COLIBRI Shawl Knitting Pattern: Detailed Instructions for Lace Border, Off-Centred Tip, and Custom Jewellery


by Nid de Vigogne

Total yardage: 700m Yardage for the border: 170m (Contrast Colour) Yarn weight: lace Needle size: 2,5mm Sizes available: one size Metallic chain (2m) or beads Abbreviations: St(s): stitch(es) k: knit p: purl RS: right side WS: wrong side YO: yarn over tog: together sl: slip w&t: wrap and turn

Chapter l

Lace border

Using the Contrast Colour, cast on 19 sts. Work chart 1 a total of 45 times.

Chart 1

Pattern illustration

ssk : sl 2 sts one after the other on the right needle. Then, k2tog through the back loop. [入]3 sts tog : sl 1 st on the right needle, k2tog, pass the first st over the k2tog sts. The YOs at the beginning of each row form the eyelets. There are 360 eyelets in total. At the last row, on the Ws, bind off the sts and keep the last st on the needle. On the ws, pick up all the eyelets purlwise.

Chapter II

Off-centred tip and short rows

Main Colour The tip of the shawl is off-centred towards the right, at the 3/5 of the border. On the RS, you will place a marker between the 144th and 145th st. It indicates the tip of theshawl. Each Rs row, you will work an extra 3 sts; each ws row, you will work an extra 2 sts. The first part is worked in stockinette st. K 144 sts, PM, k2. Sl 1, bring yarn forward, sl the first st back on the left needle. You have wrapped 1 st. Turn your work. This is what we call "wrap and turn" or "w&t". Purl the sts from the previous row plus 1 st. Sl the next st, bring yarn backward, sl the first st back to the left needle. Turn your work. Repeat those 2 rows. The last st of the row still has not been worked. It has only been wrapped and turned. When you get at the end of the row, k both the slipped st AND the wrap. You will have increased 10 sts every second row. Continue repeating those 2 rows around 30 times (approximately 60 rows in total).

Chapter IlI


Using the Contrasting Colour, k 1 row of YOs (k1, YP, k2tog, YO, k2tog...) on all the border sts (Rs). On the Ws, p. To accentuate the tip of the shawl, work the 50 central sts (30 sts on one side of the marker, 20 sts on the other). On the first row, you can insert a metallic chain (you will need 2m). Insert a st in one of the rings of the chain, then insert the chain back and forth through the YOs. Repeat the operation with the last st. If you prefer, you can insert beads between the eyelets. The idea is to transform the shawl into a unique and customised piece of jewellery.

Chapter IV


Work the textured pattern following chart 2 while continuing the short rows.

Pattern illustration

w&t st k on RS, p on ws RS: sl 1, k 2, pass the slipped over the 2 knitted sts (you have 2 sts). WS: p1, YO, p1 (you have 3 sts) repeated section Repeat chart 2 until you have picked up al the border sts. Knit an I-cord bind off OR knit 2 rows in garter st. Instructions for the I-cord: On the RS, cast on 2 sts, bind off 3 sts, cast on 2 sts, bind off 3 sts, etc, ... Soak your shawl in lukewarm water. Lay the shawl on a bath towel. Roll the shawl in the towel and gently squeeze excess water. Pin your shawl to block the lace part and sublimate the pattern.

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