Go! Scarf Pattern by Veuf Tricot: A Charity Knitting Project Supporting Refuge


by Veuf Tricot

Pattern illustration


The Go! Scarf, the third and final design is based upon the road signs that show tight bends. While the first two designs were for runners to wear while training, this scarf is for supporters to keep themselves warm if they have been dragged outside to watch. The lace chevrons mean that in an emergency, the wearer can direct disoriented racers back in the right direction.


Finished size, relaxed after blocking 20 x 170cm [8 × 67in]


Babylonglegs semi\~Precious (50% superwash merino, 50% silk; 400m/100g skeins) Go Green for Refuge; 1 x 100g skein NEEDLES & ACCESSORIES 1 pair 3.75mm [UK 9/US 5] knitting needles Stitch markers


23.5 sts and 27.5 rows to 10cm x 10cm [4in x 4in] over combination of stitch patterns used in scarf, using 3.75mm needles, relaxed after blocking 13 sts of chevron pattern measures 6cm [2.25in] wide, relaxed after blocking 12 sts of texture stitch pattern measures 5cm [2in] wide, relaxed after blocking It is difficult to be precise when giving tension information for a lace pattern, since it depends so much on how the lace was blocked. It is recommended that you try to match tension as closely as possible, since it will affect both finished size and yarn quantity used.


DDEC: Slip 2 stitches together, as if to K2tog, but don't knit them together, knit the next stitch then pass the 2 slipped stitches over. 2 stitches decreased. K: Knit K2tog: Knit next 2 stitches together. 1 stitch decreased. P: Purl pm: Place marker RS: Right side slm: Slip marker SSK: Slip 2 stitches one at a time, knit 2 stitches together through back of loop. 1 stitch decreased. st(s): Stitch(es) ws: Wrong side yo: Yarnover


Cast on 47 sts using 3.75mm needles. The following stitch pattern is also shown on the chart, which is found on page 3. Rows 1-9: Knit. Row 10 (WS): K5, pm, [K1, P1] 6 times, pm, P13, pm, [K1, P1] 6 times, pm, K5. Row 11 (RS): K3, yo, K2tog, slm, K12, slm, yo, SSK, K9, K2tog, yo, slm, K12, slm, SSK, yo, K3. Row 12 (WS): K5, slm, [P1, K1] 6 times, slm, P13, slm, [P1, K1] 6 times, slm, K5. Row 13: K3, yo, K2tog, slm, K12, slm, K1, yo, SSK, K7, K2tog, yo, K1, slm, K12, slm, SSK, yo, K3. Row 14: K5, slm, [K1, P1] 6 times, slm, P13, slm, [K1, P1] 6 times, slm, K5. Row 15: K3, yo, K2tog, slm, K12, slm, K2, yo, SSK, K5, K2tog, yo, K2, slm, K12, slm, SSK, yo, K3. Row 16: As row 12. Row 17: K3, yo, K2tog, slm, K12, slm, K3, yo, SSK, K3, K2tog, yo, K3, slm, K12, slm, SSK, yo, K3. Row 18: As row 14. Row 19: K3, yo, K2tog, slm, K12, slm, K4, yo, SSK, K1, K2tog, yo, K4, slm, K12, slm, SSK, yo, K3. Row 20: As row 12. Row 21: K3, yo, K2tog, slm, K12, slm, K5, yo, DDEC, yo, K5, slm, K12, slm, SSK, yo, K3. Row 22: As row 14. Row 23: K3, yo, K2tog, slm, K12, slm, K6, yo, SSK, K5, slm, K12, slm, SSK, yo, K3. Row 24: As row 12. Row 25: As row 11. Row 26: As row 14. Row 27: As row 13. Row 28: As row 12. Row 29: As row 15. Row 30: As row 14. Row 31:As row 17. Row 32: As row 12. Row 33: As row 19. Row 34: As row 14. Row 35: As row 21. Row 36: As row 12. Row 37: As row 23.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

James Arnall-Culliford 2013

Row 38: As row 14.

Rows 11-38 set edging, texture and chevron stitch patterns. Repeat these 28 rows 15 more times (or until scarf is desired length, bearing in mind that a longer scarf requires more yarn).

Rows 39-46: Knit.

Cast off all stitches loosely (use a larger needle if necessary). I recommend the Russian cast-off method, which is worked as follows: Knit 2 stitches. \*Insert left needle tip from left to right into front of the 2 sts on right needle and knit them together (1 st remains on right needle). Knit 1 stitch. Repeat from \* until there are no remaining stitches on left needle. Knit together the final 2 stitches on the right needle. Break yarn and fasten off.


Weave in all ends, but do not trim them. Soak scarf in tepid water with a mild no-rinse wool soap for at least 20 minutes. Gently squeeze out as much water as possible (try not to wring the scarf as it will overstretch the fabric). Press the scarf between two towels. Lay the scarf flat and pin out firmly to measurements (if space is limited, fold scarf in half before pinning out). Allow to dry thoroughly. Unpin and trim ends. This finishing procedure (apart from weaving and trimming the ends) will need to be repeated each time the scarf is washed.


CHARITY REGISTRATI0N NO. 277424 Refuge is a national charity for women and children who experience domestic violence, providing emergency accommodation and emotional and practical support. Since opening the world'sfirstwomen'ssafehousein London in 1971, Refuge has grown to become the UK's largest organisation of its kind, helping and supporting women and children experiencing domestic violence and acting as a national “lifeline' for up to 80,000 victims of domestic abuse every year. You can find out more about their work at: refuge.org.uk Freephone 24 hour National Domestic Violence Helpline, run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge: 08002000247


Veuf Tricot is the world's most longsuffering knitting widower. Years of desperately trying to filter out knitting related babble have left him as a knitting idiot savant. Furthermore, demands on his time to be a knitwear photographer and model have driven him to run the London Marathon so that, with all of the training, he rarely looks photogenic. Clearly this has backfired as he now has to add knitwear design to his list of things never to breathe a word about to his work colleagues. Find out more about his travails from his occasional columns for Simply Knitting magazine, from his blog: www.jenacknitwear.typepad. com/veuf_tricot or follow him on Twitter as: @VeufTricot



Knit on RS, Purl on WS Purl on RS, Knit on WS SSK K2tog DDEC Yarnover Pattern repeat

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

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