The Golden Snitch
@2007 Mandy Harvey Patterns All Rights Reserved

This pattern rates a beginner level. You will need to know the following. CO- Cast On k-knit kfb-knit front and back of same stitch ssk- slip slip knit k2tog- knit 2 stitches together Materials Needed: 1 ball Paton's Brilliance Gold-----or Lion Brand Glitterspun 1 ball Paton's Brilliance Silver-----or Lion Brand Glitterspun 1 tapestry needle and Poly-fill for stuffing
With the Gold CO 4 stitches Row 1 kfb each stitch (8) Row 2 k all stitches Row 3 kfb each stitch (16) Row 4 kall Row 5 kfb each stitch (32) Rows 6-17 k all to end Row 18 k2tog to end (16) Row 19 k all Row 20 k2tog to end (8) Row 21 k all Row 22 k2tog to end (4) Don't bind off cut an $8"$ tail and sew the last 4 stitches off needle. Starting at the bottom sew the edge together using favorite method I used mattress stitch sew until there is about $1"$ left stuff the ball form and sew shut. Make sure there is no tail hanging out. Now you're ready to make some wings. Row 25 Repeat row 23 (4) Row 26 repeat row 24 (3) Weave in end and make second wing. Place wings on the ball make sure they are facing the same direction and sew them onto the ball. You snitch is complete! Row 9 k all sts @2007 Mandy Harvey Patterns All Rights Reserved Row 10 kto last st kfb (6) Row 11 kfb k to end (7) Row 12 kto last st kfb (8) Row 13 kall Row 14 k to last 2 ssk (7) Row 15 k2tog kto end (6) Row 17 repeat row 15 (4) Row 18 knit all Row 19 kfb kto end (5) Row 20 kto last st kfb (6) Row 21 kfb kto end (7) Row 22 k all Row 23 k2tog k to end (6)