Sesame Street Fun Fur Characters Crochet Patterns by Dearest Debi - Detailed Instructions and Materials

Sesame Street Fun Fur Characters - Dearest Debi Patterns

Sesame Slreel Fuh Fur Characters - Dearesl Debt Pallerhs

Dearest Debi Patterns are available to print, my patterns are not to be distributed by anyone but me. Your finished creations are yours to keep, donate or sell. I hope you enjoy making my patterns! ·Debi

Pattern illustration



Pattern illustration

Click HERE for pattern diffiulty ratings. Yarn: Base: Each character you will want approximately 120 yards of a #4 worsted weight yarn like Caron Simply Soff Yarn Grey Heather or Red Heart Soft Yarn Chocolate (For Big Bird I usedRed Heart Soft Touch Yarn Vanilla Swirl but I had to switch to a larger hook US (9/5.5Omm) Body: Each characters body is made using eyelash yarns. I used I - 5Og ball of Sirdar Funky Fur in the colour yellow for big bird and I used 1 - 5Og ball ofLion Brands Fun fur for Elmo. Both these yarns work up differently, the sirdar was best to work with hdc and the lion brand was best to work in dc stitches, the body patterns are written in de, if you have a thinner eyelash yarn use hdc sts. (I'd only recommend using the thicker lion brand eyelash yarn, it works up much nicer!) Appliques: You will need some worsted weight yarn for the Appliques, this is a great time to use up some of that scrap yarn. Hook: US H8/5.OOmm


· I used the lid of a sour cream container that measures approximately 4.625" in diameter. Gauge: Using one strand of worsted weight yarn - 3.75 hdc = 1" Special Stitches: Invisible Join


· It's useful to use a stitch marker in the first stitch of each rnd. . Do not join rnds unless specified. Sesame Street Fun Fur Characters - Dearest Debi Patterns Base (All Characters).. \*Make sure to use the correct colour for your characters base\* Start with a magic ring, ch t,hde & times in ring,tighten ring. (8 hde) Rnd 2: 2 hde in each st around. (16 hde) Rnd 3:\*hde once, 2 hde in next st, rep from\* around. (24 hde) Rnd 4: \*hde in next 2 sts, 2 hde in next st,rep from\* around. (32 hde) Rnd 5:\*2 hde in next st, hde in next 3, rep from\* around. (40 hde) Rnd 6: \*hde in next 4 sts, 2 hde in next st, rep from\* around. (48 hde) Rnd 7: sc in each st around. (48 sc) Sl st in next st, fasten off weave in ends. Proceed to the next base section for the correct character. Cohlinued Base (oscar lhe Grouch). \*Again working with the same colour as your base\* Start with a magic ring, ch I, hde & times in ring, tighten ring. (8 hde) Rnd 2: 2 hde in each st around. (16 hde) Rnd 3: \*hde once, 2 hde in next st, rep from\* around. (24 hde) Rnd 4: \*hde in next 2 sts, 2 hde in next st, rep from\* around. (32 hdc) Rnd 5:\*2 hde in next st,hde in next 3, rep from\* around. (40 hde) Rnd 6: \*hde in next 4 sts, 2 hde in next st, rep from\* around (48 hde) Rnd 7: sc in each st around. (48 sc) Take both pieces of work with wrong sides facing together, you wilnow work through both layers of work. Rnd8:hde in each st around when you are half way around make sure to insert plastic lid inbetween layer. (48 hde) Rnd 9: hde in each st around. (48 hde) Rnd 10: \*fpde in next st, de in next st, rep from\* around. (48 sts) Rnd 11l - 16: rep rnd i1O, at end of row 16 fasten off weave in ends. Sesame Street Fun Fur Characters - Dearest Debi Patterns

Cohlinued Base (Cookie Mohster ahd Big Bird).

\*Again working with the same colour as your base\* ch) 3 times, sk I ch, 4 de in last ch, fasten offleaving a long enough tail to work with, roll flower together and sewflower together through allayers in center, attach to bow and attach it Rnd&:hde in each st around, when you are half way around make sure to insert plastic lid in between lyers (48 hde) Rnd 9: hdc in each st around. (48 hdc) Rnd 10 - 16: rep rnd 9, at end of row 16 fasten off weave in ends Start with a magic ring, ch I,hde & times in ring, tighten ring. (8 hdc) Take both piees of work with wrong sides facing together you wil now work through both layers of work. Rnd 8:hde in each st around, when you are half way around make sure to insert plastic lid inbetween layer. (48 hdc) Rnd 9: hdc in each st around. (48 hde)

Sesame Street Fun Fur Characters - Dearest Debi Patterns

Rnd 13 - 18: rep rnd 12. Rnd 19: hdc-dec around (24 sts) Rnd 20: 2 sc in each st around. (48 scs) 2nd 2l: \*sl st, 3 hde in next st, rep from \* around, fasten off weave in ends.

Body (oscar, Cookie 4 Big Bird).

