Mutiger Frihling Shawl Pattern by Babs12351 - A Unique, Adjustable, Garter Stitch and Lace Knitting Project with Dice-Rolled Variability

Mutiger Frihling (by Babs12351)

Pattern illustration

A light and airy shawl for chilly days. You can wear it like a stole or wrap it around your neck like a scarf. It has long tails, with not so much height in the middle. The shawl is worked mainly in garter stitch with a few lace rows. You could work the rows like the original writen pattern, or you could toss 1,2 or 3 dices to make your own unique shawl. I used 2 dices to determine the number of garter ridges (Row 3 + 4). I determined the number of lace rows with 1 dice. Every dot of the dice stands for a right side and a wrong side row together.


Needle size 3,0 - 4,5 mm Crochet hook in needle size circular needle 80 - 120 cm long 2 or more Stitch marker 1 - 3 Dices 1 Tapestry needle


Yardage needed: approx. 750 m I used the following Yarn: 100 Farbspiele Unikatwolle 4 - fach (LL ca. 187 m / 50 g) Color: “Mutig" You could use every yarn that you like, from lace over Sock yarn to bulky yarns! But keep in mind, that the finished size and the yardage needed may vary highly, depending on the yarn and needlesizeused!

Finished Measurements:

In example used Needle size 3,5 mm Size for unwashed shawl: span length at shoulder line ca. 202 cm height from peak to middle of shoulder line ca. 50 cm

Cast on:

Cast on 7 stitches with crochet hook knit all stitches continue with Row 1 + 2 in Chart

Pattern illustration

Row 1 and 2

Pattern illustration

Borders Maschenmarker/ StitchMarker Stitches keine Masche (Platzhalter) / no stitch ( place holder) re / k li / p kfb QFre /M 1 R QF li / M 1 L 2015BarbaraDahnke! Please respect my copyright! The pattern is for your private use. Please don't sell the pattern or the items worked from the pattern!

Main Part:

Now you could work the rows, like the original Pattern says, or you could create your own unique shawl and toss the dice. Important: Every dot of the dice stands for a right side and a wrong side row together. Row 3 + 4 building the garter ridges. Row 5 + 6 forming one combination of lace row Row 7 + 8 forming the other lace row combination.

Row 3 and 4

Pattern illustration


Borders Maschenmarker / Stitch Marker Maschenrapport / Stich repeat keine Masche (Platzhalter) / no stitch ( place holder) re / k li / p kfb QFre/M1R QF li / M 1 L

How to determine wich lace row combination is needed?

GMZ = total stitch count MM = the middle stitch (the stitch between the Markers)

1. Calculation:

GMZ - MM = ? : 2 = odd number → work rows 5 + 6!!

2. Calculation:

GMZ - MM = ? : 2 = even number →> work rows 7 + 8!! ?2015BarbaraDahnke! Please respect my copyright! The pattern is for your private use. Please don't sell the pattern or the items worked from the pattern!

Row 5 and 6 ( odd number of stitches )

Pattern illustration


Borders Maschenmarker/ StitchMarker Maschenrapport / Stich repeat keine Masche (Platzhalter) / no stitch ( place holder) re / k li/ p U/YO 2 M re zus. / k2tog 2 UZ zus. / skpass kfb

Row 7 and 8 ( even number of stitches )

Pattern illustration


Borders Maschenmarker/StitchMarker Maschenrapport / Stich repeat keine Masche (Platzhalter) / no stitch ( place holder) re / k li/ p U/YO 2 M re zus. / k2tog 2 UZ zus. / skpass kfb QF re / M 1 R QFli / M 1 L ?2015BarbaraDahnke! Please respect my copyright! The pattern is for your private use. Please don't sell the pattern or the items worked from the pattern!

My dice rolled:

Note: The numbers in parenthesis represent the total stitch count at the end of a block of rows after finishing a wrong side row! The number varies, if you dice by yourself! hen two or more lace rows are worked directly one after the other

for example:

the R 27 - 32, you need only to calculate the first combination of Lace row, here at R 27 + 28 the R 7 + 8. The following combinations are worked in alteration!

The Lace Border:

Now the lace Border Chart. The stitches inside the red lines are the stitch repeat, the stitches are worked repeatedly (as often, as for the total stitch count needed). If you want a smaller or bigger sized shawl, it is necessary to calculate the total stitches to match with the Chart.

Calculation for example:

GMZ = total stitch count GMZ - 5 = ? : 11 = ? : 2 = stitch repeats needed on every side of the middle stitch

In example:

neans you need to work the stitch repeat 22 times on every side of the middle stitc

Pattern illustration

Row 22 of the Chart is the bind off row. You may bind of in any way you like. Now a relaxing bath (over night) for the shawl is required and in the morning with caution squeeze out the water and lay flat to dry, only pick it a little bit in form. The shawl should not be blocked!! 2015BarbaraDahnke! Please respect my copyright! The pattern is for your private use. Please don't sell the pattern or the items worked from the pattern!

The lace Border

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Stitch Glossary

Abketten / BO

.Abketten ( Abstricken - Abhakeln ) / Bind off. Abstricken: Erste und zweite Masche rechts stricken,\* dann beide wieder auf die linke Nadel heben und rechts verschrangt zusammen abstricken \*. nun die dritte Masche rechts stricken und von \* bis\* wiederholen, bis alle Maschen aufgebraucht sind. / knit first stitch, then knit second stitch, \*lift both stitches back to left needle and knit the two stitches together tbl., now knit the third. Stitch and repeat from \* to \* until all stitches are Worked.

Keine Masche (Platzhalter) / no stitch ( place holder))


Aus 1M - 2 M rausstricken ( re - re verschr.) - 1 M zunahme / knit 1 stitch through front loop and through back loop (1 stitches increase). li / p Linke Masche / purl.

QF li / M 1 L

Querfaden zwischen den Maschen mit der li Nadel von vorne aufnehmen und rechts verschrankt abstricken ( 1 M zun. ) / From the Front, lift the horizontal strand between stitches with the left needle. Knit trough the back loop. ( 1st incr.).

QF re / M 1 R

Querfaden zwischen den Maschen mit der li Nadel von hinten aufnehmen und rechts abstricken ( 1 M zun. ) / From the back, lift the horizontal strand between stitches with the left needle. Knit trough the front loop. ( Ist incr.). re / k Rechte Masche / knit. re - U - re / k - YO - k Rechte Masche - Umschlag - rechte Masche - in 1 Masche ( 2 M zun.) / knit - yarn over - knit in 1 stitch ( 2 stitches incr.). U/YO Umschlag / Yarn over. 2 M re zus. / k2tog 2 Maschen recht zusammen stricken / knit 2 stitches together.

2 UZ zus. / skpass

1 M. re abheben, 1 M re stricken, abgehobene Masche iber die rechte druiber heben / slip 1 stitch knit wise, knit next stitch, pass slipped stitch over knitted stitch.

Now enjoy!!

Dear knitter, because I don't speak English, my daughter (cdknuddel) is translating for me. Her English is out of school and also not very good, she try's her best to translate my German patterns for the English speaking community on Ravelry. If you find any errors, or if you have any questions about the pattern, or if something is not understandable, please contact me or her over PM on Ravelry (my user name is babs12351 and my daughter is cdknuddel) so that we could learn and correct the errors! Thanks in advance for your help! Greets Babs

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