Mini Molly's Capris and Diamond Pointed Top Knitting Pattern for American Girl Dolls with Detailed Step-by-Step Instructions

Mini Molly's Capris & Diamond pointed Top

Fingering yarn -l used Knit Picks Palette. #1 needles Pants are knit in two pieces from the bottom up. Knit two CO 18 stitches and work 4 rows garter stitch Purl Work in stockinet on 18 stitches until piece measures 12" from cast on. Increase at both ends. Purl back. Repeat until there are 22 stitches. Purl back. At beginning of next two rows bind off 2 stitches. Next row: k2tog at each end. Knit even on 16 stitches until %2 " (6 rows) from Cast on. Work 4 rows k2p2 ribbing Bind off in pattern. With pieces right side facing, sew front and back crotch & then sew leg seams, turn right side out.

Diamond Pointed Top

For 6" American Girl Doll Sock Yarn Gauge in Garter stitch: 9 stitches =1inch 8 ridges = 1 inch #1 needles MAKE TWO: CO 22 stitches. Work in Garter stitch (knit all rows) for 1 1/8" inches.

Pattern illustration

Start decreases: \*k2tog tbl, knit across, end k2tog. knit\* Repeat these two rows. Last row slip one k2together, psso. To finish: Place pieces together and sew %2" for shoulder each side. Leave 1" opening for arms and sew remaining straight sides together, leaving points free.

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