Comprehensive Guide to Crocheting Kitchen Towels with Gayle Designs Patterns

Kitchen Towels for Everyone Gayle Designs @ 2016 Page 1 of 8

Pattern illustration

Kitchen Towels for Everyone By Gayle Designs Kitchen Towels for Everyone Gayle Designs @ 2016 Page 2 of 8

Rules for Using Pattern:

Let's be serious, you're probably gonna hand your print out of this pattern to a friend if you like it, and I'd do the same because you really mean nothing by it, but if someone asks where did you get your towels, if you could point them my way, that'd be great. Also, please feel free to sell the towels. If you wanna note you got the pattern from Gayle Designs, I'd appreciate it, but, again, let's be real. I don't have a magic mirror to creepily watch you, so you do you, and I hope you enjoy this pattern.

Stitches and Techniques:

Chain (ch) Single crochet (sc) Skip stitch (sk) Half-double crochet (hdc) Single crochet decrease (dec)


100% Cotton Yarn - Worsted Weight - 200 yds. (large towel uses 200 yards; small towel willuse slightly less) ·H-hook 1/2" round button · Sewing thread and needle OR length of yarn and tapestry needle to sew on button Tapestry needle to weave in ends Written instructions are on pages 3-5. Diagrams begin on page 6. NOTE: To do a different color topper, simply join new yarn at the end of the final row of the main body of the towel and make the topper as instructed. Kitchen Towels for Everyone Gayle Designs @ 2016 Page 3 of 8

Long towel:

Start: chain 36. Row 1: Sk first chain. SC in all remaining chains (35 stitches). Ch 1, turn. Row 2-4: SC in every sc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 5: SC in every sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 6: HDC in every sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 7: HDC in every hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 8: SC in ever hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 9: HDC in every sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 10-11: HDC in every hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 12: HDC in every hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 13: SC in every hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 14: HDC in each sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 15-20: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 21: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 22: SC in every hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 23: HDC in each sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 24-37: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 38: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 39: SC in each hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 40: HDC in each sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 41-46: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 47: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Go to page 5 for towel topper instructions Kitchen Towels for Everyone Gayle Designs @ 2016 Page 4 of 8

Short Towel

Start: chain 36. ow 1: Sk first chain. SC in all remaining chains (35 stitches). Ch 1, Row 2: HDC in every sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 3: HDC in every hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 4: SC in ever hdc across. Ch 2. turn. Row 5: HDC in every sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 6-7: HDC in every hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 8: HDC in every hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 9: SC in every hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 10: HDC in each sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 11-16: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 17: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 18: SC in every hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 19: HDC in each sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 20-33: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 34: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 35: SC in each hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 36: HDC in each sc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 37-38: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 2, turn. Row 39: HDC in each hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Go to page 5 for towel topper instructions Kitchen Towels for Everyone Gayle Designs @ 2016 Page 5 of 8

Towel Topper Instructions

owel, Row 1 of topper is Row 48. For short towel, Row 1 of topper i Row 1: SC in every hdc across. Ch 1, turn. Row2:SCfirsttwostitches.Decovernextfourstitches.SCacrosstolast6stitches.Decover nextfour stitches. SC in final two stitches. Ch 1, turn. Row 3: SC in every sc and dec across. Ch 1, turn. Row 4: SC in first two stitches. Dec three times over next six stitches. SC across to last 8 stitches. Dec three times over next six stitches. SC in final two stitches. Ch 1, turn. Row 5: SC in every sc and dec across. Ch 1, turn. Row 6: SC in first two stitches. Dec five times over next ten stitches. SC across to last 12 stitches. Dec five times over next ten stitches. SC in final two stitches. Ch 1, turn. Row 7: SC in every sc and dec across. Ch 1, turn. Row 8: SC in first two stitches. DEC twice over next 4 stitches. SC across to last six stitches. DEC twice over next 4 stitches. SC in final two stitches. Ch 1, turn. Row 9: SC in every sc and dec across. Ch 1, turn. Row1o:SCinfirst twostitches.DECovernext twostitches.SCacrosstolastfourstitches.DECovernext two stitches. SC in final two stitches. Ch 1, turn. Row 11: SC in every sc and dec across. Ch 1, turn. Row 12-13: Repeat rows 57-58. Row 14: DEC over first two stitches. SC across to last two stitches. DEC over last two stitches. Ch 1, turn. Row 15: SC in every sc and dec across. Ch 1, turn. (5 stitches) Row 16-31: SC in every sc across. Ch 1, turn. Row 32: SC 1, ch 3, sk next 3 stitches, sc in final stitch. Ch 1, turn Row 33: SC in every sc and ch space across. Ch 1, turn. Row 34: SC in every sc across. Fasten off. Weave in ends. Sew button on first row of 5 sc. Kitchen Towels for Everyone Gayle Designs @ 2016 Page 6 of 8 Diagrams

Pattern illustration


STARTBYCHAINING36. WORKUPFROMTHE BOTTOMOFPAGE. Kitchen Towels for Everyone Gayle Designs @ 2016 Page 7 of 8


Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

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