Vigogne Shawl Knitting Pattern: A Feminine and Quick-Knit Semi-Circular Shawl with Daisy Stitch

Pattern illustration


Pattern illustration

Vigogne is a soft semi-circular shawt, its the “cocooning" shawt with small touch of feminity with the “daisy stitch". It is knitting quickly thanky to neeouey Us 11.


Knitting neeouey US 11 / 7 mm O Tapestry Neeouey Stitch markery Yarn : Three trheady of yarn together : 1 Phil Folk de Philodar coloris FiceUle (2 bally) + 2 fily Phil Light coloris Poivre (4 bauy).


It is not necessary to have the exact sample because everything will depenod ow some yarn which yow will use. To have an ioea, 13 stitchey x 17 rowy = 4'.


St: stitch K : knit PM : place marker P : purl SM : slip marker Rep from : repeat from

Pattern illustration



Cast ow3stitchey. O Row I : \*K1 - YO, rep from \* to last stitch, K1. O Row2:k O Rowy 3 et 4 : repeat rowy 1 anod 2. O Row5: \* (k1 - Yo) twice - PM, rep from \* once more, (K1 - YO) twice - K1. O Row6 : P O Row 7 : K O Row8 : P Row9 : K1 - YO - \*K to marker - Y0 - SM - K1 - YO, rep from \* once more 一 K to last stitch - Yo - K1. Repeat rowy 6 to 9 until the desired length Once your enoedl repetitiony, to knit a bar of garter stitch (K on two rows) before beginning the boroder.


o6 increases every fourth rows. O To knit< daisy stitch >, you can see howr doing on this video : Make < daisy stitch >> on rowr 7, every 2 repetitions. Knit first and last stitch of Hhe rowr on "purl" row


Border is< wavey >! (Multiple of 18 stitchey + 2 eolge stitches). 1 aolvise yow to put a marker at the end of every repetition to avoid possible errory .. Row I : (ow right sioe) K. O Row2: P. Row3: K1 - \* 3 K2TOG - (6 times : Y0 - K1) - 3 K2TOG \* endling row by K1. O Row4 :K. Repeat these 4 rowy ay yow want! Binol off very .. very loosely ! Bring in the threaoy. Wash in a water at room temperature, dry delicately in a towel without twisting it. Blocktheshawl. Happy knit ! Vaneysa Indicate me any error! Personal and not commercial use of the pattern

Pattern illustration

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