Dishcloth Mosaic 47: Detailed Knitting Pattern with Mosaic Technique and iCord Borders

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Detailsabout theProjectPicture/DishclothMosaic#47
Based onMydesign/41over58rows
NeedleSize 5
Cast on53
Finishedsizeapprox9"widex 8.5" long
Yarn mainH.L. I Love This Cotton, 252 purple

Pattern illustration

Mosaic Knitting in GeneralIf you've never done Mosaic Knitting before, I recommend a little research first. It's NOT
hard, but it is helpful to understand the process. I have a free pattern on Ravelry (Dishcloth in Mosaic - with no number - the cloth
A Note about Needle SizeYou can do the whole pattern using the same needle size. However, since you are doing garter
stitch borders at the top and bottom, they tend to be a little looser and floppier. If you go down a needle size at top & bottom, it'll help.
Right and Wrong Sides
apis jubu aun ne buiool aq pinous nox 'mou laqwnu ppo ue buiuy ane non j!
Slipping the Stitchesright side - wyib (with yarn in back)wrong side - wyif (with yarn in front)
Stitch MarkersThis pattern is divided into sections.
On right side rows, you will have the following: 1 - a beginning border which consists of 2 iCords
2 - section 1 which has 10 stitches 3 - section 2 which has 10 stitches
4 - section 3 which has 10 stitches
5 - section 4 which has 11 stitches
I recommend putting stitch markers between each of these sections.

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Cutting the yarn when adding new colors
Instead, carry it up the side of the work. My original Dishcloth in Mosaic on Ravelry (a free download) has detailed explanations.
Side Borders and Stockinette
plainer dishcloth or don't feel like putting so much effort into it. If you don't want to mess with fancy side borders, you can just do
garter stitch borders on the side. Just remember, if you do stockinette, youll need some sort of border, or it'll curl and won't lay flat.
If you really hate purling
The knitted in iCords Just because of the way the stitches are, there will be a slight tendency for the iCord borders to
pull in a little bit. To minimize that, try to knit both iCords (on both sides) nice and loose. Don't pull tight. Loosey goosey is better.
Borders in this PatternThe borders in this pattern add an additional 12 stitches to the width (6 each side).
Adjusting your cloth size
do in blocks of whatever the multiple is. For width, add or subtract another multiple of the pattern. For instance, if the pattern multiple
is 10+3, the edge stitches are always there. If you want to make the cloth wider or narrower, add or subtract a multiple of 10. If you want to change the length and the pattern multiple is 20 rows, then add or subtract 20 rows. Of course you can always make minor tweaks
p purl
mcmain color This is the color you'll start and end the cloth with.
cCcontrast color
slslip the stitch
which means the needle is facing the stitch to be slipped as if you were going to purl it.
"l on nnoge anam no j! s in 'yoa aun u aq o spaau ui aun uos e ds no uaum - ya ui ue u

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

k first iCordThisinvolves3stitches.
What you do:1) k12) slip 1 purlwise wyif3) k1
How you do it:You knit the first stitch, move the yarn to the front like you are about to purl and slip
the middle stitch without working it, move the yarn to the back and knit the 3rd stitch.
sl-1first iCordThisinvolves3stitches.
What you do:1) slip 1 purlwise wyif2) k13) slip 1 purlwise wyif
How you do it:
the yarn to the back, knit the middle stitch, move the yarn to the front and slip the
third stitch, move the yarn to the back and you are ready to knit whatever comes next.

The sideborders are6stitcheseach.Thepatternhas4sections,3of 10each and1of 11stitches.
NeedleSizeI am using a size 4 to cast on and knit border rows, will change to size 5 for pattern rows

BorderRow1-mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
knit to last 6
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Border Row2-mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
knit to last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Border Row 3- mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
knit to last 6
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Littlereminder:k 1stiCord = k1 wyif sl-1sl-11stiCord = wyif sl-1
k1k1 wyif sl-1

BorderRow4-mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
knit to last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Border Row 5 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
knit to last 6
end bordersl-1 first iCord k first iCord
BorderRow6-mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
PURL to last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
!?If you used a smaller needle for the border rows
now is the time to change to larger needle for pattern rows

