Crochet Pattern for Petite Pup Amigurumi Toy


Pattern illustration


Yarn: Bernat Satin Sport or any other sport weight yarn in white and tan Hook:E Stitch Marker Yarn Needle Safety Eyes and Nose or Embroidery Floss Cotton Batting or Yarn Remnants for Stuffing


2sctog- two single crochets together (decrease) mr-magic ring SC- single crochet SS- slip stitch st-stitch sts- stitches


1.) Do not join rounds with a slip stitch; instead mark the beginning of each round with a stitch marker so you know where to begin the next round.

Pattern illustration

2.) Make sure to leave an ample tail on the beginning and end of each portion to use in sewing and weaving in ends. 3.) For instructions on how to work with the magic ring try this tutorial: 4.) When changing between yarn colors remember that you must begin the change in the stitch prior. For instructions on how to switch colors while crocheting try this tutorial:

Pattern illustration

Row 1: With white yarn 6 sc in mr (6 sc) Row 2: 2 sc in each st around (12 sc) Row3: $^{\ast}\mathsf{S c}$ in first st,2 sc in next st\* Repeat from \* to \*to end (18 sc) Row 4-7: Work even (1 sc in each st) (18 sc) Row8: 1st st: 2 sc white 2nd st: 2 sc tan 3rd st: 2 sc white 4th st: 2 sc white 5th st: 2 sc tan 6th st: 2 sc white 7th st to end: Work even (24 sc) Row 9: 1st st: 1 sc white 2nd st: 1 sc tan 3rd st: 1 sc tan 4th st: 2 sc tan 5th st: 1 sc tan 6th st: 1 sc white 7th st: 1 sc white 8th st: 1 sc tan 9th st: 2 sc tan 10th st: 1 sc tan 11th st: 1 sc tan 12th st to end: Work even in white (26 sc) Row 10: 1st-6th st: Work even in tan 7th-8th st: Work even in white 9th st to end: Work even in tan (26 sc)

Pattern illustration

Row 11-13: Work even in tan (26 sc)

Pattern illustration

Row 14: \*2sctog, sc in next $3\,\mathsf{s t s}^{*}$ Repeat from \* to \* to end (21 sc) Row 15: \*2sctog,sc in next 2 sts\* Repeat from \* to \* to end (16 sc) Row 16: \*2sctog, sc in next $S^{\dagger^{*}}$ Repeat from \* to \* to end (10 sc) Row 17: Sc 2sctog all the way around (5 sc) End off \*\*Stffyupiheadwithaingoraant stitch closed. Weave in ends.\*\* Row 1: With tan yarn 4 sc in mr (4 sc) Row 2: \*1 sc in first st, 2 sc in next st\* Repeat from \* to \* to end (6 sc) Row 3: \*1 sc in first 2 sts,2 sc in next st\* Repeat from \* to \* to end (8 sc) Row 4: \*1 sc in first 3 sts,2 sc in next st\* Repeat from \* to \* to end $(10\,{\mathsf{s c}})$ Row 5-6: Work even (10 sc) End off \*\*Stitch the base of the ear to the head. Using the starting yarn strand coming from the point of the ear you can pull the ear into a folded position and stitch it to the head to keep its folded shape. Or try one ear up and one ear down for kicks!

Pattern illustration


Row 1: With white 6 sc in mr (6 sc) Row 2: 2 sc in each st around (12 sc) Row 3: 1st st: 2 sc white 2nd st: 1 sc white 3rd st: 2 sc tan 4th st: 1 sc tan 5th st: 2 sc tan 6th st: 1 sc white 7th st: 2 sc tan 8th st: 1 sc tan 9th st: 2 sc tan 10th st: 1 sc tan 11th st: 2 sc white 12th st: 1 sc white (19 sc) Row 4: 1st st: 2 sc white 2nd st: 1 sc white 3rd st: 1 sc tan 4th-15th sts: With tan $^{*}2\,s c$ in first st, 1 sc in next 2 sts\* Repeat from \* to $^*4$ times 16th st: 2 sc tan 17th-18th sts: 1 sc white (24 sc)

