Crochet Tutorial: Little Bumble Bee Wristlet with Double Strand Plastic Yarn

Plastique Recreations

Little Bumble Bee Wristlet

Pattern illustration



Aluminum Crochet Hook: Size G Plastic Yarn: Yellow with Black Plastic Yarn( approx. 40 Dollar General Bags) Black Plastic Yarn (approx. 45 Plastic Bags) White Plastic Yarn (approx. 3 Plastic Bags) 2 Moveable Wiggly Eyes Dab of glue for attaching eyes MEASUREMENTS: Height - 8.25"; Width - 9.25"; Big Strap - 10", Small Strap - 4 12" CARE INSTRUCTIONS: Machine wash and air dry This patten is copyright protected by Plastique Recreations, allrights reserved.

Crochet Pattern from Plastique Recreations

Little Bumble Bee Wristlet

BAG DESIGN: This Bag is made withafront and back panel. lused my'Grab&Go'design for the strapsfor easy carrying.

Pattern illustration

Helpful Tips:

Crocheting in the round - this is achieved by increasing stitches in each round.

Typically,the increasing begins with round 3. This starts with an increase in every other stitch (ie. sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc.\*Repeat arond)Forroud 4, therwiltwc stches beween thereas and roud5has threec stsbtweente 2scinext sc increas. And so on. To ensure around fomatio (and to avoid a hump or peak forming), do not make a 2scin ast that is on top of a 2sc st in the prevous round. Tomake a colorchange-pulthenwcolorthroughinseadof the old color when completing thest. Place the tilof the old colorbeind your work to crochet overit when making the next couple of stitches with the new color. This willsave you time later when weaving in your ends. The ch' at the begining of the roud or row is not considered the fist st but is used as a fller or starterto make the first st. It's always a good idea after every couple of rows to give a litle stretch and pull to your project.This willgive youa more realisticviewof what you have completed up to that point.

Instructions -

Bag: (Make 2) Row 1: Sc in $2^{\mathsf{n d}}$ ch from hook and in each across. Ch 1,turn. Row2: 2 scin1sts, scin each st across, scinlast st. Colr changetoblack plastic yar,c1,tun 22) Row 34: 2scin 1st st, scin each st across, 2scinlast st. Color change to yelwwith black plasticyarn, ch 1, tun. (26) Row 5-9: Sc in each st across. Color change to black plastic yarn, ch 1, turn. Row 10-14: Sc in each st acros. Color changeto yellow with black plastic yarn, ch 1, turn. Row 15-19: Sc in each st across. Color change to black plastic yarn, ch 1, turn. Row 20: Sc in each st across. Ch 1, turn. Row21: 2sctog,sc ineach st across, sclast sts tog.Colrchange toyewwith black plasticya, ch1, tun. 24) Row 22-23: 2 sctog, scin each st across sc last 2 sts tog. (20) Color change to black plasticyarn, ch 1. DO NOT TURN. BeiningadefbaMaatiatys $^\star_{\mathtt{S C}}$ around bypaing ascinthe end of each rowmade around to coer 2 s in coner st, \*repeat around. Join with sl st to beginning sc. Round 2: Ch 1,sc in same st and in each st around. Join with sl st to beginning sc. Fasten off, weave in ends.

Wings - (Make 2)

With yellow with black plastic yarn, ch 14, color change to white for the 15th ch,DO NOT TURN. Round 1: Sc in $2^{\mathsf{n d}}$ chfrmhandnachstacrs (coescilastt, scinachst acro cerscilatst.Jonwthasste .

Little Bumble Bee Wristlet

Roud:hsstxst, xt stt tststxtst, dnxstxttitditiixtst,tst tst sts, hdc in next st, sc in next st, (cormer sts) 2sc in next 2 sts, sc in same st as 1st sc. Join with sl st to begining sc. Round:hiastandihstcross,cestsinxtstsacstarscestsexJont beginning sc. Color change to black plastic yarn. Round4: Ch1,inblscinsame stand innext 14 sts2scinnext 2sts, (corersts)3scinnextst, 2scinnext3sts,3scinextst, 2scinnext3stssc in each st across to end. This side wil be hidden under face.) Fasten off, weave in ends. Face - Round1: andjowthstcfmnreadustand sAdjtaberlmai Round 2: 2 scin each st around. Join with sl st to $\uparrow\mathfrak{s t s c}$ Round 3:\*2 sc in next st, 1 sc in next st. \*Repeat around. Join with slst to 1st sc. Round 4:\*2 scin next st, 1 sc in next 2 sts. \*Repeat around. Join with slst to 1st sc. Round5: ${}^{\star}\!2$ sc in next st, 1 sc in next3 sts.\*epeat around. Join with slstto 1st sc.Fasten off weave in ends.

