
Fingerless gloves with wiggle room. Queen Luise would have liked them ...

Yarn: FilaCe , Quito" 90% Baby AIpaCa, 10% Merin0. 50 g = 300 m (1.75 oZ = 328 yds) Crochet h0ok 2 - 2.5 mm (US 1/B, UK 13) Chain 6o , rather loosely. Work 14 rounds in shell pattern from chart 1 from the bottom up. Chart 1'

Start thumb gusset over 5th dc of next rd (=rd 15) from chart 2: "Luise"- This pattern is intended for personal, non-commercial use only. All other usage only after express written permission from the author. @ Copyright Design, photos and pattern instructions Birgit Kraus. www.fadori.wordpress.com Copying and re-publishing of photos and pattern instructions are not allowed! Translation from the German @ 2o13 Katharina Sokiran
Chart 2
In the next rd (=rd 23), skip thumb sts (green), instead chain 7 new ones (red). For your orientation: Rd. 22 and 23 shell motifs shown in in blue are aligned exaCtly on top of each other. Starting with rd. 24, work 7 rds from chart. Sew in ends and close the little gap at the thumb. Make a second mitt the same way. Have fun Crocheting! Birgit KrauB (Incase you've wondered, the last lettr in my name is a very sharp "S" as in"WhassssUp?", nota “B"! My (German) Blog: www.fadori.wordpress.com