Row 5:

1st st: 2 sc white 2nd st: 1 sc tan 3rd st: 1 sc tan 4th st: 1 sc tan 5th st to end: With tan $^{*}2\,s c$ in first st, 1 sc in next 3 sts\* Repeat from \*to \*to end (30 sc) Row 6: 1st st: 2 sc white 2nd st: 1 sc tan 3rd st: 1 sc tan 4th st: 1 sc tan 5th st: 1 sc tan 6th st to end: With tan $^{*}2\,s c$ in first st, 1 sc in next 4 sts\* Repeat from \* to \* to end (36 sc) Row 7-9: Work even (36 sc) Row 10: Work even for 12 sts \*2sctog, sc in next 2 sts\* Repeat from \*to $^\ast3$ more times, work even in remaining sts (32 sc) Row 11-12: Work even (32 sc) Row 13: Sc in next 15 sts \*2sctog,sc in next 2 sts\* Repeat from \* to $^\ast2$ times, work even in remaining sts (30 sc) Row 14: Work even (30 sc) Row 15: \*2sctog, 1 sc in next 4 sts\* Repeat from \* to \* to end $(25\,{\mathsf{s c}})$ Row 16: \*2sctog, 1 sc in next 3 sts\* Repeat from \*to \* to end (20 sc) Row 17-19: Work even (20 sc) \*\*Start stuffing thebdynasitwillbecmeharerasthepeninggetsmallr Trytokethlevelofstuffing evewith the row you're working on to save yourselftrouble later.\* Row 20: \*2sctog, 1 sc in next 2 sts\* Repeat from \* to \* to end (15 sc) Row 21: \*2sctog, 1 sc in next $S^{\dagger^{*}}$ Repeat from \* to \* to end (10 sc) Row 22: 2sctog around to end (5 sc) End off

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

\*\*Stitch head to body. The way the head is attached to the body can give your pup a lot of personality so experiment with what looks best.\*\* \*\*Finish stuffing and close hole in rear. Try not to get grossed out while stitching dog butt.\*\* Tail

Pattern illustration

Row 1: With white 4 sc in mr (4 sc) Row 2: With white $^{*}2\,s c$ in first st, 1 sc in next st\* Repeat from \* to \* to end (6 sc) Row 3: With white work even (6 sc) Row 4-11: With tan work even (6 sc) End off \*Weave inallends exceptforthe tanend at thebasef thetil Use this yarn strand to stitch tailto your pup.\*\* \*rymanligyifalwltaehwdhaet through. Experiment to see what looks best.\* Row 1: 6 sc in mr (6 sc) Row 2: 2 sc in each st (12 sc) Row 3-4: Work even (12 sc) Row 5: \*2sctog, 1 sc in next st\* Repeat from \* to \*to end (8 sc) \*\*Lightly stuff paw before continuting.\*\* Row 6: 2sctog around to end (4 sc) End off

Pattern illustration

Rear Flanks (Make 2)

Row 1: With tan 6 sc in mr (6 sc) Row 2: 2 sc in each st (12 sc) Row3: $^{*}2\,s c$ in first st, 1 sc in next st\* Repeat from \* to \* to end (18 sc) Row 4-5: Work even (18 sc) Row 5: \*2sctog, 1 sc in next st\* Repeat from \* to \* to end (12 sc) Row 6: 2sctog around to end (6 sc) End off Front Legs (Make 2)

Pattern illustration

\*\*Treatallegslikthpaws.Matchcolorsorchangecs for a more natural look.\*\* Row 1: 6 sc in mr (6 sc) Row 2-7: Work even (6 sc) End off \*\*Stitchfront legs to paws and topof legsto body\*

Pattern illustration


Stitch hole closed and sew to dog's body. Sew last two paws directly to the bottom of the pup's flanks. Weave in any remaining ends and enjoy your petite pup ami!

Pattern illustration

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