Crochet Tutorial for Madame Curie Radioactive Block by Margaret Maclnnis with Photo Collaboration

Tutorial Photos for Madame Curie Radioactive block, designed by Margaret Maclnnis

Tutorial worked in conjunction with Molly Mutcheson/mollyohmolly

Pattern illustration

Slip stitch into the top of the beg chain 3 with the new color.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

IRND 3: 36 dc, 6 in each wedge

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

RND 5: 60 dc; fancy stitching mimics dc

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

IRND 8: 36 V-st + 12 total V-st in corners Finished block: Round 9 is worked with 2 dc in each ch-sp, and a dc between each 2 sets of V-st. The corners are (dc, trc, dc) in the cornermost ch space of the V-st. (108 dc, 4 trc). You could work this as a sc/hdc sequence if your block is too big.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

IRound 9 worked to pattern. It's interesting how the heavier contrast works nicely into the V's. Thank you, Maureen (MollyohMolly) for your photographs and sample!

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