Tidblad Shawl Pattern: A Swedish-Inspired, Lace-Edged, Garter Stitch Knitting Project with Chart and Written Instructions

tidblad by tingestar

Tidblad is a long shawl, more or (ess formed as ah astrohomical crescent or a very elongated semicircle. 1t is worked from tip to tip with a lace/braid edging ahd the body worked with garter stitch. Tidblad is a Swedish surhame which (iterally means'time (eaf'

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Yarn: 5 skeinhs (250 9) of Drops Karisma, ohe skein for each Part of the shawl Colour: 21, medium grey Yardage: 700 9/apProx. 200 m Needle size: Us 8/ 5.0 mm Blocking: Soak in warm water and block gently to aPProx. size Z00 x 45 cm. Block the edge a bit heavier than the body, since it it not shaped while knitting. Gauge, unblocked, uhwashed: garter stitch: 10X10 cm 33 rows x76 st edge, 7 rePeat: w72,5 cm h70cm

Pattern illustration

tingestar.blogspot.com — instagram: lagrammaire —ravelry: tingestar —

Are you a chart or a written Pattern knitter?

The Pattern is presented both as a chart and as written instructions. 米1f you are a chart knitter, read Shawl Anatomy. Cast on 2Z stitches. Purl 3 rows, Place a stitch marker after the 21st stitch. Work the body from Shawl Anatomy instructions and repeat the chart for the edge. 米1f you prefer to knit from written instructions, Please first read Shawl Anatomy, and notice how the increases and decreases of the body are made in the different sections.

Pattern illustration

Shawl anatomy a must read

Tidblad is worked from tip to tip. You start from the outer edge of the lace edge and make increases on the body every 4th row on the first stitch of the body. The increases are made on the right side of the shawl, every time you make the RT:s (right twists). You keep on doing this for the first ball of yarn, see Part A in the illustration below. Switch yarn at the ehd of a row and proceed to Part B, where you increase only every 8th row, that is every other time you make ah RT. 1n Part C you make ho increases, ahd in Part D ahd E you make decreases where you make increases, every 8th and every 4th row, respectively. Every Part of the shawl is made from one ball of yarn.

Pattern illustration

Increases/decreases are made in 1st stitch of the body, on the knit side. Every Part of the pattern represents 50 g of yarh.

Edge chart

Y0024 23
一 017
004 32 13 2 1
2120191817入 16 15140 131211107& 5

Chart abbreviations

[ = knit (K) — = purl (P), = right twist (RT), cross 7 stitch on the (eft hand needle and knit Znd stitch, then knit the crossed stitch, and now slid both stitches off the Ieft hand need(e < = K2TOG, (2 st to 1) knit 2 together, > = SSKx, (2 st to 7) slip 7 stitch as if to knit, move back to Ieft needle, knit two together in back loop = yarh over

Written pattern


Cast on 22 stitches (st). Purl 3 rows. Pattern A: (use 50 g of yarn to knit pattern A, and then 50 9 for pattern B and so on) R1 (ONLy FiRST TimE): P2 I RT I P4 K2tog, K1, YO, P1, YO, K1, SSKx, P4 I RT I place SM, KFB. R1: P2 I RT I P4 K2tog, K1, YO, P1, YO, K1, SSKx, P4 I RT I sM, KFB knit to end of row. R2 (and all even rows): knit to PM, purl to end of row. R3: P2 I k2 I P3, K2to9, K7, YO, P2, K1, YO, K1, SsKx, P3 I k2 I sm, K to end of row. R5: P2 I RT I P2, K2tog, K1, YO, P3, K2, YO, K1, SSKx, P2 I RT I sM, KFB, K to ehd of row. R7: P2 I k2 I P1, K2tog, K1, YO, P3, K2tog, K1, YO, P1, YO, K1, SSKx, P1 I K2 I sM, K to end of row. R9: P2 I RT I P1, K2, P3, K2tog, K1, YO, K1, P2, k2, P1 I RT I SM, KFB, K to end of row. R11: P2 I K2 I P1, YO, SsKx, P2, K2tog, K1, YO, K2, P2, K2tog, YO, P1 I K2 I sM, K to end of row. R13: P2 I RT I P4 K2to9, K1, YO, P1, YO, K1, SSKx, P4 I RT I SM, KFB, K to end of row. R15: P2 I K2 I P3, K2tog, K1, YO, K1, P2, YO, K1, Skx, P3 I K2 I SM, K to end of row. R17: P2 I RT I P2, K2to9, K1, YO, K2, P3, YO, K1, SSKx, P2 I RT I sM, KFB, K to end of row. R19: P2 I K2 I P1, K2tog, K1, YO, P1, YO, K1, SsKx, P3, YO, K1, SsKx, P1 I K2 I SM, K to end of row. R21: P2 I RT I P1, K2, P2, K7, YO, K1, SsKx, P3, K2, P1 I RT I sM, KFB, K to ehd of row R23: P2 I K2 I P1, YO, SSKx, P2, k2, YO, K1, SSKx, P2, K2tog, YO, P1 I K2 I SM, K to end of row. Repeat until the end of the 50 g skein. Pattern B: Increase (KFB) every 8th row instead of every 4th row. Pattern C: No increases Pattern D: Replace KFB with a decrease (KZtog) every 8th row, on every other RT row. Pattern E: Replace KFB with a decrease (K2tog) every 4th row, on every RT row.

Pattern illustration


When only 7 st is Ieft after the PM: Purl 3 rows. Cast off.

Pattern illustration

Written pattern abbreviations

CO = cast oh st = stitch K2TOG = (2 st to 7) knit 2 together SSKx = (2 st to 1) slip 7 stitch as if to knit, move back to Ieft needle, knit two together in back loop KFB = knit front back, (knit stitch, (eaving it on Ieft needle; knit into back loop of same stitch) R = row K = knit P =β purl SM = stitch marker RT = right twist , cross 7 stitch on the (eft hand need(e ahd knit Znd stitch, then knit the crossed stitch, ahd now slid both stitches off the (eft hand needle

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