BorderRow7-cCbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
knit tolast 6
end bordersl-1firstiCordk first iCord
BorderRow8-cCbeg bordersl-1firstiCordk first iCord
purl to last 6
end borderk firstiCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord = k1wyif sl-1k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1 wyif sl-1
Row 1 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord place marker
section 1(10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1k1sl-1 k1sl-1k1sl-1place marker
section 2 (10 sts)k1
sl-1 k1sl-1k1sl-1 k1sl-1k2place marker
section 3 (10 sts)k3sl-1 k1sl-1k1sl-1 k1sl-1place marker
section 4 (11 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1k1sl-1 k1sl-1k1sl-1 k1place marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 2- mc
beg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 3 - ccbeg border
k first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1(10 sts)k6sl-1k3slip marker
section 2(10 sts)sl-1 k7sl-1k1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k2sl-1k7
slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)sl-1 k3sl-1k6slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 4 - ccbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6 end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord = k1wyif sl-1 k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1wyif sl-1
Row 5 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1(10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3Sl-1 k2slip marker
section 2(10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1Sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k3sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 6- mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 7 - ccbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord slip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k6sl-1 k3slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k5slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k2slip marker
sl-1 k3sl-1 k4
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 8 - ccbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord = k1wyif sl-1 k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1
Row 9 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord slip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k2
section 3 (10 sts)k3Sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 10 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCord
sl-1 first iCord
Row 11 - cCbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k6sl-1 k3 slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k2sl-1 k3sl-1 k3slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k4
sl-1 k6slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 12 - ccbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord =k1 wyif sl-1k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1 wyif sl-1
Row 13 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord slip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sI-1 k3sl-1 k1Sl-1slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 14 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 15 - cCbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord slip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k5 slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k2sl-1 k3sl-1 k3slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)
k6sl-1 k4slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 16 - cCbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord = k1wyif sl-1 k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1 wyif sl-1
Row 17 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord slip marker
section 1(10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1 slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k3sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k2slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1 slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row18- mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 19 - ccbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1(10 sts)k10slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)sl-1 k3
sl-1 k5slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k6sl-1 k3slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)sl-1 k10slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 20 - ccbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord =k1 wyif sl-1k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1 wyif sl-1
Row 21 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1k2 slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)
k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k2slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCord
k first iCord
Row 22 - mc
beg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 23 - ccbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1(10 sts)k8sl-1 k1slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k2sl-1 k5sl-1 k1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k2
sl-1 k5sl-1 k1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k2sl-1 k8slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCord
k first iCord
Row 24 - cc
beg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord =k1 wyif sl-1k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1
Row 25 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip markerwyif sl-1
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)
k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k2slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1 slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 26 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 27 - cC
beg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1 (10 sts)
k6sl-1 k3slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)sl-1 k5sl-1 k3
slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k5slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)sl-1 k3sl-1 k6slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 28 - ccbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord =k1 wyif sl-1k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1
Row 29 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip markerwyif sl-1
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k2slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k3sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 30 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 leftk first iCord
end borderk first iCord
sl-1 first iCord
Row 31 - ccbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k4
sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k2sl-1 k3sl-1 k3slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k2sl-1 k3sl-1 k4slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 32 - cCbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord = k1 wyif sl-1 k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1
Row 33 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord slip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k2slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k3sI-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 34 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 35 - ccbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord slip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k6sl-1 k3slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k2sl-1 k3sl-1 k3slip marker
section3 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)
k4sl-1 k6slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 36 - cCbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord =k1 wyif sl-1k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1
Row 37 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip markerwyif sl-1
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)
k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k2slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1 slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 38 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 39 - cc
beg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k5slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)
sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k2sl-1 k3sl-1 k3slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)sl-1 k5sl-1 k4slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 40 - ccbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord = k1 wyif sl-1k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1
Row 41 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord slip markerk1
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1k2 slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1k2 slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k3sI-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 42 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 43 - ccbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord slip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k8sl-1 k1slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k2sl-1 k3sl-1 k3slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k2sl-1 k8 slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 44 - cCbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord =k1 wyif sl-1k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1
Row 45 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip markerwyif sl-1
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)
k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k1 slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 46 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCord
k first iCord
end borderk first iCordpurl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
sl-1 first iCord
Row 47 - cCbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k6sl-1 k3slip marker slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)sl-1 k3sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k2
sl-1 k3sl-1 k3slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)sl-1 k3sl-1 k6slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 48 - ccbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord =k1 wyif sl-1k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1
Row 49 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip markerwyif sl-1
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)
k3sl-1 k3sl-1 k2slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k3sl-1 k3sl-1 k2slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k1sl-1 k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k1 slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 50 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 leftk first iCord
end borderk first iCord
sl-1 first iCord
Row 51- ccbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1(10 sts)k4sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)
k2sl-1 k3sl-1 k3slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k4sl-1 k3sl-1 k1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k2sl-1 k3sl-1 k4slip marker
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 52 - cC
beg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl cc stitches, & wyif, slip mc stitches until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord = k1wyif sl-1 k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1wyif sl-1
Row 53 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCordslip marker
section 1 (10 sts)k1sl-1 k3sl-1 k1sl-1 k2slip marker
section 2 (10 sts)k1 sl-1k1 sl-1k1sl-1 k3sl-1slip marker
section 3 (10 sts)k1 sl-1k3 sl-1k1sl-1 k1Sl-1slip marker
section 4 (11 sts)k3 sl-1k1 sl-1k3 sl-1k1slip marker
end border sl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 54 - mcbeg border sl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl the mc stitches & wyif slip the cc stitches until 6 left
end border k first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Row 55- ccbeg border k first iCordsl-1 first iCord
knit until last 6
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Row 56 - ccbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl until last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
As you go across this row you can remove all of the stitch markers except the first and last ones
(those designating your iCord borders)

End ofPattern,beginEnd Border
!?If you used a larger needle for the pattern rows,
now is the time to change to a smaller needle for the border rows

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Littlereminder:k 1st iCord = k1 wyif sl-1 k1sl-11stiCord =wyif sl-1 k1 wyif sl-1

ttleremlnder:K 1st lCord =KI wyisl-1K1sl-11stlCord
Border Row 1 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
knit to last 6
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Border Row 2- mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
purl to last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Border Row 3- mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
knit to last 6
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Border Row 4 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
KNIT (not purl) to last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
Border Row 5 - mcbeg borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord
knit to last 6
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Border Row 6 - mcbeg bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
KNIT (not purl) to last 6
end borderk first iCordsl-1 first iCord

Dishcloth Mosaic #47

Little reminder:k 1st iCord = k1wyif sl-1 k1sl-1 1st iCord = wyif sl-1k1wyif sl-1
Border Row 7- mc
beg border knit to last 6k first iCordsl-1 first iCord
end bordersl-1 first iCordk first iCord
Bind off andsewinendsThis will be on the wrong side
Following is a very rough copy of the chart for those who'd like one.
Note that the chart doesnot includethetop and bottomborder rows or the sideborder stitches included
in the written directions.
If you would like directions on how to read a Mosaic Chart, I have a free download on Ravelry

Pattern illustration

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