitches, on either side of the centre panel of 29, and just before the last 5 stitches. This gives 5 edge stitches, the side panel of 240 stitches, the centre panel of 29 stitches, a second side panel of 240 stitches and the second edge of 5 stitches. #The edge stitches are maintained, and knit on every row unless indicated otherwise. Knit two rows. (one garter stitch ridge) with no decreases. At this point begin the decreases. On every Right side row, decrease immediately inside the first edge, decrease just before the center panel, just after the center panel and just before the last edge. Unless otherwise specified these decreases are worked every right side row. WHICH decreases you use is optional. I am doing a "plain" RS row as edge, skp, panel, k2tog, center, skp, panel, k2tog, edge. Knit 14 more garter ridges, decreasing in pattern each RS row. There should be 212 stitches in each side panel. Next Row: k5 (edge stitches); $\mathrm{skp^{*}(Y O,s k p)}$ repeat until reach marker for center panel - knit one, then (YO, skp )to the three center stitches. O,double decrease,O; (k2tog,YO) until reach last stitch of center panel, knit one.\* (k2tog, YO); repeat until 7 stitches remain, k2tog, k5 #(each side should begin and end with a decrease; if you decrease and there is only a single stitch before the center panel, knit that stitch together with first stitch of the center panel; mirror your action on the opposite side of the center panel. If your stitch count is correct, the first side panel should begin and end with an skp, thus maintaining the decreases. The center panel should remain at 29 stitches, and the second side panel should begin and end with a k2tog. Change to secondary colour. Purl across. This pair of rows is the EYELET CHANGE. Knit 8 additional rows of the secondary colour (4 ridges) ; Change to primary colour and knit two ridges (4 rows). On the third RS row work the EYELET CHANGE. Knit 2 ridges in secondary colour. Lace insertion - RS: edge, skp,(O,skp,) until reach center panel; k1 (k2 if a stitch remains from side panel) (O, skp) x4; O, double decrease, O; (k2tog,O)x4, k1 ( $\mathrm{k}2$ if $\mathrm{k}2$ on the other side); (k2tog,O) until 7 stitches remain, k2tog, k5 IWS.AcRS Repeat this pair of rows a total of 16 times Knit two garter ridges in the secondary colour. Change to primary colour and knit 2 ridges. Perform the EYELET CHANGE. Knit 4 ridges in secondary colour. Revert to primary colour. Knit 18 rows DECREASE ROW - One in Nine: Knit the RS as follows: K5, SKP, k5, \*skp, k7; repeat from \* until 2 stitches before center panel, skp; k5, S2kp, k5, S2kp, k5 s2kp,k5. \*\*k2tog, k7; repeat from \*\* until 7 stitches remain, k2tog, k5 Knit back. Knit 13 more ridges w/ the normal decreases Work a DECREASE ROW as before. Knit back Knit 8 rows, with the standard decreases. Next row: Edge,side as normal; Decrease center gusset by 4 stitches (two on either side) Knit 5 rows, maintaining RS decreases. Next row; Edge,side as normal, Decrease Center Gusset by 4 stitches. Stitch count should now be $5+59+13+59+5$ DECREASE ROW: Edge; skp; $(\mathrm{k4,skp})$ until 2 stitches before center gusset, skp, skp,knit until 2 stitches before side panel, k2tog,k2tog (k4,k2tog) until 7 stitches remain, k2tog, k5. You should have $5+48+11+48+5$ Knit back on the WS. Knit 1O rows, with the standard decreases $=5+43$ ,$+11{+}43{+}5$ Next row: standard decreases plus reduce center gusset by 2 (one on each side) Knit back. $=5+41+9+41+5$ Decrease Row: k5, skp, $^{*}({\bf k}4,\,\mathrm{skp})$ until 2 stitches remain before center panel, skp, center, k2tog,k1 $^{*}({\bf k}4,\!{\bf k}2{\bf t o g})$ until 7 stitches remain, k2tog, k5 Return: should equal $5+33+9+33+5$ Knit 6 rows with the standard decreases $\mathbf{\sigma}_{3}=5+30+9+30+5$ Decrease Row: k5, skp x16, k5, k2togx16, k5 Return: should equal $5+15{+}7{+}15{+}5$ Knit 2 rows with standard decreases $=5+13+7+13+5$ Decrease row: k5, skp x 7, k3, k2tog x7, k5 Knit two rows with standard decreases $=5+6+5+6+5$ Knit three garter ridges with standard decreases $=5+1+5+1+5$ Knit 4, k2tog, turn and knit 5. This will 'bind off a live stitch. Repeat until all live stitches are gone; then graft edge stitches together.

BOLD GODRIC - variation

Knit as the Godric, but Stocking stitch substituted for the lace. HOUSE GODRIC - variation Knit either Godric or Bold Godric with the following changes: Cast on and main body of shawl in charcoal grey. Using Gryffindor as an example: After the first 16 rows 8 rows Burgandy 4 rows Gold lace/stocking stitch section (32 rows) Burgandy 4 rows Gold 8 rows Burgandy Continue in charcoal.

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