Hempathy H2O Tote Knitting Pattern: Detailed Instructions and Materials by Leanne Brown

Hempathy H2O Tote Designed by Leanne Brown

Materials: 1 skein Hempathy Size 3 dp needles Gauge: 6.5 sts/inch in stst

CO=caston BO =bind off
K =knit P = purl dp = double point St(s)= stitch/stitches
yo=yarnover rnd=round stst=stockenettestitch gst=garter stitch
KFB=knitinfront&back K2tog = knit two stitches together

Directions: CO 6 sts and divide onto 3 dp needles evenly. Be careful not to twist and join in a round. Knit one round. Bottom: Rnd 1: KFB each stitch (12 sts) Rnd 2-4: K Rnd 5: KFB each stitch (24 sts) Rnd 6-11: K Rnd 12: \*K, yo\* to end (48 sts) Body: Rnd 1-8: K Rnd 9: (\*k2tog, YO\* 7 times, K2) 3 times Rnd 10: K Repeat rnds 9 & 10 until YO rows measure 3 inches. Top: Work K1P2 rib for 1 inch. BO Strap: CO 10 sts. Work in gst until strap measures 42" or desired length. BO. Sew strap to Tote.

Pattern illustration

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