Rockie Mountains Kerchief Knitting Pattern by Bridget Ruffing for BridgetKnits - Classic Elite Yarns Project

Rockie Mountains Kerchief

A design by Bridget Ruffing for BridgetKnits

Pattern illustration

Materials: 1 skein each of Classic Elite Yarns MountainTop Vail in 6475 (A) and 6416 (B) 1 32-inch size 6 circular needle Stitch markers Gauge: Gauge is not crucial, but may effect the size of your kerchief. Shoot for 5 and a half stitches per inch. The Pattern Cast on 7 stitches with color A Setup row : K2, YO, K1, YO, Place Marker, K1, Place Marker, YO, K1, YO, K2. Row 2. K2, YO, K to marker, YO, SM, K1, SM, YO, K to last 2 sts., YO, K2 Row 3. K all sts. slipping the markers as you come to them. Repeat rows 2 and 3 untill your kerchief is as big as you desire. Mine has a 34" wingspan. At the same time, change color every 6 rows. Perpendicular border: Cast on 7 sts. Row 1. K6, K2tog. Turn. Row 2. Sl 1, K6. Repeat these two rows untill you reach the first marker, ending with a row 2. Short rows for turn: K5, turn. S1 1, k4 K4, turn. S1 1, K3 K7. Repeat once more. Now continue repeating rows 1 and 2 of perpendicular border untill there are 7 sts left on your needle. BO 7.

Pattern illustration

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