Child's Cardigan Knitting Pattern with Detailed Instructions and Gauge Information


Pattern illustration

Needles 3mm and circular needles 3mm. Cotton Mariposa : 228 grams. 3 buttons Flat Knitting.

Pattern notes :

Increase : M1K = Make 1 stitch, pickup horizontal strand between stitch just worked and next stitch Ribbs 2/3 : RS : \*K2, P3\*. Repeat \* to \*, end to K2. WS : \*P2, K3\*. Repeat \* to\*, end to P2. Textured stitches : RS : slip first stitch purlwise, K to the end. WS : slip first stitch knitwise, \*P1, K1\*, end to P2. Textured stitches gauge :

Pattern illustration

Size : 8 (child) BODY: Needles 3mm, Cast on 223 stitches. Knit 23 cm of textured stitches At 23 cm, add 1 st (M 1K) on RS : K53, M1K, K, M1K, K115, M1K, K, M1K, K53. 3 rows of textured stitches. K54, M1K, K, M1K, K117, M1K, K, M1K, K54. 1 row of textured stitches. K55, M1K, K, M1K, K119, M1K, K, M1K, K55. 1 row of textured stitches. K56, M1K, K, M1K, K121, M1K, K, M1K, K56. 1 row of textured stitches. K57, M1K, K, M1K, K123, M1K, K, M1K, K57. 1 row of textured stitches. K58, M2K, K, M2K, K125, M2K, K, M2K, K58. THEN SEPARATE THE WORK IN 3 PARTS : 61 sts, 129 sts, 61 sts. RIGHT FRONT: Take the first 61 sts, then cast on 10 sts. Knit the 71 sts of textured stitches until having 31 cm. Do the decrease for tje neck (Simple decrease = SSK ; Double decrease = Slip 1, K2tog, pass slip stitch over ; Triplicate decrease = Slip 2, K2tog, pass 2 slip stitches over): Every alt rows : 1 x 3 sts (place marker), 6 x 2 sts, 3 x 1 st, 1 x 0 st, 1 x 1 st, 3 x 1 st. At 39 cm, leave the 49 remaining stitches on stitch holder. BACK : Cast on 10 stitches before and after the 129 middle stitches. WS : 9 textured stitches, Purl 2 tog, 127 textured stitches, Purl 2 tog, 9 textured stitches. We end up with 147 stitches. At 38 cm, bind off the 43 center stitches. Work separatly two parts of remaining stitches. Decrease 1 x 3 sts (neck side). At 39 cm, leave the 49 remaining stitches on stitch holder. LEFT FRONT : Cast on 10 stitches before the 61 remaining stitches. Knit the left front as for right front in the opposite way.

Explanations for neckedge decreases :

Double decrease : LH needle = 4 remaining sts. Slip 2 stitches on RH needle. BO first slip stitch over the second slip stitch. Slip the remaining stitch on LH needle. There are 3 stitches on the LH needle. K2 tog, K. Triplicate decrease : LH needle = 5 remaining sts. BO the stitch 2 over the stitch 1. Slip the obtain stitch on RH needle. There are 3 stitches on the LH needle. BO the stitch 2 over the stitch 1. Slip the pending stitch on LH needle. K2 tog, K. Simple decrease : LH needle = 3 remaining stitches. K2 tog, K. All rights reserved : Nadege DEREPPE. June 2015. Art. L 111-1 et L 123-1 Intellectual property Code (FR). FINISH: Knit together and BO, RS on RS, half front shoulders with half back shoulders. Ribbing the edge : RS : With circular needles, cast on 92 sts along the right front to the marker, 39 sts along the right front neckedge, 49 sts along the back neckedge, 39 sts along the left front to the marker, 92 sts along the left front. WS (Row 1 of rib edge, row 2 of the ribbs pattern notes) : \*P2, K3\*. Repeate \* to \*, end to P2. RS, Row 2 : \*K2, P3\*. repeate \* to\*, end to K2. Row 3 : work as Row 1. Row 4, open 3 buttonholes : ribbs 58 sts, BO2, ribbs 13 sts, B02, ribbs 13 sts, BO2, ribbs to the end. Row 5 : re-add 2 sts to close the buttonholes. Row 6 to row 8 : ribbs. Row 9 : BO. Sew the bottom's sleeves. Sew the buttons.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Cardigan's drawing, without edging (unit of measurement = centimeter) All rights resereved : Nadege DEREPPE. June 2015. Art. L 111-1 et L 123-1 Intellectual property Code (FR). Jume2015

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