Vintage-Style Doily Knitting Pattern with Intricate Design and Repeats

Freya Shawl

Based on the Stor Rund Dug doily, altered and re-written by Renate Haeckler

Pattern illustration

I used about 500 yards of stranded baby alpaca and baby mohair, laceweight, on my #10 circulars to make a shawl that measured around 21" long from neck to bottom. The photos do not show the full pattern, I stopped when I ran out of yarn.


$\pmb{\mathsf{K}}=$ knit $\mathbf{vo}=$ yarn over Slip $=$ slip stitch from left needle to right without knitting. K2TOG $=$ knit 2 together as if they are one stitch P2TOG $=$ purl 2 together as if they are one stitch $\begin{array}{r}{\mathsf{\pmb S}\mathsf{\pmb S}\mathsf{\pmb K}=\mathsf{\pmb S}\mathsf{\|}\mathsf{\pmb p},}\end{array}$ slip, knit SSP $=$ Slip $\texttt{l k}$ -wise, slip another k-wise. Return slipped sts to left needle. p2tog tbl: Insert right needle up into back loops of the two stitches and purl them together from this position. (I find it easier to pass them from the right to left through the back loor

Pattern illustration

and then pur them together as if they are one regular purl stitch.) S2K1psso $=$ Slip the next two stitches at the same time onto the right-hand needle knitwise, knit the next stitch, and pass the two slipped stitches at the same time over the knit stitch. It makes a somewhat raised but perfectly formed knit stitch in the centre of a pair of decreased stitches which slope towards it symmetrically $\mathbf{c}^{**}=$ This is the only hard stitch - a double decrease where the center stitch is on top when viewed from the right side. To do it, purl 1, slip the next 2 together through the back loop (all three are now on the right needle), pass allthree to left needle, slip the right needle over the first stitch and under the next two to pass them over the first stitch (the one you purled). The remaining stitch is still on the right needle, so pass it to the left. $()\pmb{x}=$ knit text in brackets as many times as indicated after the "x" $\mathbf{[]}\pmb{\times}=$ repeat enclosed instructions as many times as indicated after the "x" All rows not mentioned are knit plain (knit on knit side; purl on purl side). Cast on 40 stitches. Row 1: P Row 6: K3, (YO, K1) x 35, K2 Row 12: K2, (K7, Yo, K1, Y0)x8, K9 Row 14: K2, (K2TOG, K3, SSK, YO, K3, YO)x8, K2TOG, K3, SSK, K2 Row 16: K2, (K2TOg, K1, sSk, YO, Ssk, YO, K1, YO, K2TOg, YO)x8, K2TOg, K1, SSK, K2 Row 18: K2, S2K1psso, (YO, SSK, YO, K3, YO, K2TOG, YO, S2K1psso )x8, K2 Row 20: K2, (K2, YO, K2TOG, YO, S2K1pss0 , YO, SSK, YO, K1)x8, K3 Row 21: P7, (slip, P9)x8, slip, P7 Row 22: K2, (K3, YO, K2TOG, K1, SSK, YO, K2)x8, K3 Row 23: P7, (slip, P9)x8, slip, P7 Row 24: K2, (K4, YO, S2K1psso , YO, K3)x8, K3 Row 26: K2, (K1, Y0)x4, [S2K1psso, (YO, K1)x7, YO]x7, S2K1pss0 , (YO, K1)x4, K2 Row 28: K9, (S2K1psso , K13)x7, S2K1pss0 , K9 Row 29: P8, (C\*\*, P11)x7, C\*\*, P8 Row 30: K2, (K1, YO)x5,[S2K1psso , (YO, K1)x9, YO0]x7, S2K1pss0 , (YO, K1)x5, K2 Row 31: P11, (C\*\*, P17)x7, C\*\*, P11 Row 32: K10, (S2K1psso, K15)x7, S2K1psso , K10 Row 33: P9, (C\*\*, P13)x7, C\*\*, P9 Row 34: K2, (K1, YO)x6, [S2K1psso , (YO, K1)x11, YO]x7, S2K1psso , (YO, K1)x5, YO, K2 Row 35: P13, (C\*\*, P21)x7, C\*\*, P13 Row 36: K12, (S2K1pss0 , K19)x7, S2K1pss0 , K12 Row 37: P11, (C\*\*, P17)x7, C\*\*, P11 Row 38: K10, (S2K1pss0 ,K15)x7, S2K1pss0 , K10 Row 39: P2, (P1, YO)x7, [C\*\*, (Y0, P1)x13, YO]x7, C\*\*, (YO, P1)x6, Y0, P3 Row 40: K15, (S2K1psso , K25)x7, S2K1psso , K15 Row 41: P14, (C\*\*, P23)x7, C\*\*, P14 Row 42: K13, (S2K1psso, K21)x7, S2K1psso , K13 Row 43: P12, (C\*\*, K19)x7, C\*\*, K12 Row 44: K2, (K1, YO, K2T0G, K5, SSK, Y0)x16, K3 Row 46: K2, (K2, YO, K2T0G, K3, SSK, YO, K1)x16, K3 Row 48: K2, (K1, YO, K2T0G, YO, K2TOG, K1, SSK, YO, SSK, YO)x16, K3 Row 50: K2, (K2, YO, K2TOG, YO, S2K1psso , YO, SSK, YO, K1)x16, K4 Row 52: K2, [K1, (SSK, YO) $_{x2}$ , K1, (YO, K2TOG)x2]x16, K3 Row 54: K2, K2TOG, (YO, SSK, YO, K3, YO, K2TOG, YO, S2K1psso )x15,YO, SSK, YO, k3, YO,


