Beginner Knitting Patterns: Stripe, Heart, Elephant, and Kisses XOX Hats with Intarsia and Swiss Darning Methods

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With 3.25mm (US 3) needles and M cast on 91(101:111) sts. K3rows. Starting with a k row, work 10 rows in st st and stripes of 1 row M, 3 rows C, 2 rows M, 3 rows C, 1 row M. Work as given for Motif Hat (lntarsia Method) from \*\* to end.


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SKILL LEVEL Beginner SIZES To ft ages 0-3(6-24:24-48) months


Kisses XOx hat · 1(2:2) 50g/1 3% oz ball(s) of MillaMia Naturally Soft Merino in Snow (124) (M). · Small amount of Scarlet (140) (C). Heart Hat · 1(2:2) 50g/1 3%4 oz ball(s) of MillaMia Naturally Soft Merino in Snow (124) (M). · Small amount of Fuchsia (143) (C). Elephant Hat · 1(2:2) 50g/1 3% oz ball(s) of MillaMia Naturally Soft Merino in Snow (124) (M). · Small amount of Seaside (161) (C). Stripe Hat · 1(2:2) 50g/1 3%4 oz ball(s) of MillaMia Naturally Soft Merino in Petal (122) (M). · Small amount of Snow (124) (C). All versions · Pair of 3.25 mm (US 3) knitting needles.


25 sts and 50 rows to 10cm/4in square over g-st using 3.25 mm (US 3) needles.


A great beginner knit in simple garter stitch, this is quick, easy and satisfying. For the motif hats you can add the designs either using the Intarsia method of knitting or by using Swiss Darning afterwards (in fact we find Swiss Darning leads to a more pronounced pattern with more impact and is how we produced our samples). We love the idea of reversing the colours if you want to create two hats. Note the motifs are deliberately upside down as the brim is knitted and then folded back so the motifs end up being the right way up once folded.

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alt alternate; dec decrease(ing); cont continue; follfollowing; g-st garter stitch; k or K knit; k2 tog knit two stitches together; p or P purl; patt pattern; rem remain(ing); st(s) stitch(es); st st stocking stitch

MOtIf Hat (intArSIa method)

With 3.25 mm (US 3) needles and M cast on 91(101:111) sts. K3rows. Work from relevant Chart. 4th row K26(31:36) M, then k across the 39 st patt, k26(31:36) M. 5th row P26(3 1:36) M, then p across the 39 st patt, p26(31:36) M. Cont in st st to end of Chart. \*\* Cont in g-st and M only until hat measures 12(14:16)cm/ 4 34(5 %:6 4)in from cast on edge. Shape top Dec row 1 K1, [k2 tog, k8] 9(10:11) times. 82(91:100) sts. K 3 rows. Dec row 2 K1, [k2 tog, k7] 9(10:11) times. 73(81:89) sts. K3rows. Dec row 3 K1, [k2 tog, k6] 9(10:11) times. 64(71:78) sts. K3rows. Cont to dec in this way on next and every 4th row until 37(41:45) sts rem, then dec on every foll alt row until 19(21:23) sts rem. Next row K1, [k2 tog] to end. 10(1l:12) sts. Break off yarn, thread through rem sts, pull up and secure. Join seam, reversing for folded back brim.

Pattern illustration

MOTIF HAT (SWISS DARNING METHOd) With 3.25mm (US 3) needles and M cast on 91(101:111) sts. K3 rows. Starting with a k row work 10 rows in st st. Work as given for Motif Hat (Intarsia Method) from \*\* to end, swiss darning the motifs on brim while piece is still flat (before breaking off the yarn and joining the seam).

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