Crochet Pattern for 'Sweetgirl' Doll: Step-by-Step Guide with Images and Detailed Instructions for Head, Hair, Body, Sleeves, and Accessories (2010 Collection)

CrochetApplication"Sweetgirl" Toned to Next coll.2010

Pattern illustration

You will need:

A hook - size 2,5 Material: 100% cotton Camilla, Madame Tricote Paris Spangles Fine cotton - pink, turquoise, black colors Needle, button

Used shortcuts:

OChain (CH) Slip stitch (SISt) - Single crochet (SC) - Half double crochet (HDC) - Double crochet (DC) Z- Beginning (Zacatek -Czech word) K - End (Konec - Czech word)

Let's go:

Head Crochet with beige cotton in the circle rounds, which join with SlSt. 1. round: 5 CH join in the circle with do SlSt 2.round:12 SC 3. round: 2 SC in every stitch 4. round: we do 2 SC in every second stitch 5. round: SC without addition SC

Pattern illustration

Everywhere on the head: 2 CH, 1 DC, turn the work, 2 SC, 2 SC, 1 SISt, end the work.

Pattern illustration

Hair: Mark ears on the head and crochet with Braun cotton the spaces from one earn over cantle to the other earn e.g. 22 SC. With the needle and two different Braun colors cottons embroider the hair. We begin the left part from the parting. Stitch with the tacking stitches, with one direction, from the parting to the ear. When this part of hair is finished, we do the locks of the hair - several times sew in the one spot (from the front to the back head) we let 2 cm long cotton free and we have the locks. Knot the pigtail in the spot stitch. We do the right part with the same way. Chignons: Do two circles (smaller and bigger one) subsequently: several times wrap the pieces of cottons around the finger to make a circle, than get down carefully and join in the middle of circle. Then sew them on the back part of the head.

Pattern illustration

Image No. 1: Finished head with hair Finishing: ver part of head and neck with Braun fine cotton. Sew spangles and with blach :ton sew eyes and mouth. Overcast free cottons and you have done it J Body: Crochet with light blue color 1. Round: 13 CHO 2. Round: first 3 CHO as first DC + 10 DC 3. Round: 11 DC 4. Round: decrease on the both sides 2 DC - stay 7 DC 5. Round: decrease on the right side 1 DC - stay 6 stitches 6. Round: 6 DC 7. Round: 6 DC 8. Round: work from neck to hells direction -13 SC, on the corner 5 SC in one stitch, skip 1 stitch, 2SC, 5SC in the one stitch, skip 1 stitch, 1 SISt, 1SC, in the corner 5SC in one stitch, go back to neck direction 13 SC, in the corner 2 SC in one stitch (left shoulder) 1SC, 1SISt, 1 SC, in the corner v 2 SC in the one stitch (right shoulder), 1 SISt, andendthework. Image No. 2: Dress

Pattern illustration

Sleeves: We crochet with dark blue color cotton. Right Sleeve: 2 SC in the corner stitch by neckline, 2SC, 3DC in the one stitch, 3 SC, 4 DC in the one stitch. In the next stitch do 2DC a 1 SC. Left sleeve do with the same way, but with the opposite order. The hands do with beige cotton: crochet in the stitch near the sleeve: 3CH, 2DC, 1KS - all in the one stitch, 1 SISt. The other hand do with the sameway.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

Image No. 3: Dress with sleeves

Boots and pockets:

Boots and pockets do two times. Please, follow the diagrams.

Pattern illustration

Pattern illustration

When you have done all parts, than you could overcast free cottons, sew all parts together, embroider girl's dress following your fantasy and you have done it J

I wish you spent a funny time with this Sweet girl

Pattern illustration

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