Crochet Pattern: A Star is Born Girls Slouch Beanie with Detailed Instructions and Special Stitches

Pattern illustration

A Star is Born Girls Slouch Beanie

By: Knick Knack Hatty Hats Materials: 1 Skein Worsted Weight Main Color (I used Red Heart Soft in Light GreyHeather) 1 Skein Worsted Weight Contrast Color Size USH8 5.0omm Crochet Hook YarnNeedle Special Stitches: See Photo Tutorial Starting on Page 3 · Crochet in the 3rd loop: Insert hook behind and into the loop in the back of the HDC of the previousrow. Star Stitch: 0FIRST STAR: Chain 3. Insert hook into 2nd chain from hook, pull up a loop. Insert hook into 3rd chain from hook, pull up a loop. Insert hook into stitch, pull up a loop. Insert hook into next stitch, pull up a loop. Insert hook into next stitch, pull up a loop (6 loops on hook). Yarn over and pull through all 6 loops. Chain 1 to close star. EVERY OTHER STAR: Insert hook into hole made by the chain 1 to close star directly below hook, pull up a loop. Insert hook into far left stitch of the star, pull up a loop. Inser hook into last stitch from previous star (where the final post of the previous star was made) pull up a loop. Insert hook into next stitch, pull up a loop. Insert hook into next stitch, pull up a loop (6 loops on hook). Yarn Over. Pull through all 6 loops on hook. Chain 1 to close star. DC2Tog - Double Crochet 2 together: Yarn Over, insert hook into stitch, draw up a loop. Yarn over, draw through 2 loops. Yarn over, insert hook into next stitch, draw up a loop. Yarn over, draw through 2 loops. Yarn over draw through rest of the loops on hook.


Ch - Chain SC - Single Crochet HDC - Half Double Crochet DC - Double Crochet SISt- Slip Stitch FDC - Foundation Double Crochet FPDC - Front Post Double Crochet BPDC - Back Post Double Crochet DC2tog - Double Crochet Two Together. MC - Main Color CC - Contrast Color Note: I carried the yarn up each row when I changed to the new color as opposed to cutting and reattaching every other row or trying to carry it under the other stitches for an entire row and wasting the yarn. You can do whatever method works for you but I found this easiest. Chains at the end of each round never count as a stitch. If you would like to make a larger or smaller hat, increase or decrease in multiples of 2. I found simply switching from a H hook to a I hook took the hat from a child's size to a small adult. Directions: Row 1: In MC FDC 6o. Join with SISt to first FDC to form circle. Ch2. Work in the round from here on out. (60) Note: You can chain 6o , make sure your chain isn't twisted, join with a slst ch2 and DC around and join at the top of the ch2 with a slst Row 2-3: \*FPDC around 1st stitch, BPDC around next st.\* Repeat from \*-\* around (end on a BPDC). Join with SlSt to top of first FPDC. Ch1 (6o) Row 4: Change to CC. HDC around. Join with SISt in top of first HDC. Ch1 (60) Row 5: Change to MC. HDC in the 3rd loop around. Join with SISt in top of the first HDC. Ch1 (60) Row 6: Change to CC. SC in the 3rd loop around. Ch3 (60) 1 7: Star Stitch around. You should have 30 star stitches. Join with SlSt to top of Ch3. Row 8: SISt over to hole made from the ch1 of the star stitch. Ch1. 2HDC in the hole made by the chain 1 of the star stitch and in the chain1 hole of each star stitch around. Join with SlSt to the top of the first HDC. Ch1. (6o) Row 9: Change to MC. HDC Around. Join with SISt to top of first HDC. Ch1. (60) Row 10: Change to CC. HDC in the 3rd loop around. Join with SISt to the top of first HDC. Ch2. Cut CC. (60) Row 11: Change to MC. DC in the 3rd loop around. Join with SISt to the top of First DC. Ch2. (60) Row 12- 16: DC around. Join with SISt to top of first DC. Ch2 Note: this is where you can add or subtract rows to give it more or less slouch. DC in 3st, Dc2tog\* Repeat from \*-\* around. Join with SlSt to top of first DC. Ch2. (48 DC in 2st, Dc2tog\* Repeat from \*-\* around. Join with SISt to top of first DC. Ch2. (3 19: \*DC, Dc2tog\* Repeat from \*-\* around. Join with SISt to top of first DC. Ch2. (24 Row 2o: Dc2tog around. Join with SISt to top of first Dc2tog. Ch2. (12) Row 21: Dc2tog around. Join with SlSt to top of first Dc2tog. (6) Cut Yarn, gather and sew shut if needed, Weave in ends.

Pattern illustration

Where to Insert hook for crocheting in the 3rd loop.

Pattern illustration

Every Other Star Stitch→ Where to insert hook for first star stitch.

Pattern illustration

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