Assembly -

Stitching frandbacpaelstogth:With front panfingyu,ahblak lastiyatuledwthsstifront palad oof back panel (These willbe the 2 sts back to back.), ch 1. \*Repeat around to upper right edge -even with other side. DONOT FASTEN OFF. Addintrhsadhstnfwist.restathdd a of your straps: long strap - ch 30; shor strap - ch 15 or desired length] Ch1, sc ineachstupto strapplamet, ch30, s10 st ordeiedwith, scinnext st and inechstarudt shrt srap onoppsite side back al) ch15, skip4sts oresired width, cinnext st andinachstaroud.Jonwithasstinfirstsc.Ch1, scinachst arud. Jonwithassttobeginig s. Fasten off, weave in ends. Face anding: Wingsare sn fit thnfaecoversedofthwin.)Laybag fat and plaeiddeofface tmid st, ue thsthede plaement andwing spanwupperingsonlytoag.Atachblack plasticywithsstcoeofwing nblnlyslpst cmletlyaroud outef both wings ending at corner.Fasten off with a $6"$ tail to use for sewing face on. Weave in all ends. Eyes: Dab a litle glue on back of both eyes and place on face. Let dry for 15 minutes or longer as needed.


Crochet Pattern from Plastique Recreations Little Bumble Bee Wristlet Picture Gallery

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Crochet Pattern from Plastique Recreations

Little Bumble Bee Wristlet TUTORIALS

Double Strand Cutting and Looping:

Cuting St: aythlastiaot traghtut thstadaglfflnotuewthtathutt couple more times for easiercuing.Cut hadesoffa thebaseCut bottom seam off. Just sliverisathat is eeded. Beincutin strips the ith necessary to meet your prjectlpattern needs. Typicaly,strip ae cut no les than 'r. $1\;\%^{n}$ $2^{\ast}$ are standard cut sizes)

Pattern illustration

Looping StrisTogether: Hang 2 stripsfrmyourhand.Using youroppositehand,reach through the middle of 1s stripand grabthebotmofthe $2^{n0}$ strip. Pull the 2nd strip through the midde of 1t strip. Drop the 1 stripfrom yourhand.Younowhave what looks likea T asthe 1ssripishanging on topof $2^{n0}$ stip.

Pattern illustration

Whichevehandyoprfe, pula strip throuh thcenteofstripnthand. (In thepictuelw thlt hand went through thmidleof stri inri hand.)Grab thestripthatwasulethroughand t at th picturebelw, theright hand dpsth stripiiscurentyhding at willay ontpof thlt han.The right han gras thestripfrm thelt hand.Uin theavalalan grabtheboom stripandpultomakeakt.Y primary objectiv isto make as small knot as possible without breaking the strp. Breaking the strip is inevitable i you pullthestrips too tight.

Pattern illustration

Conanstiexisn Thtwilapltideteitinstan texis be the 'T'.

Important Tips:

? Make the knot as smallas it wil go. Bt remembe, if you pullto tigt, oneof thestrips ill ereak. Make sure the 2-strand stripsareven.There's nothing more inconvenient when crocheting orkniting with pasticyan thentohave towork with extra plastic on one of the strips. When adding anew strip, onStep#7- grathe previous kt mae when uling the new strip with theopposite hand tomake the knt. his will help keep the 2-strands even.

Forming the Ball

Theeasistwahave foud tmakeaballisut togetheryourpintand midde fingeracetheasticytailbetween thfingers andi wrapping thlasticyaardbth ingesaot .ulthwrapof theinersthninwrain thlastiyaarou to sta fomn t bll. Note: To avoid tangles, start making the balafter a small pile forms from loping the strips together.

Little Bumble Bee Wristlet Adjustable Ring:

Make aloo a if to form a knot gig yoursef about t to $6"$ oftalrase hook backthrough (back to front). You now should have 1 loop on your hook.

Pattern illustration

Ch 2 as this ilcount as your first hdc. The standard is ch $1{\=}{\sag}\mathrm{c};$ ch 2=hdc; ch $3\mathrm{=dc}^{\prime}$ . Make hdc in the lop making sure to crochet aound both the plastic yanand til. Iet makng thestchsalilleoiwil be easier topullthe pla tilIfyu star runnngotf tail puthe til togivyumore slc however yu will ntice that the lp wil get smaller. Nwfor thefu part- grab the tailand genty pullthe stches together. Asyou do this the iner ircle gets smaller.

Pattern illustration

All content andpicturesarecopyright protectedbyPlastique Recreations, allrghts resevd.

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