\*Make sure to use the correct colour of eyelash yarn for your characte\*\* Insert hook into one of your stitches from the outside of the base and into the center, draw up a loop, ch 2, hde in same st, hde in next 7 st,\*2 hde in next st, hde in next 7 sts, rep from\* 4 more times,join with sl st to 2nd ch of beg ch2. (54 hde) Rnd 2: ch 2, dc in next st and each st around. (54 dc) Rnd 3: rep rnd 2 until fun fur work measures 4.5" Rnd 4: ch 3, de in next 3 sts, dc-dec, \*de in next 4 sts, hde-dec, rep from\* around. (45 de) Rnd 5: ch 3, de in next 2 sts, de-dec, \*de in next 3 sts, hde-dec, rep from \* around. (40 de) Rnd 6 - 8: ch 3, dc in each st around. (40 de) Rnd 8: ch4 (eounts as Ist de and cht),\*skI st, de innext, ch1, rep from\*around,jn withsl t to3rd chof beg ch4, fasten off, weave in ends.

Body (Elmo)..

Notes: beg chains count as a stitch, join each rnd Looking at your work as shown below, insert your hook into the back ridge of the hde from hde-dec rnd, draw up a loop, ch 2, hde in same space, 2 hde in each st around, join with a sl st to 2nd ch of beg ch2. (48 hde) Rnd 2: ch 3, dc in each st around. (48 dc) Rnd 3: rep rnd 2 until fun fur work measures 4.5" Rnd 4: ch 3, de in next 5 sts, dc-dec in next, \*dc in next 6 sts, de-dec in next, rep from\* around. (42 de) Rnd 5: ch 3, de in next 2 sts, de-dec in next,\*de in next 3 sts, de-dec in next, rep from\* around, finishing with a de in the last 2 stitches. (34 de)

Sesame Street Fun Fur Characters - Dearest Debi Patterns

Rnd 6: ch 3, dc in each st around. (34 dc) Rnd 7 - 8: rep rnd 6. rnd 9: ch 3, \*ch 1, sk 1, de in next, rep from \* around, join, fasten off weave in ends.


For the ties I used 3 strands of fun fur with 3 strands of worsted weight yarn and braided the ties. Weave tie through cht spaces at the top of the body, I tied both ends together so the tie would stay in the body.


\*por the aplquesI used a US H8/5.OOmm hook, you could always use a US G6/4.OOmm hook instead for smaller appliques, this might be useful when making cookie monsters mouth and cookie so that they fit on thebody.\* Eyes... \*Make 2\* Using white yarn. Ch4, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, 3 sc in last ch, working along other side of ch, se in next ch, 2 sc in last ch (will have the beg ch as well, do not join. (8 sc) Rnd 2: 2 sc in beg sc, sc in next, 2 sc in next 3 sc, sc in next sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, do not join.(14 sc) Rnd 3: sc in each sc around, fasten off invisible join. (14 sc) Pupils.. \*Make 2\* Using black yarn.. Starting with a magic ring, chl, sc 6 times in the ring, fasten off invisible join. (6 sc) Sew pupils onto eyes, sew eyes onto body.

Cookie Mohster:

Ch 7, hde in second ch from hook and each ch across. (6 hde) Row 2: ch 1 turn, 2 hdc in each hdc across. (12 hdc) Row 3: ch I, turn, \*hde once, 2 hde in next st, rep from \* across. (18 hde) Row 4: ch 1, turn, \*hdc in next 2 sts, 2 hde in next st, rep from\* across. (24 hde) Rnd 5: work 9 sc along the edges and ch of your work, fasten off invisible join to first hdc of row 4. Sew onto body, I sewed the mouth and cookie on like a pocket.

Sesame Street Fun Fur Characters - Dearest Debi Patterns

Cookie: Follow mouth directions for cookie monster mouth, sew on chocolate chips.


Mouth: Make the same mouth as cookie monster but turn it upside down when sewing on. Eyebrow: Ch 25, hde in 2nd ch from hook, hde in next 9 ch, 2 hde in next 2 ch, hde in last Il ch, fasten off weave in ends. Sew onto body. Big Bird: Beak: Starting with a magic ring, ch I, sc 5 times in ring, tighten ring, do not join. (5 sc) Rnd 2: sc in each sc around. (5 sc) Rnd 3: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 4 sc. (6 sc) Rnd 4: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 5 sc. (7 sc) Rnd 5: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 6 sc. (8 sc) Rnd 6: 2 sc in first st, sc in next 7 sc. (9 sc) Rnd7: 2 sc in first st, sc innext &sc, fasten of leaving along enough tail for sewing beak onto bag. (O sc) Sew onto body.


Tongue (could be used for other characters): Starting with a magic ring, ch 1, hde 5 times in ring, tighten ring, do not join. You wil have half a circle (5 hde) Row 2: ch I, work an se in into last hde worked, work an sc in center of ring, sc in next hdc. (3 sc) Row 3: ch I, turn work, sc in each sc aeross, fasten off use tail for sewing. Sew onto mouth. Mouth: Follow mouth directions for cookie monster mouth. \~Happy Hooking\~

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