Row 55: P2, (slp, Py)x16,sllp, P2 Row 56: K2, (K1, SSK, YO, K5, YO, K2 T0G)x16, K3 Row 58: K2, K2TOG, (YO, K7, YO, S2K1pss0 )X15, YO, K7, YO, SSK, K2 Row 59: P2, (slip, P9)x16,slip, P2 Row 60: K2, K2TOG, [(YO, K1)X7, YO,S2K1pss0 JX15, (YO, K1)X7, YO, SSK, K2 Row 61: P2, (slip, P15)x16, slip, P2 Row 62: K2, K2TOG, K13, (S2K1pss0 , K13)x15, SSK, K2 Row 63: P2, P2TOG, P11, (C\*\*, P11)x15, P2TOG, P2 Row 64: K2, K2TOG, (YO, K1)x9, [S2K1pss0 , (YO, K1)x9), YO]x15, SSK, K2 Row 65: P2, P2TOG, P17,(C\*\*, P17)x15, P2TOG, P2 \*\*If you aren't counting stitches anymore because you've grasped the pattern, do count them every few rows. At this point it is easy to miss a Yo or somehow end up with too many stitches which can get magnified as you go on and is really hard to repair if it's gone on for too long! If you find your stitch count off, don't despair! You can easily fudge this pattern so it looks good to all but the most discerning eye. For too many stitches, in the S2K1psso, you can slip 3 instead of two to eat an extra stitch. For too few, you can do a K2TOG instead of the S2K1psso at the end of the repeat to create a stitch for the next row. Row 66: K2, K2TOG, K15, (S2K1pss0 , K15)x15, SSK, K2 Row 67: P2, P2T0G, P13, (C\*\*, P13)x15, P2TOG, P2 Row 68: K2, K2TOG, (YO, K1)x11, YO, [S2K1pss0 ,(YO, K1)x11), YO]x15, SSK, K2 Row 69: P2, P2TOG, P21, (C\*\*, P21)x15, P2TOG, P2 Row 70: K2, K2TOG, K19, (S2K1pss0 , K19)x15, SSK, K2 Row 71: P2, P2TOG, P17, (C\*\*, P17)x15, P2TOG, P2 Row 72: K2, K2TOG, K15, (S2K1psso , K15)x15, SSK, K2 Row 73: P2, P2TOG, (YO, P1)x13, YO, [C\*\*, (YO, P1)x13), YO]x15, P2TOG, P2 Row 74: K2, K2TOG, K25, (S2K1pss0 , K25)x15, SSK, K2 Row 75: P2, P2TOG, P23, (C\*\*, P23)x15, P2TOG, P2 Row 76: K2, K2TOG, K21, (S2K1pss0 , K21)x15, SSK, K2 Row 77: P2, P2TOG, P19, (C\*\*, P19)x15, P2TOG, P2 Row 78: K2, (K1, YO, K2T0G, K5, SSK, Y0)x32, K3 Row 80: K2, (K2, YO, K2Tog, K3, ssk, Yo, K1)x32, K3 Row 82: K2, [K1, (YO, K2TOG)x2, K1, (SSK, Y0)x2]x32, K3 Row 84: K2, (K2, YO, K2TOG, YO, S2K1pss0 , YO, SSK, YO, K1)x32, K3 Row 86: K2, [K1, (K2TOG, Y0)x2, K1, (YO, SSK)x2]x32, K3 Row 88: K2, K2TOG, (YO, K2TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, YO, S2K1pss0 )x31, YO, K2TOG, YO, K3, YO, SSK, YO, SSK, K2 Row 90: K2, (K1, K2TOG, YO, K5, YO, SSK) $\times32$ K3 Row 92: K2, K2TOG, YO, K7, YO, (S2K1pss0 , YO, K7, YO)x31, SSK, K2 Row 94: K2, K2TOG, (YO, K1)x7, [S2K1psso , (YO, K1)x7, YOjx31, SSK, K2 Row 96: Like row 62, but with 32 repeats. Row 97-113: Like row 63-79, but with 32 repeats. Row 114-117: Like row 80-83 but with 64 repeats instead of 32 Many thanks to YarnOver http:/ / for translating this beautiful pattern from the Danish! For the doily pattern, which could make a lovely round blanket, see http:/ / patterns/doilies/kunststrik/ storrund.html

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