Beginner's Beanie Pattern by KnittyGirl2: Easy Chunky Yarn Hat with Customization Options

Beginner's Beanie

By KnittyGirl2

Pattern illustration

This is a very easy beanie. I made it because I wanted a hat to match the scarf I had made. I couldn't find any simple patterns for beanies that didn't use that much yarn (I didn't have that much yarn left from my scarf). So, I made one up for myself. It is easy to customize if you decide the smooth and simple look isn't for you.


Yarn: Malabrigo Chunky or any chunky weight yarn (at least 80 yds) Needles: $10\,\,1/2$ dpn Extras: yarn needle, stitch markers Gauge: 12 sts and 19 rows $=4^{\ast}$ in st st Size: Fits a head sized 20-22'


$\mathsf{C O}=\mathsf{C a s t\,O r}$ St st $=$ stockinette stitch $\mathsf{K}=$ knit $^{\star}\sf{X}\sf{X}\sf{X}^{\star}$ repeat as directions after asterisks state $\mathsf{K2\dag09=}$ knit two together pm $=$ place marker Instructions (Note: the whole piece is worked in st st): CO 60 sts Dividestsonto4needles Join for working in the round, pm Knit in st st for 23 rows $^{\star}\sf k\sf\Pi=0$ sts,pm\* until end of row $^{\star}\mathsf{k}$ to last 2 sts before marker, k2tog (slipping markers)\* until you have 30 sts left. $\mathbf{\times}\times1\,\,{\mathsf{k2t o g}}^{\star}$ until 6 sts remain Cut yarn, pull yarn through remaining sts. Weave in ends. Block if necessary. Note: If you don't like the slightly rolled brim, then you can alter that. Do k2 p2 rib for the first 3 rows and skip 3 rows of st st. Or knit a row, purl a row, knit a row, it will make the edge be in garter stitch. You will still need to skip 3 rows of st st. You can also add cables, color work, designs in knit and purl stitches, anything you like.

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