Frankie's Knitted Puzzle: A Detailed Guide to Creating a Colorful, Foldable Knitted Cube

Frankie's Knitted Stuff

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

This is a two-sided puzzle, made up of coloured squares, one colour on each side. Fold the puzzle and a third colour magically appears. It can also be folded into a hollow cube with one colour on the outside and another inside. The puzzle consists of six plastic squares covered with 12 knitted squares.

The Plastic Squares

For these you will need Ultra Stiff plastic canvas with seven bars to the inch; a piece a little over 6" x 2" will be big enough. Cut six squares, each 14 bars or 2" square and then snip off the sharp corners to stop them poking through the knitting.

Pattern illustration

These are knitted with DK weight yarn on 4 mm / US size 6 needles, working to a tension of 11 stitches and 20 rows to 5 cm / 2"2 using moss stitch (US seed stitch). I used three shades of Stylecraft Special DK (295 m / 100g) for my squares. Using the cable method cast on 11 stitches and work 20 rows in moss stitch: Pattern Copyright Katyanovikova @ 2014 Cast off, still working in the moss stitch pattern. You will need to knit 12 squares all together, four in each of your three colours. Don't worry if the knitted squares are slightly smaller than the plastic ones, they will stretch to fit.

Covering the Plastic Squares

The knitted squares are sewn together round the plastic squares, with different colours on each side; take care to cover the corners well. Make two squares in each of the following colour combinations: Colour 1 and Colour 2 Colour 1 and Colour 3 Colour 2 and Colour 3

Joining the Squares

Lay the six squares out in the order shown on the next page. Unless you are using the same colours as me, follow the numbers. The numbers in brackets refer to the colour on the back of each square.

Pattern illustration

Sew the squares together, working through the top colours only. Then turn the piece over and sew the bottom colours together in the same way. If you flip the piece horizontally, it should look like this ...

Pattern illustration

Check that the colours are in the right order on both sides. Beginning with the piece like this ... ... fold the two squares on the left behind the other four to give you this ...

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

See that square sticking out to the side? Fold it over and sew it to the one above it.

Pattern illustration

Join the squares here. And that's it. Now you can start folding ... this little puzzle is rather compulsive to play with.



Pattern illustration

① Frankie Brown, 2015. My patterns are for personal use only and should not be used to knit items for sale. Please do not use them for teaching purposes without my permission.

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