Comprehensive Guide to 3 and 4 Double Crochet Mesh Patterns with Tutorials and Instructions

In this packet you will find:

A picture of what your pattern might look like when its done. Your pattern. A general instruction sheet. A tutorial on 3 double crochet mesh. A tutorial on 4 double crochet mesh. o A tutorial on working patterns from your computer. A table containing stitch counts.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Instructions for 3dc mesh

Beginning of row with an open block: Chain 4, skip 1, dc in next

Pattern illustration

Beginning of row with a solid block: Chain 3, dc in next 2 chains.

Pattern illustration

1 open block: Dc, ch l, skl, dc in next 1 solid block: dc in next 3 chains

Pattern illustration

2 solid blocks=5 dc. Only the IFIRST block has 3dc, each additional block as only 2dc because each block shares a common dc.

Pattern illustration

A quick count for solid blocks is: No of blocks x 2 + 1. For our example above: 2 solid blocks x 2 = 4 + 1 = 5dc. So then: 3 solid blocks x 2 = 6 + 1 = 7 and so on. The key here is to always have an odd number. When I count my blocks I count by Two's and add 1. Example: 2,4,6,8,10 + 1 = 11 dc needed. The formula for figuring your starting chain: Count how many blocks wide x 2 + 4 For example: if your starting row is 50 blocks wide x 2 = 100 = 104 is your starting chain. This formula works for either an open or solid first block. If your starting block is solid, double crochet in the 5th chain from hook. If your starting chain is open, double crochet in the 6th chain from hook. spyright Crochet Designs by Viktoria-Lyn 2013

Instructions for 4dc mesh

Beginning of row with an open block: Chain 5, sk 2, dc in next

Pattern illustration

Beginning of row with a solid block: Chain 3, dc in next 3

Pattern illustration

1 open block: Dc, ch-2, sk 2, dc in next

Pattern illustration

1 solid block: dc in next 4 2 solid blocks=7 dc. Only the IFIRST block has 4dc, each additional block as only 3dc because each block shares a common dc.

Pattern illustration

A quick count for solid blocks is: No of blocks x 3 + 1. For our example above: 2 solid blocks x 3 = 6 + 1 = 7dc. So then: 3 solid blocks x 3 = 9 + 1 = 10 and so on. When I count my blocks I count by Three's and add 1. Example: 3,6,9,12,15 + 1 = 16 dc needed. The formula for figuring your starting chain: Count how many blocks wide x 3 For example: if your starting row is 50 blocks wide x 3 = 150 If the first block is solid- add 4, and dc in 5th chain from hook. So the starting chain would be154. If the first block is open-add 6, and dc in 9th chain from hook. So the starting chain would be156.

Tutorial on how to work patterns from your computer.

Have you ever downloaded a pattern that is hard to see? Or maybe you don't have enough printer ink or paper (happens to me ALL the time). Its very easy to work patterns right from your computer!

Step 1: Make a copy of your pattern!

Sorry for the excess of formatting but--this is an important step and should not be skipped over! Step 2: Open said copy into a graphics program like MS Paint. (I used MS Paint as an example since most everyone has a copy of it on their computer. If you have another graphics program that you are comfortable using, go for it!) One of the great things about MS Paint is that you can resize your pattern to suite your needs.

Pattern illustration

Step 3: Click on the pencil icon.

Pattern illustration

Step 4: Click on the size option and pick a size you prefer. I usually go with the biggestone. Right next to the Size box is the Color box. Pick a color. I usually go with something bright and easy to see.

Pattern illustration

Step 5: After completing the first row of crochet, mark it off. Here is a little hint if your not familiar with Paint: the "shift" key, while you draw with your mouse, you will ge a straight line!

Pattern illustration

913194693 9513986173259
7152247 4897142 14587175262
12253752 53107157 16092185277
1327 2940 435410916393187280
1431465511116694 95189283
17163549 525711517297193289
537966133 135199106213319
2827558267 68137202107215322
29578569139205 208108 109217325
305988 9170141211110219328
3161 639471143214111221 223331 334

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